The Whining/Complaint Thread

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I agree that prakash has been a loud mouthed foul being in most microsoft related threads, and keeps giving links of different linux sites randomly in his posts, along with spellings that are anything but right when it comes to microsoft products. And after repeated warnings, he keeps repeating his actions, again and again.


Prakash is also a senior member of this forum. He has been the reason why many people, including me, are confortable with using linux. He has helped many. For this, he deserves some amount of respect.


Try to do something that bans him from particular areas where he can cause harm, like for example you can try to use a filter or something (if vbulletin supports it) to prevent him from making replies in threads with MS content, or just BAN him from TECH NEWS and OTHER NEWS sections, where he causes maximum harm. There is NO way we can just use him and later throw him.


die blizzard die! D3?
praka is just a scapegoat,poor fella....he is the first and usually the only one banned.

Keep up the good work praka,we all lub you.:D(no gay replies please)


I won't go into Praka123's anti-Microsoft stance or behaviour, that's for the Mods/Admins to decide; I guess they have to take into consideration everyone's sensibilities and can't be seen to be making an exception, hence the ban.

I stopped Microsoft bashing for some time now and devote more time to trying to make Linux more accessible by writing tutorials and helping out when I can. These are far more productive things to do.

However, I would not want anyone, and I repeat anyone to have a permanent ban unless they did something really bad like pr0n, spam [enlarge ;)], advertising, etc.

I rest my case



Web developer
I stopped Microsoft bashing for some time now and devote more time to trying to make Linux more accessible by writing tutorials and helping out when I can. These are far more productive things to do.

Yes, that's what a true fan of a particular Distro/OS/Software should do instead of bashing MS/Linux/Apple etc.


Staff member
All these protests are not gonna do any good. You guys dont know a lot of stuff that's been going on behind the scenes. So just trust us with our decisions.
yeah peer behavior or should i say elevator psychology. Another mod trashed :(


Coming back to life ..

I agree that prakash has been a loud mouthed foul being in most microsoft related threads, and keeps giving links of different linux sites randomly in his posts, along with spellings that are anything but right when it comes to microsoft products. And after repeated warnings, he keeps repeating his actions, again and again.


Prakash is also a senior member of this forum. He has been the reason why many people, including me, are confortable with using linux. He has helped many. For this, he deserves some amount of respect.


Try to do something that bans him from particular areas where he can cause harm, like for example you can try to use a filter or something (if vbulletin supports it) to prevent him from making replies in threads with MS content, or just BAN him from TECH NEWS and OTHER NEWS sections, where he causes maximum harm. There is NO way we can just use him and later throw him.

Very nicely put Gautam. As you already agree that he can mean harm (as we have seen lately with his proxy ids) picture this : You've already stated Prakash is a senior member : that brings a lot of expectations from new members (and old members) that you'll behave and show some responsibility.

We tried our subtle best to make him understand this but he'll never listen. Long time ago when he was called prakash_kerala, he was banned (and mind you it wasnt because of anti Microsoft stance but being a real youknowwhat ) .. Anyway he promised to behave and was unbanned .. Earlier in June he was banned and the same thing happened (he promised to behave and whoever unbanned him did credit him for his seniority and his contributions ). Now he is banned again : And not because of his anti MS stand but calling fellow members as faggots. Tell me how many times do we need to tell this guy to behave ? Cant he understand whatever discussion he wants to have can be done in a polite manner too ..?? But no .. This guy wont listen at all ..

Man I myself dont approve of Microsoft but how many times you've seen me calling Micro$haft or calling fellow members as faggots ..?? Your language plays a big role for someone to form opinion about you and we cant tolerate such language in this forum especially from a senior member.


Web developer
Well he should be unbanned now. All the members are requesting you guys to give him one more chance. OSS section needs him!


Web developer
He is permanently banned.

Why? People here freely use the words moro**, fa***ts but they never get banned. People use words freely what T159 used, but they never got banned only T159 was banned. Search for the word what T159 used & you'll see who else posted it. Was T159 targeted because he supported praka123?

Members have been requesting to give praka123 one more chance but no one listens. I won't be surprised if I get banned or targetted because of this post.


in search of myself
@ all mods

Mods here are dictators. Tell me do Raboo force you to do so? Really pathetic.

We are requesting to unban Praka and restrict him to OSS only. I know I'll get the same copy/pasted answer/threat " We warned him --- blah blah -----" .

Listen to what all are saying


Juke Box Hero
It's not just about the words, but his attitude towards others and especially all things non-FOSS. Who would in their right mind say things like "you should die, go commit suicide...etc" on a forum and expect to be tolerated about it. Yes those are his exact words and not my imagination (don't read my location). Apparently the mister has never learned the concept of co-existence, even after repeated warnings and bans and always stood as an example of his extreme hate.

I too love FOSS and would kill for Linux, but you don't see me pointing a gun at you for not using it, do you? As much as he loves it, his hate for all other things just subsides it and results in posts like that. For all those he has helped tremendously, just consider yourself lucky he was there to help you when you needed it the most. Last I know, he is happy in some forum now and I wish him the best.

For the people who are expecting anything(revolution?) to happen with their sigs, read me loud " He will never be unbanned by any mod ". Of course, he can start clean with a new id ( I hope he doesn't do with the old behaviour ), but praka123 is off the forum. That's all I have to say about it.
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हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
Why? People here freely use the words moro**, fa***ts but they never get banned.
I too wonder the same. Perhaps those who don't get banned are 'friends' of moderators.

Leave it guyz, don't bother these so called moderators. Don't expect them to be fair enough. They WILL do what they feel like, not what should actually be done.

Don't waste your time convincing them, instead find a new place devoid of these 'moderators'.
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