Living to Play
Sleeping dogs - Fighting will be like Batman Arkham series, right?
No...Its different than that but I would say that you would love both of em.
Sleeping dogs - Fighting will be like Batman Arkham series, right?
Will start Deus Ex: Human Revolution today![]()
The show case of emotions, even for a water color styled game, just shows the talent of the amazing crew of "Telltale games".
The show case of emotions, even for a water color styled game, just shows the talent of the amazing crew of "Telltale games".
Are you suggesting cel-shaded games generally cannot display emotion?
its cell shaded graphicsand ya its one of the brilliant zombie horror deserves 10/10
Well then you should also play Walking Dead 400 Days.
Never played any cell shaded games before
Never played any cell shaded games before that displayed emotion and character bonding of this level.
Oh my bad. Its cell shaded then.
Yeah it absolutely deserves all those awards.
Definitely. I heard it bridges the gap between season 1 and the upcoming season 2.
Your not having played such a game is hardly a qualification to state something as false as this.
Cel-shading is a post-processing effect. It will not affect how well an animator rigs the skeletal meshes.
Play Ni No Kuni, Xenogears, Xenosaga and you will know how wrong you are.
Yea I know that borderlands is diff from Walking dead, I've finished the game tooNo haven't played borderlands, but i can't compare it with walking dead. I've seen gameplay videos and its different.
Walking dead's graphics are like prince of persia 2008. But walking dead is in a complete different level though.
Besides borderlands is an FPS and of a complete different genre. Walking dead is like a movie and QTE's are an integral part of the game.
cell-shaded didn't make Walking Dead was the game play & gripping story...the devs could have made it like other CGI animated it doesn't matter
Chapter 4: Remember Me
Don't post rubbish all the time extremegamer. Nobody asked your opinion on cell-shaded graphics.
Besides i hate anime games and JRPG's so no thanks.
Don't drop in between a healthy discussion and spoil the mood. We are discussing games and their end result.
Stop acting like an animator here. This isn't a debate thread. Post your gaming progress or refrain from posting here.
When you do not have anything left to say you resort to such foul behavior. Not unexpected from the likes of you.
Why did you post rubbish in the first place that cell-shaded graphics games (it's OK that you do not know the technical term) do not have good emotionals and expressions? All I did was point out that you are posting wrong and misleading bullshit by citing relevant examples.
If you hate anime games and JRPGs why do you recommend the Final Fantasy franchise like its the lord high of Playstation/Xbox circle****ing? Also, your hating JRPGs and anime games does not invalidate my point that cell-shaded games do have good emotional depth and facial expressions and animations.
I always have a lot to say and you know that. Where are your comprehension skills now?? It seems foul behavior to you now?![]()
Lol do you even realize how stupid you are or i have to school you again? Technical my foot. Are you some animator or game designer? Everyone knows here that you are not, so stop posting rubbish info and post terms that you read here and there. I said i've never played a water colored (cell shaded) f***ing whatever you call them ,that displayed emotions and characterization like walking dead does. The world says so. Do i have to give you a list of citations here?
________The show case of emotions, even for a water color styled game, just shows the talent of the amazing crew of "Telltale games".
Besides, who the heck are you to tell me what i should recommend and what i shouldn't? I like Final fantasy and recommend it. Other JRPG's are nothing but horseshit IMO.
Your points are invalid since the beginning you set foot on this forum. And your poor comprehension skills are indicative of the same. Where the heck did i say cell shaded games lack emotions and expressions? I was saying walking dead tops them all and it indeed does so.
That means your points are all invalid like always.
stop fighting use of wasting energy & typing so long (which is gonna be cleaned soon)
stop fighting use of wasting energy & typing so long (which is gonna be cleaned soon)