Ubuntu 7.04 'Fiesty Fawn' Released

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Third Eye

gooby pls
@gxsaurav: Ubuntu 7.04 is working fine on VMWare Workstation 5.5.0 (Not beta)
See the pic:



18 Till I Die............
So, if it works on 5.5 then it should work with 6, I don't see why not. Maybe you aren't using the ISO properly or it's corrupt.


cynosure said:
But is there any torrent for 64bit edition????
Available on torrent:
Desktop: *btjunkie.org/torrent/ubuntu-7-04-desktop-amd64-iso_3650fecaadd7bc4af5f19b63d2aaf67c3c744a976492/download.torrent
Alternate Install:
!Many seeds!
On http:
Desktop: *releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-desktop-amd64.iso
Server: *releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-server-amd64.iso
Alternate: *releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-alternate-amd64.iso

[Note: All 64 bit editions]
Downloading via Azureus.


You gave been GXified
hmm, I will post the screenshots in a while. Don't have VMWare 5.5 so gonna use download it too.

Can I use beryl in VMWare :D?

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
posting this from 7.04 , though interface has no difference from egdy but it feels a lot much responsive n RAM consumption is bout 50MB less than edgy . enabling multimedia is very easy , just play a file , it'll ask u to download codec automatically if required codec is not installed :D that too only 5 MB of download was required for ALL available codecs , Fiesty Rocks


i am using ubuntu 7.04 and found following improovements over 6.10

1. mounts windows partitions on its own
2. suggests codecs, and downloads them by its own
3. some better looks

jack// ani

In the zone
anarchist said:
i am using ubuntu 7.04 and found following improovements over 6.10

1. mounts windows partitions on its own
2. suggests codecs, and downloads them by its own
3. some better looks

6.10 also mounted the partition on its own, you don't have to do that manually!


left this forum longback
^ ubuntu,debian etc with gnome even ejects the cd/dvd from drive by pressing the drive button!(caveat:u need to make sure u have hal,gnome-mount,gnome-volume-manager etc installed)
Yes.it works!
Also from edgy onwards ubuntu and Debian got a faster replacement ( main reason for faster boots) for /sbin/init (sysVinit) called upstart which makes processes works parallely and hence an event based init daemon.


Cyborg Agent
In my case Ubuntu 7.04 can automatically mount external USB drive when ever I power up,but it can't be Unmountable...i,e when ever I click "Eject", A pop-up window stated "It can't be eject' and it again auto run the drive partition.

If I power off the USB drive then there is a warning message appear about serious damage and data loss.

same thing happen when I want to Eject the Optical drive tray,and It pops up "there is no media in the drive".So every time to use the drive I need to press the button in the drive.

There is no such issue in Ubuntu 6.10.
TO make every thing ok....I did a fresh Install...not upgrade.


18 Till I Die............
Have a look at changelog, if you find anything interesting then upgrade otherwise keep it at 6.06, there's no obligation to upgrade. And if everything's working fine then again no need to upgrade. Another factor is getting the cutting edge softwares. Again if you don't need it then don't upgrade.


upgrading to kubuntu 7.04 over ubuntu 6.10 via alternate cd.. is that valid/possible??
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El mooooo
tech_your_future said:
I don't think so. I don't think 3D is supported in Virtualisation as yet.
It is experimentally supported by VMWare if
1) Your guest operating system is either Windows 2000 or Windows XP, and
2) You have a NVIDIA or ATI dedicated graphics card with official drivers on host operating system.


18 Till I Die............
eddie said:
It is experimentally supported by VMWare if
1) Your guest operating system is either Windows 2000 or Windows XP, and
2) You have a NVIDIA or ATI dedicated graphics card with official drivers on host operating system.
You mean windows 2000/XP as guest or host?
Anyways it's a good thing and let's hope it advances fast.

Third Eye

gooby pls
tech_your_future said:
I don't think so. I don't think 3D is supported in Virtualisation as yet.

Experimental Support for Direct3D

VMware Workstation includes experimental support for Direct3D video acceleration. This feature is not fully functional.​
Caution: Features with experimental support are not intended to be enabled on production systems. Enabling 3-D acceleration may cause the host or guest to crash, causing you to lose data, even if 3-D applications are not active.​
Note: To take advantage of the experimental 3-D capabilities of Workstation, the virtual machine must be running the version of VMware Tools that corresponds to the version of Workstation you are using to run it. So a virtual machine running on Workstation 5.0 must be running the version of VMware Tools provided with Workstation 5.0. A virtual machine running on Workstation 5.5 must be running the version of VMware Tools provided with Workstation 5.5. If you move the virtual machine and want to use the 3-D capabilities, be sure you have the correct version of VMware Tools installed.​

From VMware's Manual
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