Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!


Started with Heros of the Storm, the game is surprisingly fun :) .
Got one hero, Valla, basicly a demon hunter from Diablo to level 5 on the first day


Training To Beat Goku
completed Boderlands 2. It got boring in the end
after killing Angel
so used trainers to complete the game.

My 560Ti is coming next week, so real gaming will start after that!


completed Boderlands 2. It got boring in the end
after killing Angel
so used trainers to complete the game.

My 560Ti is coming next week, so real gaming will start after that!

Co-op is fun. me and [MENTION=56202]Anorion[/MENTION] played like 100 hours Co-op, tried different characters :D


Training To Beat Goku
Co-op is fun. me and [MENTION=56202]Anorion[/MENTION] played like 100 hours Co-op, tried different characters :D

I told ano to host but he was busy with warframe and I cant host because i use 3G ;-;

wanna play co-op sometime? I'm level 50(actually was level 25) thanks to the trainer xD


Sith Lord
Staff member
we kept missing each other!
and my hosting is not that great either...
I got a kickass level 50 Maya too


Back to school!!
Started 3 games together.

Mass Effect 2: This is continuation of my earlier playthrough, I'd decided to play each mass effect game twice including dlcs and carry the saves all the way till ME3, ME was completed last year, ME2 is almost completed for the first playthrough.

Far Cry 4: I spend most time on this now, after the latest patch the game has become very fluid and finally the memory leak is gone. I still can't maintain 60fps always in Ultra, but its pretty much playable now.

Hitman - Absolution: Love the way this is going, good stealth based game, but nowhere near Splinter Cell Chaos Theory yet.


Legend Never Ends
[MENTION=56202]Anorion[/MENTION] [MENTION=88006]sam[/MENTION] [MENTION=171297]snap[/MENTION]

I left Borderlands after my Axton got ~ level 55. Completed 2 playthrughs with friends(the vault hunter and UHVM). One of the most fun to be had when playing with 3 friends.

Here are vids of me and my friend playing:



Back to school!!
I remember I used to play Borderlands with some members of this forum. Long long ago. It was such fun.


I am the master of my Fate.
Far Cry 4: I spend most time on this now, after the latest patch the game has become very fluid and finally the memory leak is gone. I still can't maintain 60fps always in Ultra, but its pretty much playable now.

which version u r on ?


Fun times. Any other games ?
Couldnt think of anything which comes as close as borderlands in terms of replaybility and fun. I dont like Zombie shooters.

Then other games are strategy games or Isometric view RPG like Torchlight


I am the master of my Fate.
Completed Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z

Yaiba vs Ryu Hayabusa fight was Awesome :hyper:
also the Final Boss is really funny in dialogues and gameplay :mrgreen:
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