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Lost in speed
People who've been using REDDIT maybe aware of this, because there's a whole section out there for this.
So, this thread is like the TIL of TDF.

Share what you find interesting from wherever you learnt; who knows you may find a fact might come handy in the future.


keen to learn..
Today i sold my alto lx @ 1.43 which i bought one year ago @1.55!!! what i learnt is that i should :
1. Remove the Matte !!
2. Remove the stereo system!!!
3. Not leave Rs.1000 petrol in it !!!! and last
Its very inconvenient to sold and find another used car !!!!


Sith Lord
Staff member
TIL fruit flies have cognitive processes and don't just react to the environment
"The same mathematical models that describe human decision-making also capture the flies' behaviour perfectly," Prof Miesenböck told BBC News. "That's remarkable."


Ambassador of Buzz
Today i was introspecting and learned that the moments of tension in my life are due to the fact that i have been living outside in i.e. doing what society/ego says is right to achieve a internal sense of peace and approval. Instead i have to constantly remind myself to live inside out i.e. be who i am, do what i like and bask in my own glory. :D


Ambassador of Buzz
TIL Until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds in the world .

Not true. Maybe in 1500s and 1600s. After that Brazil came into picture. Borneo and Rhodesia followed.



Lost in speed
Not true. Maybe in 1500s and 1600s. After that Brazil came into picture. Borneo and Rhodesia followed.

I've read that in our govt site.

Do you think it's wrong?

- - - Updated - - -

TIL that A million horses went to First world war... only 65,000 came back


Sith Lord
Staff member
I've read that in our govt site.
wouldn't trust that site, too many points are in unnecessary superlative. 100000 years of history, highest, oldest, most ancient, richest, largest, greatest, earliest. At other times, their superlativeness falls short.
Even today, the largest used number is Terra: 10*12(10 to the power of 12).

A more expansive and accurate listing of what that list wants to achieve is here.


In the Zone
I'm learning how to ride a motor bike. It is kinda freakishly dangerous if you are not good at it and still manage to have the b@lls to drive into a busy street.
4 wheelers are much safer and easy to learn


TIL that RTMNU sucks big time...students write sh!t & still pass.. but, students who write point-to-point answer & who don't know the art of story-telling usually end up failing. :(. what a horrible university. :/
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