Ubuntu latest or fedora latest

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Hey here is the aks
now when latest versions ubuntu 6.10 and fedora 6 have been released..

question arises to my mind which should i give a try


i will try fc6 as i already have downloaded it. also no plans to try ubuntu for next few months


In the zone
Right now i am using FC6. I have already got hold of Ubuntu 6.10 and am going to try with in few days.


Right off the assembly line
Using Ubuntu 6.10, its good for first timer of Linux and lots of help available.


18 Till I Die............
neerajvohra said:
triple boot :D
Well he asked between Ubuntu 6.10 and FC 6. So, I told him to dual boot those two. He may ultimately have a multi boot system with FC6, Ubuntu 6.10, Slackware 11, all BSD's, Solaris 11 and what not. I am just talking about those two ;) .
You can't triple boot two OS's without repeating one :idea:


Wise Old Owl
They is no need for war of distros here!! Some prefer Ubuntu, some like Fedora.
Also both come with the latest the Open-source has to offer. Stop fighting, start
tech_your_future said:
Well he asked between Ubuntu 6.10 and FC 6. So, I told him to dual boot those two. He may ultimately have a multi boot system with FC6, Ubuntu 6.10, Slackware 11, all BSD's, Solaris 11 and what not. I am just talking about those two ;) .
You can't triple boot two OS's without repeating one :idea:

hmmm.. my theme abt saying triple boot ,just to let him know tht he can triple boot..i thought might he will need to ask abt it..and members like u will explain tht u can also triple boot.
also, no one will install same os twice :D :D


Hey here is the aks
wiill fc6 work on ati chipset correctly as fc5 was having video problems on d101 ati readen x200 chipset


left this forum longback
i'll say use ubuntu as it is debian based and for apt-get and 15000+ packages!rpm is a messy thing!
personally i'll say get Debian Etch 4.0

debianise the Linux World. :))


Wise Old Owl
@Desmataks, ATI chipset doesn't work very well with Linux. ATI is notorious for it's
messy behavoir with Linux. So I can't say anything more here.


Ambassador of Buzz
ubuntu only. i am quite comfortable with it and i love apt. besides, my bandwidth is not that much to download fedora. i have done it once but it took days. i am using ubuntu edgy rt now.


Broken In
i wud choose ubuntu edgy as i am fond of debian and apt. also, the size of download is much less. the hefty size of fedora core 6 will drive a person of low bandwith crazy.
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