This is not a mantri prolem, there is a big prolem with how people use water in a wasteful manner
Individual housing societies can easily run all external lighting fixures with solar power, set up a waste water management sytem, as well as rain water collection. If you live in a home (not hsg scty), its easier, prolly get a compost pit as well as a solar water heater.
In a village I might use one and a half bucket for bathing and one and a half buckets for washing clothes. In the city, I can luxuriously contemplate farmers committing suicide while lathering up the shampoo with the shower on just for the steam. And that also does not stop me from following the instructions on the shampoo bottle and go for a rinse repeat. Donno how many cubic meters of water we can save if showers are banned. Oh and the washing machine def uses more than one and a half buckets through all its cycles. See the prolem here?
Who is really bearing the consequences of load shedding, its the carenter who has to use manual tools for 8 hours a day, not the mall owner who purhases diesel to power a multiplex
Blame the establishment least for such prolems