UNIX Wars - Which is better and why

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Staff member
wow ! I just got my hands on Solaris 10. Do you think its worth installing ?
And whats the cost of SPARC Processors in India ?
Is it true that OpenSPARC, the only OSS Processor, is Dirt Cheap in the market due to being OSS ?
thats some serious stuff. Leave it for administrators, desktop users dont need it.


Just another linux lover.
Although you can use Solaris 10 as a Desktop OS for Software Development .
Or...for learning.

Well, I've installed it on a spare machine for some time. It has two DMs. GNOME & CDE. GNOME has all the utilities as in any linux distro. But CDE is different. Its just a basic no nonsense DM.

You can install Solaris x86 version on any compatible hardware but I think dual booting will be a tough nut to crack. you can configure "zones" in Solaris which works much like virtual machines (heard it from a friend).

Now, I am thinking of installing it in my Ubuntu box under VirtualBox which supports installing Solaris type os.

Let's hope for the best.
Ok guys, I got the Solaris 10 DVD a few days back in PC Quest January issue. Hoping to make the best of it.... or may be not. I may just end up leaving it as a trophy, for my System sucks at running uber cool OSes in their full glory.


Wire muncher!
1G Solaris 10? More than enuf. Just go ahead. You can use the bundled CDE or install xfce/gnome/kde whatever with compiz on that too...
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