Windows is !easy, Linux is !hard

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Wire muncher!
I guess that issue has been dealt with before. If you prefer one-click install nothing beats the GNU/Linux way. If you prefer to haf more options in GUI while installation nothing beats the Windows way :)

Btw, those multiple install options are also available in Linux but it requires editing of the config files, which I surely the n00bs won't be comfortable with, so we'll take ignore it for you and declare the Windows way as the easiest here :)

Plz do not start posting the same thing again. If you haf something new then do post in, if not then plz do not bloat the forum!


The Devil's Advocate
1 click install :lol: thats more of a jke to the socalled fully customizable OS where u cant even choose the destination where u want to install an application; 1 click installation :lol: cant even choose the compos wanted from 1 location and metal head choosing the compos while installation is a well implemented feature in all 'for windows' applications not to forget that windows setup has license agreements to be read courtesy app developer and not windows ;)


God of Mistakes...
Me always think, why iMav can't stick to one thing. Firstly he said one thing and next time, says exactly opposite !!

iMav, can u please explain what ur this post mean to this poor guy ?? :(


Wire muncher!
1 click install :lol: thats more of a jke to the socalled fully customizable OS where u cant even choose the destination where u want to install an application; 1 click installation :lol: cant even choose the compos wanted from 1 location and metal head choosing the compos while installation is a well implemented feature in all 'for windows' applications not to forget that windows setup has license agreements to be read courtesy app developer and not windows ;)

Me said:
I guess that issue has been dealt with before. If you prefer one-click install nothing beats the GNU/Linux way. If you prefer to haf more options in GUI while installation nothing beats the Windows way :smile:

Btw, those multiple install options are also available in Linux but it requires editing of the config files, which I surely the n00bs won't be comfortable with, so we'll ignore it for you and declare the Windows way as the easiest here :smile:

Plz do not start posting the same thing again. If you haf something new then do post in, if not then plz do not bloat the forum!
You just seem to be trolling here.... and nothing else!

You want to select the components, install location, options and yet want a one click install!! Stop being unrealistic and read my post. If you haf nothing sensible to post then my sincere advice would be to stay away from this!


The Devil's Advocate
i dont want a 1 click installation im just saying that 1 click install is rather stupid for a fully customizable OS ;)


Wire muncher!
^^^ That point has been accepted and agreed to long back and nobody's saying anything otherwise :)

One-click install is good for n00bs for which they do not need to be bothered about destination folder etc., but bad from the PoV installing individual components means either separate packages or editing config files. For geeks its ok, but for a casual user its surely not.
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left this forum longback
HaooW!so alas @imeow removed Linux from his(or her?) partition and peace is prevailing in whole country :) the president "Billy G"(raham?) awarded him a new copy of vista with free rootkits and drms and a hardened EULA explaining M$ owned software patents to save "humanity" to use as tissue paper :rolleyes:
{read twice!!!}
Oh kiddo's!:( i cant tolerate ur blind winfanboyism :x!I got a ban once(sry twice!) and u wanna make me a heart patient in this tender age of 28? :(
FOSS rules! 8)


The Devil's Advocate
HaooW!so alas @imeow removed Linux from his(or her?) partition
nope its still there though havent gone into it for months :)
the president "Billy G"(raham?) awarded him a new copy of vista with free rootkits and drms and a hardened EULA to use as tissue paper
{read twice!!!}
atleast i can play drm protvected files on my box can u :D

Windows Rules :cool:


Wire muncher!
^bill is retiring.y dont u try ur luck ;) eh?
FOSS Rules 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Bill has already retired! And I suggest you too retire from making provocative posts. Let him use whatever he wants, why start a war???

Save your heart and yourself, you are too young - tender age of 28. We need you for your links!! :) (Seriously, you are our link generator! :) And I'm proud of it)
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Stupid Member
iMav: Did anyone force you to use Linux?

You know, you could just ignore it if you aren't compatible with nux


The Devil's Advocate
iMav: Did anyone force you to use Linux?

You know, you could just ignore it if you aren't compatible with nux
i can ignore the OS but cant ignore FUD ;)

and billy g might have retired from active duty but he still has a say in all major decisions


@exx 2000
If you have read my posts properly, you would know that I have already solved the problems of display and mentioned how complicated graphic driver installation is. I have 17" CRT and XFX7600GT. If you got an easier way to do it, suggest it to me. I need the control panel like the one that comes with windows called NVIDIA Control Panel allowing me change basic settings.
I didn't call anyone fanboy because of "you stick to windows" but because "linux users are wisest" kind of smug posts.
Regarding me calling all linux users of this forum fanboys, I was speaking in hyperbole since most of the posts are simply like that lately. It could be a reaction to fanboyish posts of windows users or mac users which again might be reaction to fanboying posts of linux users. This vicious cycle has to end somewhere.

@infra red dude
thanks for you compassion man. I wasn't posting out of a recent ubuntu install frustration. I was posting from all the experience of 100+ linux installations of various computers and mostly laptops. I am actually happy that linux is difficult. I have learnt about computer, a lot more in past one year than 7 years of windows usage.Until ubuntu 7.1 got released Fedora was the easiest to get working due to better hardware support. I rarely visit forum because I am busy with college (30% of the working days have exams). I saw this thread claiming linux is easier than windows. I just wanted to post the other side of coin for benefit of windows users curious about linux. I just want them to be mentally prepared for issues or just stick to windows.
I have already made 3 threads in open source section recently asking for help. 2 threads remained empty and 3rd thread for firefox extensions having opera features, I got help from windows users.
Just to sum up all I have posted earlier.
Despite Ubuntu 7.10 being very very good at hardware support, lack of good software for personal needs also adds to difficulty. I have already searched and asked in lots of forums and blogs regarding the following issues.
1. complicated graphics driver installation. Many hardware have features which can be accessed only on windows using windows drivers. I know this is due to windows monoppoly, but that does add to difficulty ex: APC UPS, many printers' special features, soundcards's control panel. Support for USB modems is less compared to windows. 1 year back, I couldn't expect onboard sound to work on linux but now that has atleast changed.
2. in windows, k-lite mega codec pack contains encoders and decoders of most popular formats+ less common but still required formats. But linux codec packs are only most popular formats. I have to individually hunt for each and every codec and compile install them. K-lite codec pack also provides GUI control panel for many codecs and ffdshow can be used to changed lots of settings.
3. WMP11 supports both video and audio and has very good media library and it works with k-lite mega codec pack. Linux doesn't have such software yet. Amarok 2 will be having those features and will be available on windows too. If you know any media player which has popular+ less common codecs+ media library for video and audio please mention. I was also surprised that even VLC player on linux wasn't playing many of my videos. I will post the codec list later.
4. Fonts are a problem for browsing. I tried copying all fonts from windows to ubuntu and changed settings of opera linux to match windows opera settings. Still "O" has very visible holes in it. I am still working on rectifying this problem.
5. Office 2007> in ease of use.
6. utorrent and other good windows programs are easier to use in windows than in wine. Its better to use a native program. Such programs need to be ported to linux.
7. Lack of custom install: This is ubuntu only issue. During GUI install I dont get option to choose what to install. I dont even get to chose GRUB's default os and timer. I haven't found in any GUI way to change grub settings in the OS. I have to manually uninstall unwanted stuff and change menu.lst.

All these reasons have compelled my friends to format linux partitions and install linux using virtual box. This way they can work on CAD, c & shell programing on linux while listening to music and alt-tab browsing on windows. I have been using real linux install trying to find a way to make linux better than or equal to windows (in features and quality atlteast, I can tolerate commands to a good extent), so that I can switch to save money by buying cheapest windows versions for gaming purposes only.

My college is going to start and I have to start packing. I am going to be busy and may not post soon.


Nicely said. I too don't understand what people are trying to prove when they say windows is easy, mac is easy or linux is easy. When u get used to an OS, it becomes easy!

I dunno what nvidia problem u faced because of this darn repeated topic and u posting in it!! This might help. Since u r easy with scripts and commands I hope u wont whine like others.

But u have to know both the OSs are different. There are many things that are easy in Linux like synaptics, yum, wild cards, commands that increase efficiency etc. I too wud like customization in windows install. I wud like the power to be able to remove IE, windows activation, MS rootkits, disk defragement and be able to install anti-virus, anti-infection, 'working' firewall, start network services before GUI so that I can do alt-ctrl-F1 at login screen itself, working multi-messenger etc etc.

Surely this all is not user-friendliness but user-headache!!

Lack of custom install: This is ubuntu only issue. During GUI install I dont get option to choose what to install. I dont even get to chose GRUB's default os and timer. I haven't found in any GUI way to change grub settings in the OS. I have to manually uninstall unwanted stuff and change menu.lst.
I second that!

5. Office 2007> in ease of use.
I learnt that from a lot of win-fanboys. But do u mind explaining in detail in ur own words how exactly?

If you know any media player which has popular+ less common codecs+ media library for video and audio please mention. I was also surprised that even VLC player on linux wasn't playing many of my videos. I will post the codec list later.
Mplayer plays almost all the files. I say 'almost' coz I haven't found any file that it can't play yet!! The exact command on fedora wud be like

yum -y install ffmpeg-libs gstreamer-plugins-bad libquicktime vlc-core akode-extras amarok-extras-nonfree gstreamer-ffmpeg gstreamer-plugins-bad-devel gstreamer-plugins-bad-extras k3b-extras-nonfree kdemultimedia-extras-nonfree mjpegtools-libs vlc xine-lib-extras-nonfree libmad libid3tag id3v2 mencoder mkvtoolnix mkvtoolnix-gui ffmpeg
I guess this will work. If not u can still add w32codecs to the line.

All these reasons have compelled my friends to format linux partitions and install linux using virtual box. This way they can work on CAD, c & shell programing on linux while listening to music and alt-tab browsing on windows. I have been using real linux install trying to find a way to make linux better than or equal to windows (in features and quality atlteast, I can tolerate commands to a good extent), so that I can switch to save money by buying cheapest windows versions for gaming purposes only.
IMO, using wine wud be much better that using virtual box in terms of memory, speed and efficiency. At least that wud save u from E-Infections and all sort of buggin craps! Even the cheapest windows versions aren't without MS-Rootkits.

Sorry for not having posted on ur queries much coz this is not OPENSOURCE section but an entertainment zone and I agree bt the vicious circle.

Neways new year is approaching and I have to start packing. I am going to be busy and may not post soon.
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