UNIX Wars - Which is better and why

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Many of us are sick and tiered of windows and have switched to one of the *nixes. From being as classy as a mac, to as geeky as debian, from being as simple to use as ubuntu to being as complex as netBSD, from being as powerful as Solaris to as weak as Damn Small Linux, from being as rare as HP-UX to being as common as SuSE, there are a wide variety of *nixes.

But even within this nix community, we are all flaming each other because each one appears to have something that the other does not. So lets bring it out here - Which *nix is the best and why?


die blizzard die! D3?
all have some specialty or other,just pick what suits you the best.OR else just make a custom linux for you and enjoy.

Diversity doesn't mean competition.They all compliment each other.


dá ûnrêäl Kiñg
Reason: the only linux distro were restriction is to the minimum.
more user friendly,easier for noobs than ubuntu in my opinion.


Evil Genius
For aam aadmi, Ubuntu 7.10 as of today is the best OS...why?? Its the easiest *nix to get up and running considering that the (perceived) difficulty is the biggest problem for alternative OS adoption today. Ubuntu's community, well documented solutions to 99% of the problems a newbie would face which are displayed prominently and excellent out of the box support for an insanely wide range of hardware make it the best *nix there is...for aam aadmi, like I said.

If you are talking about Servers..I'd say some sort of BSD or in my experience, Debian 4.0 Etch is pretty awesome as of now...like having sex with your wife of 20 yrs... :)


left this forum longback
First of all Linux does not represent all UNIX.infact GNU/Linux is a UNIX-Like Operating System.and to carry UNIX trademark u have to comply ur OS with *www.opengroup.org standards and pay them for the license like apple did for OS X.

GNU/Linux is the best UNIX-like Operating System as of today because of its Open Source architecture+the popularity and the support for the hardware and other extra features.

I'd have selected FreeBSD;but the community is themself locked and the distro are not novice-friendly imho.

the worst UNIX ever made is darwin which is a messy codebase which is OS X of mac :rolleyes: OS X is sinking the good name of UNIX coz of the dirty hacks it uses to call it "idiot friendly" :p

Personally,I dont find Debian geeky and Ubuntu is just a small drop taken from the debian pool!I will always stick to Debian which is the best distro any time! :) note that it requires a "used to *nix" user to switch to Debian.

FOSS nature of GNU/Linux is the basic cause of success.the organized way with a "lead" Linus who keeps the kernel fresh and neat and removes dirty hacks as much as possible.

One thing Linux kernel misses is a uniformed kernel API for developers to write drivers.this is due to different drivers which are needed to be corrected and devels are not interested at this moment I think.

Solaris(Open Solaris) is one good alternative UNIX which is growing under the lead of Ian Murdock(founder of Debian).We may expect a good OS with Open Solaris in some time(remember,Project Indiana),I hope.

Just read a week or so back that forefather of UNIX,Multics is released under FOSS license!wait and watch if some thing good turns out :p and even read that multics is inherently superior to UNIX OS's.
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Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
BSD unix

Title should hav been Linux
Both Linux and BSD are UNIX-Like OS'es .

But BSD is made from the Original Source of UNIX from AT&T
(Although after modifications 95% of Original UNIX Code was replaced with custom code at Berkeley)

BSD 4.4 License said:
Copyright 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
The patenting process took a mighty 25 Years .

Whereas Linux is a Complete Rewrite from scratch to Provide Unix-Like Functionality .


Both Linux and BSD are UNIX-Like OS'es .

But BSD is made from the Original Source of UNIX from AT&T
(Although after modifications 95% of Original UNIX Code was replaced with custom code at Berkeley)

The patenting process took a mighty 25 Years .

Whereas Linux is a Complete Rewrite from scratch to Provide Unix-Like Functionality .
There r 2 categories : Unix-like and unix-variant and BSD is a Unix-Variant!! There is a lotta difference! :)


The patenting process took a mighty 25 Years .

Its not that the patenting process took that many years... lol

but every time something is copyrighted the year in which its did is indicated.

for eg. MS Windows has copyrighted code right from 1985.. that doesnt mean they were starting to do that for vista right from 1985...

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
There r 2 categories : Unix-like and unix-variant and BSD is a Unix-Variant!! There is a lotta difference! :)
That's why i noted that BSD is Derived from the Original Unix Source but it's not Unix just because the Berkeley people haven't paid the OpenGroup huge amounts of money to be Unix Certified .

Its not that the patenting process took that many years... lol

but every time something is copyrighted the year in which its did is indicated.

for eg. MS Windows has copyrighted code right from 1985.. that doesnt mean they were starting to do that for vista right from 1985...
I know it didn't take 25 years . I meant that UC berkeley had actively developed BSD for 25 years(uptil 1994) and files patents continuously in these years .
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