Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Type /connect in your console. :)

I'll not be there to play today. The first guy who'll enter will have to wait for someone else to arrive.

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
Today was great as well. Cyberjunkie is blessed with a really good connection unlike most of us.
Thanks for hosting :)
Can I host?I've got 1M unlimited connection.If yes,how?
BTW today it was awesome:D I'll be regular now.Just when it was getting more and more addictive,all left:(
Download the attached file, rename it to server.cfg and replace the original in Q3URT folder in the game folder. Open the console while in main menu and type /exec server.cfg and there you go you have your own server, the password can be set in the file and the default is hahahari and before typing notice the ip shown in the console, which is used to connect to you.
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