Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


Chosen of the Omnissiah
niaaaaaaaaaa :D I'm back.

I also had one 'less ancient' Pentium 4 3.06 Ghz with 256MB DDR 400Mhz RAM at my home with Arch linux installed.

I bought 1GB RAM for it and installed it only to realize that the fu(king BIOS will not let me increase my shared video memory more than 8MB. :mad:
The motherboard of this computer doesn't even have an AGP or PCIe slot. This has virtually ended my hope of playing UrT with higher frame rates. :mad:
Zomg im getting abt 112fps now but the prob is i cant host any server. if any1 help me in doing so it would be gr8 to have hosting fr ya all.


I was there form 10.30 am to 1pm yesterday. But strange no krazy warrior there for past few days. But I found df ATOM who is he.


I'm finally free! Tell me when you want me to host.

For those online right now, it's up... :p

My ISP isn't in good shape with the whole India->EU link going down, so I think speeds might be throttled or routings messed up.
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