The ultimate shootout: Apple Mac OS X vs. Microsoft Windows Vista

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The Devil's Advocate
dont giv me youtube links .... it takes too much time to load .... hav u found anything same or copied if yes post tht .... else ont say what others say ...

In the zone
@iMav that video is from Apple WWDC 2006 in which they have shown why there r some similarity between vista and os x. and why still vista is not as good as os x
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The Devil's Advocate
if u have something to post by your experience post that i told u dont post what some 1 else has said ... everything posted in this thread by me or gx is based on our experience with the os x not what some tech conference or tech site has said ... i might sound rude, thats not my intention but the point is so ;)


You gave been GXified
@iMav that video is from Apple WWDC 2006 in which they have shown why there r some similarity between vista and os x. and why still vista is not as good as os x

That was an Apple event sponsored by Apple. Do you expect them to praise Vista, its simple logic that a company will never talk about the excellence of it's rival.

What sounds funny is that last year they mocked Vista for being late, well...they are themselves late now to release Leopard which provides nothing new to the table. A New UI, already gave aero & from what I see all over they are just working on Core Animation which is there version of WPF Copied.


Proud Mac Pro Owner
Ah, the joys of arguing with the uninformed (or, worse, the purposely misinformed) ;)

gx_saurav said:
And what is finder? The File manager for Mac OS X, now I hope you don't say to me that Cut option is not necessary in a File browser & maanger
Command + x is the cut option for OS X. When people usually say "cut-and-paste", they're talking about text, and yes, OS X supports it. For files within the volume, you can just drag and drop.

And you also can move files from one drive to another without any complicated steps.

So, it's the finder lacks a cut option, not Mac OS X itself (Note than Mac OS X isn't just Finder).

OpenGL is there, do we see all openGL games porting to Mac OS X?
Because, obviously, the OpenGL graphics code is only a part of what a program needs to run. OS X native code needs to be there, too. I hope, with Cider, we'll see more ports of games. However, while it's not a clean workaround, you can use Boot Camp if you have to until this gap narrows. I think it'll get better, but the Mac's overall low market share might be more of a factor.

Not quite, what about Lotus Notes?
Haven't used Notes, but Mail can connect to Exchange.

You still have to find me a proper WMA Player.
Try Flip4Mac. Or Windows Media Player. They should play WMA files.

Lolz...ya right.

Macboy Philosophy : If a features is not there in Mac OS X, it is not worth using or irrelevant.
Well, the MacBooks and the MacBook Pros don't have a secondary smaller display, so even if OS X has this feature, it will be irrelevant. This feature will be there in OS X once Mac laptops have secondary smaller displays.

Show me, do show me aN equivalent to Media center in Mac OS X with full TV/CableTV/Cable Card/ DVR/ functionality
There aren't, but there are options to get around it via 3rd party. Try Tivo and Tivo-to-go (or TivoDecoder).

I never said "No", I said "Lack". It is available, even Microsoft hardware is supported but you just can't go to market, buy a hardware & expect it to work in Mac. Can you? Just tell me this about a Hauppage TV Tuner card
Is that an OS X issue or Hauppage's issue. If Hauppage wants their stuff to work on OS X, shouldn't they write the drivers for it? it can't Mac Pro comes with XEON which uses a different socket compared to Core 2 Duo & Xeons cost a lot, how stupid can u get :D. Try inserting a C2D in Xeon Socket
The Mac Pro features two LGA-771 sockets, so yes, the Mac Pro supports Core 2 Duo processors.

After copying from Win....blah blah blah
I must have missed something. Time Machine lets me go back and recover a version of a Word document I created 2 months ago and made changes to every day, and be able to go back two weeks and get that week's version. It's not just a system restore like in Windows. Can you show me a link to this built into Windows?

Ever tried asking for a OEM DVD from the OEM manufacturer?
Oddly, a friend of mine paid extra for a set from Dell and never got it, no matter how many times he bugged them.

No sorry, when i write in a forum what matters for me is to convey my message, not literature.
If you cannot write in a grammatically correct manner, then inherently the "message" of your post will be unintelligible, or at best, imprecise. That's the whole point of writing (and speaking) in a technically correct manner -- to express yourself with precision and clear meaning.

To paraphrase Gary Larson, you (and some other Windows fanboys here) come off sounding like:

"blah blah blah windows good blah blah blah blah apple bad blah blah blah..."


The Devil's Advocate
nep about the cut option id say u cut-it-out coz even arya accepted it and please ur statements absolute bull$hit man .... ur typing statements worse than my 10 yr brother or are u r also 10 :?


You gave been GXified
Command + x is the cut option for OS X. When people usually say "cut-and-paste", they're talking about text, and yes, OS X supports it. For files within the volume, you can just drag and drop.

So, it's the finder lacks a cut option, not Mac OS X itself (Note than Mac OS X isn't just Finder).
Again, if I go by this analogy then Windows Explorer is far better then finder. Not only finder is slow but it doesn't let me work the way I want. Windows Explorer supports Cut as well as drag & drop, what will u cal better.

About your 2nd statement, isn't finder the default file manager for Mac OS X? so shouldn't this be a flaw of the OS itself.
Suppose Windows Explorer disables the ability to show preview of files & videos, will you say it is a flaw of Windows Explorer or Will u say it is a flaw of Windows Vista. ? First think about what you are saying dude :D
Because, obviously, the OpenGL graphics code is only a part of what a program needs to run. OS X native code needs to be there, too.
The benifit of OpenGL is that it is cross platform. This means just make one code, one gaming engine & simply compile it according to the OS. Making it native to a paltform is not required. So accordign to you it is a flaw of Mac OS X that it can't run a cross platform gaming enigne :d

I hope, with Cider, we'll see more ports of games. However, while it's not a clean workaround, you can use Boot Camp if you have to until this gap narrows. I think it'll get better, but the Mac's overall low market share might be more of a factor.
Lolz...who are you trying to pwn here, yourself? Again saying "Buy a Mac cos you can game on it by installing Windows" :D what kind of statement is that. Why do u need a Mac, if you plan to install Windows on it to play games. Mac OS X sux for gaming & even you are saying this, Windows is far better.

Try Flip4Mac. Or Windows Media Player. They should play WMA files.
Try reading 10 pages behind this thread & you will come to know that they play fine in Quicktime with Flip4Mac but not in iTunes or any other compatible media player I was able to find, & that is the point. Now don't tell me "So, why don't u play in quicktime then". Quicktime is not an audio player.

Again, self pwnage & no idea what you are saying.

Well, the MacBooks and the MacBook Pros don't have a secondary smaller display, so even if OS X has this feature, it will be irrelevant. This feature will be there in OS X once Mac laptops have secondary smaller displays.
Which follows the mac philosophy : If Mac lacks a feature then that feature is not required. Gr8 Logic boy.

Window Vista & nVidia preface invented this technology. nVidia invented the hardware part & Vista invented the software part. You are yourself admitting how much behind Mac is in terms of technology.

There aren't, but there are options to get around it via 3rd party. Try Tivo and Tivo-to-go (or TivoDecoder).
No, Sorry. We are talking here about the OS & in 2007 I don't want to pay more to get DVR/TV functionality in my OS. Windows Vista prevails while Mac OS X sux cos it comes without any Media Center functionality.
Is that an OS X issue or Hauppage's issue. If Hauppage wants their stuff to work on OS X, shouldn't they write the drivers for it?
Dude, are you out of your mind. Using this analogy I should be able to plug say an Asus 8600GT PCIe graphics card in Mac Pro too, right. Will it work? No it will not. Talk something which makes sense. It is just not about driver it is also about whether the card has the EFI boot ROM in the card itself.

It's not just a system restore like in Windows. Can you show me a link to this built into Windows?
I urge you to do some research & inquire about this. Windows already had this feature since 2003 with Windows server 2003 R1. How low can you go.


Again, Apple copying Microsoft & then saying "We already had trash can since 20 years, this is just the next evolution of trash can" :D

Oddly, a friend of mine paid extra for a set from Dell and never got it, no matter how many times he bugged them.
Oddly many of my friends got it from HP, HCL here easily.

If you cannot write in a grammatically correct manner, then inherently the "message" of your post will be unintelligible, or at best, imprecise. That's the whole point of writing (and speaking) in a technically correct manner -- to express yourself with precision and clear meaning.

Again deviating the thread when you are at the pinnacle of stupidity.
To paraphrase Gary Larson, you (and some other Windows fanboys here) come off sounding like:

"blah blah blah windows good blah blah blah blah apple bad blah blah blah..."
Fellow members, don't u think nepcker is at the pinnacle of self pwnage himself.


You gave been GXified
I just tried goobi's method, & here is a small flaw in Mac OS X UI

Now finder has no status bar, if I click on a file it will not show the file content like size etc in the status bar. The only way is to either use the column view which results in small icons or click on an icon & then either command+I or Click on Get info button in the toolbar which will show the file properties for that one file only.

Suppose I select many files & click on get info dialog. This mean I m trying to see the combined properties of those files together like total file size etc. However Mac OS X will not show them together instead it will show me individually whether I right click & select get info or click on toolbar button for all those files. Here is a video I made of this using my Phone which demonstrates that Finder doesn't shows the file properties of all file together unless command+option+I. Why else is the get info button used for? It is a normal mp4 files which will play in Quicktime or WMP with FFDShow etc.

Macboys do tell me about a screen capture utility for Mac OS X, like snagit.

Oh & those calling Safari "Software" better then IE 7 "software" should take a look at this screenshot. This isn't my Computer, just a screenshot I took from net. Now do I have to mention how easier this makes browsing multiple tabs in IE 7 :D compared to safari.


I do admit that the Trident engine IE 7 is using has not been upgraded from a long time. IE 8 will bring about 60% re-written IE 7 rendering engine.

Piyush Hrithik

I Didn't understand on how anybody can use mac and Mac OS's , Mac is quite hard and Windows XP is better than Mac OS X .
In My advise all must use an Windows XP SP2 PC !!!

(aryayush if you're mac geek and u want everyone to use mac then distribute MacBooks to all ppls in INDIA at the cost of free**)


Think Zen.
Only person who ever says WINDOWS XP ROKS,EVERYTHIN ELSE SUKS surely hasnt used em all.
Not sayin that one OS roks,We all are people with different minds and different things appeal to us.
Thats the reason so many different things exist.If one was perfect we wud all be usin it and there wudnt be any such thread.
Oh and if aryayush must distrubute Mac's u shud be the one distributin XP SP2 pc's.

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The Devil's Advocate
gx_saurav said:
Finder doesn't shows the file properties of all file together unless command+option+I. Why else is the get info button used for?
thats the mac way apparently in finder jobs has made sure that everything u do with 1 hand in windows is done with 2 and if u have 3 its better :D

Piyush Hrithik

rayraven said:
Oh and if aryayush must distrubute Mac's u shud be the one distributin XP SP2 pc's.

I would distribute XP PC's if you would give me money for that !!! LOL


You gave been GXified
Piyush Hrithik said:
I Didn't understand on how anybody can use mac and Mac OS's , Mac is quite hard and Windows XP is better than Mac OS X .
In My advise all must use an Windows XP SP2 PC !!!

(aryayush if you're mac geek and u want everyone to use mac then distribute MacBooks to all ppls in INDIA at the cost of free**)
Every OS has its pros & cons. If you are using an application which is specific to a particular OS then obviously you will need to use that OS whether u like it or not. Example, Final cut Pro, it is only for Mac & if you need to work on it you will need to use a Mac. Besides, you can always show off Mac cos the only thing good about Mac is that it looks beautiful, while doing nothing.

Linux, Solaris etc are good for servers but are very far when it comes to using it on desktops. They don't provide enough features on desktop.

XP SP2 is a solid platform & for old computer without graphics card, wiht .net 3.0 runtime u don't need to look beyond if you are doing specific tasks & don't require features of Vista.


You gave been GXified
Kenshin said:
771 = Xeon
775 = Core2duo
Are don't worry, he will overlook & say Apple uses some special kind of XEONs which fit in Socket 775 & we can replace them with C2D.

By the way, the thread starter chinked out. Must be searching for more articles to copy paste from the net :D


Proud Mac Pro Owner
Check *

It's about installing a Core 2 Duo on a Mac Pro.

As for "I don't use Microsoft products. I just use Windows XP, Vista & Office.", I said: "I do use MS products......"

It is not my fault if you guys have the understanding of a six-year-old.


The Devil's Advocate
nep accept the fact tht like arya u too have been pwned and move on witn life ...
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