Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism

@gagan, me was testing out some new ones and i dint have my scores like 100 or so it was just 20:30 or something. i dont need a ban and i am not a noob. okay? but still if you need to call me that? its ur keyboard to type on dude, no offence.


a.k.a VipER
Yesterday for the first time i saw OmegaCreed in action last night and man he plays darn good!! What unbelievable score he had at the end of the 2,3 maps.

P.S- I hate Woo2k players, all power tripping people. mofos!!

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
Actually, believe it or not, OmegaCreed isn't at his best now as he hasn't played for a long time. Before, he was even better.

And even I'm beginning to hate all woo!2k and -Der-* noobs who always vote for Kingdom to do their stupid nade jumps. They do the same nade jumps all the time, I wonder how they never get bored. Kingdom is now the most played map at Hells, and I'm just plain fed up of that map.


Hi Guys
1.I am able to connect to RSA only by using /connect as RSA doesnt come in my server list. How do i get it there??
It doesnt ciome in my favourite list too.
2.Also could some1 tell me why i am getting 350+pings on RSA these days??
Earlier i used to get 150-200 ping.
3.Can I play Urban Terror in single player mode vs. bots {So that i can practise offline??}
The way given on the urban terror site does not work, THE SERVER CRASHES THE MOMENT BLOODSHED OCCURS
4.How can i host servers which come in the Urban Terror server list?
The servers i host for practising jumps/Tree Climbings come in the local list with [UDP]written next to them??
Help Me guys

Kingdom is a great map. I rocked today on kingdom went from 20-25 to 51-26 by just a single nade jump (Took SR8 and DE with Extra Ammo and Tacs).
The jump near PapaRuny's Tavern is so great,climbed up and killed every blue that came my way.

I am rank 470 now.
Name: [DF]Crazykiller
Game: Urban Terror
Rank: 470 out of 43769
Score per minute: 1.1
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Chosen of the Omnissiah
@gagan, me was testing out some new ones and i dint have my scores like 100 or so it was just 20:30 or something. i dont need a ban and i am not a noob. okay? but still if you need to call me that? its ur keyboard to type on dude, no offence.

Just don't use them on Hellsheaven. Go to some other server.

First of all, I don't give any chances to anyone whom I find using a hack on the server. :| I've already given you many chances, so please. :|

Thanx for telling that it's my keyboard on which I type. :)

Help Me guys
You should have unblocked ioUrbanTerror.exe from the Windows Firewall when it asks.

^ ^ ^ Yup, OmegaCreed, Achtung_Dude etc are pretty good.
They are brothers. :D
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Pee into the Wind...
RSA is boring.I hardly play there now.Bomb mode used to be fun.Now it's only TDM...:|
I mostly play survivor on nowadays.


You should have unblocked ioUrbanTerror.exe from the Windows Firewall when it asks.
It displays all other servers except RSA.
I have the following filters on:
Show Full-Yes
Show Empty-No

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Chosen of the Omnissiah
^ I have no idea. I have never faced such problem before.

I don't have my PC anymore. :( Otherwise I would have surely been there in the server to change the gametype. :( I can't afford to give the password to anyone else because I am not authorized to do so.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
^ Haan. :D

Does my old friend ICO still come to play? :p

For those who don't know, I am talking about the guy who only says 4 words niaaaaa, gay, pedal, hahahahaha. :lol:


gagandeep plz ban this player from the RSA server, he was hacking today and i made a video
Here's the link

Couldn't you give some of us the RCON password so that we can ban such hackers?
I wouldnt speak a word about you if they ask me.
you could PM it to us.

This is a video of another Player who was hacking today by the name vai_tomar_Something
Here's the link
plz check it out.

You could tell some of us the RCON password to prevent the worry
{Its Your Keyboard to Type on}

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