Ready for this playdate everyone?
So I hunted the net for best tracks, and after playing a lot of them, shortlisted about 14 awesome tracks. There are many challenging tracks now, but not outright 'seemingly' impossible to finish.
One of the track,
"Forgotten Land" takes you into the future, where it looks like Trackmania's stadium was abandonment for years and it turned to some kind of world straight out of "Another Earth" (Bruce Willis upcoming movie).
Then there is a PF track,
"Summer Pastime", which gives you more than 5 min of unstoppable mayhem, while you do nothing but enjoy the stunts, and of course 'press forward'.
And finally, there is
Golf 2, which lets you drop into holes from 10. (Remember, Golf 1 had 9 holes?). But this time it's more challenging!!
So be ready!!
For practicing (if you want to), you can download the 14 tracks from
here (362 KB).