Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism

after i had played urt when i had about 23:15(luck with sniper in riyad) i quit the game.
then my brother sat on out comp and without asking me he used some trainer of some kind and cheated in the game.they booted him from the game.
now it must have brought shame to Devil Fighters :-(
act more responcibily next time.
use your own user account with password.

and from now on, I am [DF]DarkPhoenix:grin:
^ i had password but it had been reset by him
how can YOUR PASSWORD be RESET BY SOMEONE ELSE ? Does he have the r00t password ?

if he indeed is the owner of the r00t account, then better make a switch to another distro with thyself as root.

and if you all share a single user, as usually done in windows, then concider splitting.
linux is MEANT to be used with lots of users.
each guy needs his/her own user.
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Cyborg Agent
my bro is older and i have ubuntu gusty since many months but i have to reinstall it so i thought ill w8 for hardy


Cyborg Agent
donot worry he is not actually a g33k neither am i but thats not the point. i ve uninstalled UrT and deleted its setup but i hav it on my external harddisk and its encrypted :D. even if he gets it he'll play with user name "[FOOL]AimBot" :))


Cyborg Agent
[arrogant]Thank you,Thank you
Hold your applause :D ,
And no autographs, please[/arrogant].

and BTW before my brother played i got 23:15 in riyad


Hello, Will anybody add my info. in first page

[DF]Hustler AKA anujsaini


I Prefer Assaulting
H&K G36 (Close to Mastering it)
LR 300 (Good with it, in near Combats)
Grenades (Smtimes Useful)
Sniping - SR8 Rocks !!
Maps - Uptown, Abbey ( Good in Both )


Snippers - Just Hate Them
Always Rush
Map - Riyadh(It Sucks for me always)
Bad in Sniping


Go to others Base, Hide then Kick sm butts
Rush,Hide, Spot Enemy n F*** Them
Never let Enemies to intrude in your base

Best Score Yet 78:37 in Uptown


die blizzard die! D3?
filled-void aka imababy is a wonderful team player,you are never out of health when he's in your team.I freakin' love him :d.

I,now, usually end up being the best or the second best player from my team(most kills or CTF points) but still I die a lot mostly cuz I like open assaulting and not camping.
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