1. without graphics drivers my screen is shifted left outside viewable area of CRT. Also the fan is always on and making too much noise.
Whats your display? Better yet whats your configuration.
2. I enable restricted drivers by downloading it from net using apt-get. But it doesn't come with the control panel.
What exactly are you trying to do and what do you meant by Control Panel? Are you looking for something like RivaTuner?
2. Common codecs work but many I have dont.
Elaborate . What files
can't you play.
There is no alternative to WMP11. The best player available is amarok. It has some awesome features but it still doesnt have the full listing view which wmp has and cant play music videos and I have lots of music videos. Amarok 2 will support videos. Donno when it will be out
I don't know if this will help you but check this out. *www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=41435 . By the way when you say full list what exactly are you missing thats not in the Collection Pane? I haven't used WMP11 so I'm not quite sure.
1. Even after installing msft non-free fonts , webpages, window titles and everthing doesn't look the right.
Yeah I find this kind of annoying at first. Infra-Red_Dude has a screencap of his settings which look pretty good to me in one of iMavs threads I think IN Open Source you should be able to find that in there.
Although the OS itself is stable, the applications can crash.
I found this to happen more when you try to Install KDE apps on Gnome without the Window Manager. I can't confirm that but Ive noticed the only applications crashes I have had is from Amarok (KDE) After installing Exaile it works fine.
Seriously, nothing in linux offers utorrent awesomeness.
Care to explain on this please?
I did all the asking and searching. I never did this much asking and searching for anything else ever. I have also been checking this every 6 months and I see improvement in other areas but some areas cannot improve because linux is linux.It will take a looot of time.
"Because Linux is Linux" ? Seriously, that is the strangest reason I have heard for a person to think Linux wont improve in a certain area. Have you ever tried the #Ubuntu Channel on IRC or posted something on Linuxquestions.org ? You usually get pretty quick responses for both. Hell even the responses in thinkdigit.com/forum is pretty fast.
Tell me how a free linux can be supported by all websites, software, codecs etc etc when linux is small percentage of user
With such a small client base it made you try it out still. I wonder why? If products are bad they tend to get killed prematurely. In basic words if something sucks it sucks the chances are it will die out in a year or so. I wonder how long some distros have been in the market.
a open-mined linux fanboy
Theres no such thing as an
open-minded fanboy. If you're a fanboy youre not open minded whether you use Linux, Windows,Unix , etc.
I spent many hours copying all the font settings like font name, size and other things. Copying them to linux. Changing in opera and appearance the font settings. So that webpages and software mainly made for windows look normal in linux.
Actually isn't there a way just to copy the settings from one system to another? Like backing it up?
I am expecting lots of flames. Please be open-minded and provide better suggestions. to be honest, I have been spending a lot of trying to make linux as good as windows in personal use, so that I can fully switch to it for everything except games.
Why make the switch at all. You obviously want "something like" Windows which obviously you wont find. If you want help on an individual topic post the topic. As of now I found the True type font thread but I already said what to do above.
that statement is enough to show you are fanboy (opposite of wise if you don't know).
I wouldn't say that hes a fanboy cause he's not asking you to use Linux. Hes in fact saying exactly what I said. You obviously want something thats like Windows since it doesn't suit you. Well if it doesn't work for you stop installing it. It will save you tonnes of aggravation. By the way Off topic hitboxx is much much more proficient at Linux then you think.
In this forum , all linux users seem to be fanboys who think Linux is better than everything in every situation.
I'm an Ubuntu User, think I'm a fanboy? Well even if you do then thats your perception and you are entitled to it. Personally I really don't care.
Sincerely, I got more knowledge of Linux from others forums and got zilch from this forum because fanboys gives only distorted knowledge and true Linux users (using Linux for genuine reasons and not because of fanboyism) give the true knowledge.
Very debatable. This theory work vice versa as well mate? Although I'm kind of offended that you feel that every Linuser in this forum
seems to be a fanboy and further go on saying that fanboys give out distorted knowledge?
However you know what is funny? The irony is most folks who bought Windows come to forums for answers.You didn't pay squat for Linux yet you question the validity of the knowledge given to you?