Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


Cyborg Agent
come gautam.
and me playing excellently with snipe. 7 kills in a row 27:23

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Cyborg Agent
dunnoo he was nt in my team and i was just sniping and if u want a snipe maybe i can fill that SPOT:D

I am sumtime also usin id "fun2sh"


Cyborg Agent
YAY 2day my ratio was 83:60.
Finnaly,The training with bots paid off.
TDH and FilledVoid were also there
Finally i am UP ^.^

So which server ?
but I think you need some serious tweaks for performance.


he has intel 865 chipset with onboard, P4 HT 2.88 GHz, 256 mb DDR266 ram and 256 mb DDR333 ram. And he also has a 15" flat LCD monitor. But the game sucks on his Win SP2. He uses a 40 gb IDE hdd thats 5400 rpm. He reports that he has serious performance issues even with everything turned off and at the bare minimum, and when he faces 3 or more people at a time, his comp hangs for 2 seconds and he gets fragged. But there are no issues while facing somebody one on one. He was a G36 based Spawn Camper, playing for the Blue Team in riyadh and later playing in ut4_swim. The same issues were noticed in both places. Ping was 250, server was hellsheaven.

Any suggestions ?(I am posting for him as his BSNL net has reached bandwidth limit and he will be able to come online only at night time unlimited 2am to 8am period.


Staff member
I get above 50 fps in Riyadh but in XP fps drops down to 19-20 in riyadh.

So ubuntu ftw :D


Cyborg Agent
wasnt there a utility that could resize NTFS partitions.
make a 2 or 3 gb new partition
and install ubuntu in the new partition


The cake is a lie!!!
I get 9-12fps in riyadh in xp sp2. :( Other maps too don't differ much. I wonder why?
Wil first check in my laptop, if that doesnt workout then I wil install ubuntu.


The cake is a lie!!!
^^which onboard?

i get 40+ fps on my onboard gma3000 with 2gb RAM,I play URT on vista BTW.

its a 915 mobo wid nvidia5200fx with 1.5GB Ram. Even at the lowest settings, the performance sucks.:mad:

I'm gonna install ubuntu ASAP.

BTW anyone got any tips for movement while facing an enemy? I seem to get stuck and end up dead or either loose my aim.


Staff member
^^head shot, dont go berserk

jump while strafing and filling the opponent head with leads.


die blizzard die! D3?
1.Im a Noob:just aim at the fuking head and shot in bursts.

2.Im Still A nOOB:Crouch while aiming at the head,you can try sideways movement too.

3.Ok,I dont wanna get killed too often:Sideways movement and jumps,mind you it will take way many bullets to kill this way.Front jump often leand to headshots for me,but probability of death also increases.

4.Im a Fuking kickass pro:Two ways I have seen the most 7331 players using.first one is from good old cs1.6:small random sideways movement in both sides which wont let you get hit too often and aiming at the heads.I have seen good players killing 10's of opponents this way.Second needs too much URT expertise:jumping off walls repeatedly and aiming at heads,this takes opponent by surprise and is usually good for defending as in CTF.

good players either use lr300(most used) or m4a carbine,or sr8+ump\shotgun combo.

I dont use ak103 anymore cuz it has serious aiming problems when used in automatic mode.LR300 is the best if you can hit headshots.


Who stole my Alpaca!
The Basics - By a Noob!

1. Never ever place yourself in Open Sight.
2. Never ever stand still. If you do you are like painting a bulls eye on your head.
3. Do not ever hold down the fire button for Weapons like G36 , M4 etc press them a couple of times for bursts of fire. its more accurate.
4. If you kill someone at one place. get the hell out of there cause theres a 90% chance hes pissed and hes coming back for you.
5. Learn how to use the E key to run and reach places fast.
6. If you need a medic Stop running from them and do Not stand in open fire.
7. Watch the possible entry sections for enemy soldiers while your medic helas you.

if you can do this much it will help you at least from dying alot :)


MMO Addict
Ok guys, here is the plan:

Since we have different schedule, its really difficult to track of [DF]s and play together. So, I was thinking of creating a shared calender on Google Calender where everyone can post their playing schedule and free time. Just post when and what time you will be playing and where OR when you are free. That way the chances of playing together is higher. And we also get to know who is No. 1 [DF]... :grin: :wink: Just PM your gmail ID and I'll add you to the Calender account.
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