Vista is still the most secure OS to date.

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sakumar79 said:
The article explains a lot of things, but without giving much proof... Dont make statements like "they can do whatever they want, and US laws are accordingly changed!" - Tell me what US law was changed because MS did whatever they wanted, even if it was originally against the law. And remember that MS makes the OS for the whole world. Are you saying that they are making every country to change the laws too? Thats ridiculous.

The DRM implementation may not be good and it can be hard for the user. It may be even a bit of infringement on your privacy. But imagine that it is implemented for years. In the years to come, it could have the ability to evolve into a more user-friendly implementation, and might end up reducing piracy. Without giving an alternative implementation solution that can be more or at least equally effective, please dont go condemning the implementation.

US laws are not innovative atleast in this context.they allowed software patents,allowed M$ and RIAA to intrude users the hell can it that M$ cant change US laws?eh?they are a capitalist country and there a single human being is not respected,but BIG corporations are.-=the reality is that.Laws can be changed and owned if u got money that is US.
I know there is useless defense against the reality i just posted above :-|
the history of M$ as a company is clearly shown with their FUD campaign against Opensource and Linux.
DRM cannot be tolerated whatever reasons or its "evolution" will be.
Dont wait to get it "evolved" kill it in its infancy itself.they crossed the limits already.idiots in US law making bodies and M$ bullying are the reasons that they still sells Vista with DRM.I am not against people buying or using Windows VIsta or any s their freedom.but I am against DRM incorporated On Vista whatever justification done for M$ to do this-sure this company doesnot respect it s users.they push their damn EULA on U.thats it
the resons you are saying is simply inclined to be as a M$ fan.NO to DRM at any cost.the original article did proved the reality.but yes,ppl are convined how "reliable" M$ are eh?Today DRM,tomorrow everything a user can have be are owned by M$ and Big corporates.each files u created on ur vista will be etched as "owned by M$" =next colorful future?


El mooooo
gx_saurav said: point in telling Eddie anything. According to him, it is wrong for MS to support a technology which no matter how pathetic, still prevails in the market.
lol! Just because you have been completely owned and all your points telling us about Microsoft being a victim of RIAA have been start posting these short stupidities? You are gx_saurav (read complete idiot) after all :D


The Devil's Advocate
for the same reason why linux is patched for the same reason firefox is patched .... dude what kinda comment was that ... everyday new threats come out everyday patches have to be released its software what a lame comment ax3


Commander in Chief
gx_saurav said:
^^^^ just after installing Ubuntu 7.04 I was asked to install 40 MB of updates
Oh god, you're so dumb. Did you install Ubuntu right on the day of its release? You must've done so after a month or something. And more importantly, Ubuntu updates your software and not the OS always, unlike Windows. :-| On Windows you just have a hard time roaming the start menu, opening all apps and going to Help > Check Updates in them. Meh.


You gave been GXified
Same way, MS releases update for there Vista OS & all the installed Microsoft products using Vista's inbuilt Microsoft Update engine. So, whats wrong in releasing updates as soon as the OS is out.

And plz....I hope u understand that Microsoft cannot provide updates for 3rd party products.


GTK+ programmer
gx_saurav said:
And plz....I hope u understand that Microsoft cannot provide updates for 3rd party products.
Ubuntu provides a single application for updating all the softwares that u have installed. Whereas in windows you have to do that for each application individually


Commander in Chief
gx_saurav said:
Same way, MS releases update for there Vista OS & all the installed Microsoft products using Vista's inbuilt Microsoft Update engine. So, whats wrong in releasing updates as soon as the OS is out.

And plz....I hope u understand that Microsoft cannot provide updates for 3rd party products.

My point had nothing to do with Microsoft's Updates. I just couldn't take your stupid whining of downloading 40 MB of 'Optional Updates' Ubuntu gave you in order to provide you with the latest versions of the software you run. And you say it like if it were all nonsense.

Gah, you just don't know what User-Friendly is. And you don't even know the difference between 'just after release' and 'just after installing'. Must I say the amount of MB I need to download if I install XP SP2 and connect online? Meh.

And about MS not being able to do that, they could be intelligent in making an Updater app to which software can communicate with and notify if they have an update available. Am sure that'd make things hell easier.

But .. that's never been the point about Windows has it? It's always wanted to be THE ONE provider for all things crap, right from MS-Paint to Calculator.


You gave been GXified
QwertyManiac said:
Ubuntu gave you in order to provide you with the latest versions of the software you run. And you say it like if it were all nonsense.

If Ubuntu does it, then it is ok to download 40 MB. But if Windows updates, does this then it is wrong. Kya logic hai.

Gah, you just don't know what User-Friendly is. And you don't even know the difference between 'just after release' and 'just after installing'. Must I say the amount of MB I need to download if I install XP SP2 and connect online? Meh.

When was Windows XP SP2 released & when was ubuntu released? Do one thing, compare Ubuntu 7.04 to a latest fresh install of Windows Vista.

And about MS not being able to do that, they could be intelligent in making an Updater app to which software can communicate with and notify if they have an update available. Am sure that'd make things hell easier.

I hope you know about FileHippo's Update checker or automatic update notification in various Windows Apps. Microsoft cannot take responsibility for 3rd party apps. If something breaks, MS will be held responsible.

But .. that's never been the point about Windows has it? It's always wanted to be THE ONE provider for all things crap, right from MS-Paint to Calculator.

That would be Apple

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
ChaiTan3 said:
Ubuntu provides a single application for updating all the softwares that u have installed. Whereas in windows you have to do that for each application individually
that's because all applications that are installed on Ubuntu are maintained by Ubuntu Developers for the Ubuntu repository and thus they provide updates .

but Microsoft's doesn't maintain third party software , which is the responsibility of the Software publisher .

Also , according to Most propreitary EULA , only the Software publisher is allowed to publish and distribute updates , so this also legally restricts MS from publishing updates :)


Commander in Chief
gx_saurav said:
If Ubuntu does it, then it is ok to download 40 MB. But if Windows updates, does this then it is wrong. Kya logic hai.
What's your friggin problem with the word 'Optional' ? Never heard of it ? God.

gx_saurav said:
When was Windows XP SP2 released & when was ubuntu released? Do one thing, compare Ubuntu 7.04 to a latest fresh install of Windows Vista.

You should've asked yourself this question before posting that 40 emmm beee updatess waaaah :'( :'( post of yours.

gx_saurav said:
I hope you know about FileHippo's Update checker or automatic update notification in various Windows Apps. Microsoft cannot take responsibility for 3rd party apps. If something breaks, MS will be held responsible.

Bah. Pfft. I just spoke of a small notifier module which companies can use, not something that will download it. And if Microsoft's so scared about breaking things and being responsible why did it make Windows in the first place? :rolleyes:

gx_saurav said:
That would be Apple
And this is you, always trying to throw people off from thier decent topics cause you simply don't know what else to say.

Zeeshan Quireshi said:
that's because all applications that are installed on Ubuntu are maintained by Ubuntu Developers for the Ubuntu repository and thus they provide updates .

but Microsoft's doesn't maintain third party software , which is the responsibility of the Software publisher .

Also , according to Most propreitary EULA , only the Software publisher is allowed to publish and distribute updates , so this also legally restricts MS from publishing updates :)

Oh yeah? Well you sure haven't added a 3rd Party repo in Ubuntu I guess. Which isn't true I know, so think again. This wasn't my point at all and I won't speak anymore on how Ubuntu updates and how Windows updates.

But I didn't ask for Microsoft to publish updates, that'd be illegal, yes. I just asked of a common notifier. That'd be more than enough.
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left this forum longback
Linux distros scrutinizes 3rd party softwares too.even for security flow.woah! that's unimaginable for M$ users:eek:
In Debian,if u see the repository structure there is main,contribute and non-free packages listed.where can M$ reach this level :lol:
Microsoft has been scanning the horizon to ensure that no one begins to kick at the blocks that prop up their monopoly. They are constantly looking for new ways to create more blocks. Some of these blocks are directx, drm, application/windows APIs, network interoperability (or the lack thereof), WGA/WGN lie, FUD, patents. Writing for OpenGL means you are writing for multiple platforms which gives a greater overall share.

Another new block is DRM. Yes they have had DRM in their product in one fashion or another for decades--copy protection on software back in the 80s, activation keys in the 90s. The WGN/WGA lie in the 00's is a psychological game meant to make the consumer less in control but to give them a feeling they are being protected. They are essentially forcing the consumer to allow Microsoft to spy on them under the guise of protecting the consumer from organized pirating--this is the fundamental lie. The average consumer is already covered because they generally purchase from the likes of Dell, Gateway, etc. Only a small percentage of sales are from systems integrators and the odds of getting one that is dishonest is even more minuscule. Today it is the essential arm-twisting/drafting of the hardware manufacturers to comply with their draconian DRM/CRM procedures.
there is no justification reg DRM incorporated on VIsta eating user freedom?M$ really goes eating ur privacy.
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Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
QwertyManiac said:
But I didn't ask for Microsoft to publish updates, that'd be illegal, yes. I just asked of a common notifier. That'd be more than enough.
now that's a valid request . why don't you post it on MSDN forums , maybe devlopers may take heed and add this feature :)
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Commander in Chief
Zeeshan Quireshi said:
now that's a valid request . why don't you post it on MSDN forums , maybe deevlopers may take heed and add this feature :)
Oh, ask gx_saurav to do that. He's scared about all the breaking and crap, so he'll have a better idea about it. Like, he's THE coder. :neutral:


Tribal Boy
I was going through the whole discussion as I see it went to 7 pages ! Thought it will be great as so many participate but I think its all getting diverted !

It started with Vista - the most secure OS and now its comparing Linux n Win, update service etc etc !!

Well, first - About the review. I am not sure how we can take the review as the last word ? Its just a blog entry. The guy whos behind the blog - Jeff - is working in Microsoft. Eventhough he claim to be un-biased, how we can tell thats true ? What makes it - the final word on OS security ?

If it is posted by some un-biased or third party site, that would have great. I think this review is like "Din writing review on SE K550i" lol

Anyway, I am not against Vista (which I never used) or Linux / Mac, but would like to coment on.

First, please post something related to the topic title instead of posting irrelevant replies and personal attacks.

Now security. When it comes to servers, all know nothing can beat opensource / linux servers. That is a fact.

Coming to desktop, first thing, majority is still used to Win, so its not very easy to migrate. Second, User friendliness. Linux, especially the new releases ARE user friendly (and of course Din friendly lol, I mean Idiot friendly). Just an example - you are playing a movie in Linux, all of a sudden it quits and shows some very technical error messages. Naturally you blame Linux and you make statements like - This OS is not user friendly (not that particular software !), or desktop linux s u x. But that is coz the media player may be some third party software (where in Windows, it will be my MS). If such problems are called non-user-friendliness, then right, Linux is not user-friendly.

Software Updates - Whatever it is, it is done by humans, like our forum members and we are not perfect, we can't predict which virus will come tomo to attck the softwares we make. There may be security holes, so patches may be needed, software updates can't be considered as a big problem. It is nearly un-avoidable. For Win or for Lin. So why fighting over that, as win / lin / all softwares releases updates and patches.

Some other terms in the discussion, WOW, I am not that technical and not going to comment on any of those. I still read the series -"For Dummies" .

OK, now please ignore my post and please continue the discussion :)


The Devil's Advocate
din said:
OK, now please ignore my post and please continue the discussion
done ;)

coz when u say that an error generated in linux is not linux's fault but in windows is windows' fault u just showed ur intention about ms ...;) so theres no point saying anything to u ... czo u also havnt used vista


Tribal Boy
iMav said:
done ;)

coz when u say that an error generated in linux is not linux's fault but in windows is windows' fault u just showed ur intention about ms ...;) so theres no point saying anything to u ... czo u also havnt used vista

Thanks for ignoring, but would like to comment on your post.

I am not against Win/ Lin or Mac. Personally I think its stupid to think only one is perfect and no point in supporting only one, just my opinion, not a genral statement. I used to involve in these kinda OS war / Disto war discussions to support one side , but that was long back when I was a student. Not any more !

This is off topic, but as you mentioned, I think I have to reply.

If windows media player is not working for you, and you are blaming Microsoft for that, I think you are right. Reason is, its a product of microsoft.

When Xine or any other media player is not working in Redhat Linux (just example), and you blame Redhat for that, I think that is not right. The product is not that of Redhat and Redhat does not force you to install it (it is optional).

That is the point I meant and I am really sorry to see you took it in the wrong sense.


left this forum longback
See @Din:this is the problem :D they cant stand up with M$ faults .
ps:if u have xine crashing,post ur problem in open source section.they can help u.even ur problem may be due to win32codecs :D
btwn GNU/Linux has grown more than the old - Linux=redhat ubuntu rules,followed by suse and fedora,Vista sales are affected by the advent of modern distros like Ubuntu and aero is pwned by 3D effects of beryl(for fancy OS users!).
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