Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


Obsessed with Technology
hmm yeah i see a lot of imposters too, and when asked they dont reply.
Btw EdwardCarnby is Sunny and NikoBellic is his brother, Sunny too sometimes plays with this id.. I saw Devil_Wins for the first time yesterday.. :|
And Legend, i have talked with him before.. But i dont think hes registered here, or maybe i am wrong... :confused:

Yes i played with u guys for the 1st time. I am Devil_Wins

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
some more people reply on my talk...(see above post) so that we can request 1st poster of this thread to edit the same...And note we are Devil's Fighter

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
For me, it's still the good 'ol Digit Forum. :wink:

It's been quite some time since I've last played. Maybe I'll get into action this weekend.


This is for all the [DF]Clan members who dont know how to climb a tree in maps like Abbey.

This is a for [DF]KrazzyWarrior.
Krazzy plz rate my jumps


crazykiller for posting in this forum use the Post reply button instead of quick reply because by using Post Reply your posts will be counted. and it will determine your seniority.:D:D Otherwise whenever I see a zero post count below the userid I confused them with the spams.


friends use this link to register to the digit clan. Although Samserious is the founder of this clan but I am not sure he is active or not.
If some one knows the admin password then please accept the request made there.
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Chosen of the Omnissiah

I want that some changes should me made in our clan system..Here it goes:- (plz read the whole)

1. We should be serious regarding our clan member. Nowdays I see a lot of member of [DF] Clan playing over RSA Hell..They use our tags i.e. [DF]. For example:- Devil_Wins,Legend,Edward..... etc. etc. and when we ask their Digit ID they donot reply..wtf..all are using our clan name...Some play good but other stinks like rotten eggs (no offence).

hmmmmm? So we need to play good to be in the [DF] clan? Sorry. I don't agree with this. This clan is open & will remain open for every forum member.

2. The name of the clan should be changed i.e from Digit Forum to Devil Fighter. Reason:-Think about the [woo!2k] clan they all consist of members who are good in UrT..not the member who is using any particular forum.So if we want good members in our clan (like crazykiller,bookya,krazzy warrior,gagan etc) then we should search all over the net not only in Digit Forum.
Sorry, but I again disagree. This will lead to a situation similar to that of [woo!2k]. :| Good players with poor etiquettes and a huge ego or I should say, "Self-claimed 'pro' players with poor etiquettes and a huge ego."

3. We will select only those member who play good not that he joins Digit Forum and use DF tag..

Think about all these and plz support me...
If you want this to be true, then we should have had not allowed you to use the clan tag earlier when you were new.

This clan is 'Digit Forum' and open to each & every forum member regardless of skills.

And Hari, I warn you again. My friend Joker had complained me. :|

PS: Pardon my Opera mini.

And Hari, I warn you again. My friend Joker had complained me. :|

PS: Pardon my Opera mini.
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@CrazyKiller1. We should be serious regarding our clan member. Nowdays I see a lot of member of [DF] Clan playing over RSA Hell..They use our tags i.e. [DF]. For example:- Devil_Wins,Legend,Edward..... etc. etc. and when we ask their Digit ID they donot reply..wtf..all are using our clan name...Some play good but other stinks like rotten eggs (no offence).
igit Forum and use DF tag..[/B]
I AM [DF]EdwardCarnby and I have declared this a million times in hellz only if you cared to know. I don't care if I suck or rock at it,I play games for fun and not to show off my 10:1 scores. [DF]Legend is Cool4Shalabh,a friend of mine and even [DF]Devil_wins told me his digit username when I asked,but forgot:D
You won't get it if you don't ask for it.
You weren't a hardcore gamer ever since you were born,let em play and get better.

hmmmmm? So we need to play good to be in the [DF] clan?
If this was the case then I would never be able to join [DF]:D:D


Yes Gagan is right. Krazy why you want to change the name. df is the name which has hurt woo!!! once before and they know we r form digit forum.

You all just register at the following link if you wish to. This clan is our DF clan.


And [df] legend had said to me that he will post a message here.


Staff member
^^lol, krrazy if u like to form a clan then you are welcome to do that by selecting others but [DF] will never die.


Pee into the Wind...
@ Krazzy: Why not create your own clan where you take in only 'pro' players as you want rather than wanting to change [DF].?
crazykiller for posting in this forum use the Post reply button instead of quick reply because by using Post Reply your posts will be counted. and it will determine your seniority. Otherwise whenever I see a zero post count below the userid I confused them with the spams.
Nope.Posts made in Gamerz, Chit-Chat and Fight Club aren't added to the post count.

@Krazzy and Crazy: Your posting styles are a lot similiar.Hope you both aren't the two different IDs of same person...If no, then you both have my apologies.
i was like afk and here is my resume :

Name : PiKaChU

Position : 214/36xxx

Main roles : Bomb planter, Medic, Tree climber, HACK TESTER, HACK USER, HACK BUSTER

comments : lmao rofl lol OMG wtf muhahaha :lol: :lol:
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