The ultimate shootout: Apple Mac OS X vs. Microsoft Windows Vista

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You gave been GXified said:
i don't know about others but i fell in love with os x :) i just removed windows and now os x is my primary operating system :)
it is fast, it looks good, and adium is a great piece of software its auto reply function really impressed me :)

And i think there is noting wrong if os x or any os ask for password when installer try to access system file or try to install any thing in system directory. Just imagine what would happen if any body send u a bat file with del * or shell script with rm -r / and u click on it!
it will damage ur system.

Glad you could find OS X usefull, now since that is your primary OS consider buying a Mac Mini at best.

Asking for password is not bad, we just made it clear that just like OS X asking for Password is same as UAC for Vista. Both are annoying :)


left this forum longback
but most linux/unix distros asks the passwd once for the whole session that it is running.though it is subjective if ur using cli.


The Devil's Advocate
for thew hole session?? didnt get ur point? ... in mac like uac u r always asked to enter the admin password whcih is annoying


 Macboy
Mac OS X asked me for password even when I tried to change an Icon using Candybar.
Don't spread your ignorance to those who are not familiar with the Mac OS. To change an icon, all you need to do is (Command + i) and then paste the icon. No password needed. Its a different matter if you tried to change the icon of Finder or the trash which are deep in the root of the OS.

Secondly, isn't divx = mpeg4?

Thirdly, the OS doesn't come with a unified uninstaller, cause it doesn't need one. There's no dll mess here.
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You gave been GXified
goobimama said:
Don't spread your ignorance to those who are not familiar with the Mac OS. To change an icon, all you need to do is (Command + i) and then paste the icon. No password needed. Its a different matter if you tried to change the icon of Finder or the trash which are deep in the root of the OS.

If changing password means making changes to the system then Mac OS X's customisation feature are really bad, worse of all I would say. It is a simple thing, Windows or Linux doesn't gives us UAC or Password if we change the theme or change an Icon cos it does not justifies asking for password.

goobimama said:
Thirdly, the OS doesn't come with a unified uninstaller, cause it doesn't need one. There's no dll mess here.

I guess you need to look a few pages back when I posted that I m having trouble uninstalling & reinstalling iPhoto. Nepcker said

"Delete it from trash, then go to library folder -> delete following files from there, then again delete something from some other folder"

I installed DivX 6.6 Codec, you call that system changing. Ok fine, what about OnyX? It is much like Tune Up utilities, still it asked for password during installation. Seems like any application can hook to the Mac OS X system by just asking the password. :D


 Macboy
The Macs UI customization features are really bad. Agreed. There's only one software to change the theme, Shapeshifter and every time one runs a system maintenance script, it changes the theme back to Aqua. But like I said, as for changing icons the only one's that will ask for a password are the Finder and trash. The rest are a bit too easy to change.
Tell me, how do i change the icon of my partition e:?

Well all software installations that alter the source ask for a password. [And we wonder why there aren't any viruses for the mac]

As for uninstallers, okay, I agree that there should be an uninstaller. But till now I've not felt the need for an uninstaller. I prefer to "wow" my friends by just dragging the app to the trash. "That's it!?!" comes the reply. And it works for me. [you could always use Appzapper but that's third party and would need a password :)]

What's with you an the OS asking for a password? You don't install software every day do you? It's just during installation that the OS asks you for a password. Otherwise, to run most tasks, I've never really needed to enter a password. But with Vista....there's UAC all over the place.


You gave been GXified
goobimama said:
But like I said, as for changing icons the only one's that will ask for a password are the Finder and trash. The rest are a bit too easy to change. Tell me, how do i change the icon of my partition :?

In Windows Vista we can change icons using 2 methods

1) Right click - Properties -> Customisation Tab-> Change Icon

2) 3rd party applications like TuneUp utilities or Icon packager

On a Mac, well...candybar is the only thing I guess which is paid. I tried to to this

Right click on a folder-> get info -> Drag an .icns file to the "Preview" section. But insted of making that the icon it copied the icns file to that folder :?

To change the icon for partition, right click on the drive in Windows Vista, properties -> customisation-> change icon & select any icon.

Well all software installations that alter the source ask for a password. [And we wonder why there aren't any viruses for the mac]

Same goes with vista, all software installation which alter the system ask for permission via UAC :)

I prefer to "wow" my friends by just dragging the app to the trash. "That's it!?!" comes the reply. And it works for me.

Which leaves files in shared folders. An installer made using Windows installer only leaves your preference & settings to the application which are saved in c:\users\<username>\AppData\. Everything else is removed when u uninstall an application. You decide which one is better.

But with Vista....there's UAC all over the place.

Yup, we do admit that UAC needs a "Remember my settings" option.


Proud Mac Pro Owner
Time to pwn gx_saurav again :D

Here goes about the "flaws" of the Mac:
1) Mac has no cut option
The Finder has no cut option.

2) No DirectX means not enough games
Yeah, OS X doesn't include a proprietary Microsoft technology. The game situation is a bit more complicated than this simplistic explanation.

3) No ReadyDrive feature
As these drives become more prevalent, I have no doubt OS X will support them.

4) No Exchange server (Without MS products)
You need Microsoft products for a Microsoft proprietary technology? Shocking.

5) Lack of 3rd party applications
There are plenty of third party applications, hardly a lack. There are fewer than Windows, but I'm not missing the 300 versions of Barbie's Dreamhouse.

6) No ability to show the content on a secondary smaller screen, a.k.a Nvidia Preface/ Windows SideShow
Interesting, but without adjoining hardware, it's irrelevant.

7) Can't use USB Flash drives as temporary RAM
Band aid way to deal with a lack of RAM, but it would still be nice to see.

8 ) Doesn't provide a compelling file management systems.
You'll have to explain this one.

9) Doesn't comes with a proper Photo Management application
Most people find iPhoto wonderful and even "proper".

10) Far more expensive then what they should be charged with. Even people of USA & Europe admit it.

This isn't universally true. The Mac Pro is actually priced competitively and the others aren't that much more expensive.

11) No Media Center Capability/ Pathetic TV tuner support. There is only one EyeTV which works with there own TV Tuner card.
There's more than one EyeTV offering and other companies that offer their own products.

12) Lack of 3rd party hardware support, only Apple supplied & some of the Apple certified products work. Try plugging an Hauppage TV Tuner card in Mac or XFX 8600GT PCIe
This is hardly as you portray. There is plenty of third party hardware supported by Macs.

13) Can't be upgraded like PCs
Particularly recently, upgrading is a sucker's game.

14) Mac pro is the only "Desktop" which starts at $2400 & cannot be upgraded. You cannot buy after market Core 2 Duo & replace the existing CPU in it.
Yes, it can.

15) Mac mini is no value for money. It is only small. 35K for a CPU without any graphics card? You call that viable?
Many people find the form factor and functionality quite favorable. You don't.

16) Dock doesn't groups similar application windows.
Except that a particular application's windows are accessible through its dock icon's menu.

17) If a program is not native, it runs slow.
It runs slower than native, but the performance is quite good. Besides, Windows can't run non-native programs.

18 ) If you are using some USB Drive, you must eject it else the files in it might get curropt even though they are not in use. You must eject it, unlike Windows where when the write operation is complete, you can pull it out easily.

Actually sparky, Windows has a "safe removal" option that's meant to protect against write actions taking place while the drive is being removed, just like eject. If OS X isn't writing to the USB drive, it's not going to corrupt it either.

19) You cannot resize a Window from any side, just the south east side.
I personally find edge resizing awkward, but sure.

20) If you select multiple folders in Finder & right click to "Get Info", you are left with 6 panes with individual info & not a combined info together like Windows, which shows the total folder size or number of files etc.
Actually, Mac OS X can do both.

21) There is no backup restore option. There is no system restore option either.
Wait a few months.

Disk Utility has always had the ability to backup/clone and restore (hence the "restore" tab section).

And, I'd also point out the inferiority of most mass-market Windows boxes, which do not ship with full system restore discs. They typically come with a restore partition, from which discs may be made, but it is up to the owner to provide the media, and take the time to make the restore set - hopefully before the system goes kablooey! Personally, I detest the restore partition "feature" of windows machines.

22) More which I don't have time here to write.
You could have fooled me that you don't have time. You repeated earlier points like a broken record.
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In the zone
nepcker said:
17) If a program is not native, it runs slow.
It runs slower than native, but the performance is quite good. Besides, Windows can't run non-native programs.

didn't understand this one. can someone care to explain???


 Macboy
As for backing up stuff, Automator is more than capable of doing all of this and more. Plus, with Disk Utility, one can take a full disk backup as well as restore.

#20: Is this guy for real? Doesn't know how to use the OS but likes to rant its shortcomings? Command+Option+I shows you a combined information pane which even changes automatically on selecting new file(s)


You gave been GXified
Here goes about the "flaws" of the Mac:
1) Mac has no cut option
The Finder has no cut option.

And what is finder? The File manager for Mac OS X, now I hope you don't say to me that Cut option is not necessary in a File browser & maanger

2) No DirectX means not enough games
Yeah, OS X doesn't include a proprietary Microsoft technology. The game situation is a bit more complicated than this simplistic explanation.

OpenGL is there, do we see all openGL games porting to Mac OS X?

3) No ReadyDrive feature
As these drives become more prevalent, I have no doubt OS X will support them.

Obviously it will after copying from MS.

4) No Exchange server (Without MS products)
You need Microsoft products for a Microsoft proprietary technology? Shocking.

Not quite, what about Lotus Notes?

5) Lack of 3rd party applications
There are plenty of third party applications, hardly a lack. There are fewer than Windows, but I'm not missing the 300 versions of Barbie's Dreamhouse.

You still have to find me a proper WMA Player nepcker.

6) No ability to show the content on a secondary smaller screen, a.k.a Nvidia Preface/ Windows SideShow
Interesting, but without adjoining hardware, it's irrelevant.

Lolz...ya right.

Macboy Philosophy : If a features is not there in Mac OS X, it is not worth using or irrelevant.

7) Can't use USB Flash drives as temporary RAM
Band aid way to deal with a lack of RAM, but it would still be nice to see.

Again, after copying from Windows Vista

8 ) Doesn't provide a compelling file management systems.
You'll have to explain this one.

Now, do I have to prove why Windows Explorer is far better then Finder? Well, just look at the eye openers I showed to arya. Might open your eyes too. These are just the starters.

9) Doesn't comes with a proper Photo Management application
Most people find iPhoto wonderful and even "proper".

iPhoto is not bundled with Mac OS X but with Mac (hardware). In that case Adobe Photoshop Album is also bundled with Dell or HP computers which kicks iPhoto.
10) Far more expensive then what they should be charged with. Even people of USA & Europe admit it.
This isn't universally true. The Mac Pro is actually priced competitively and the others aren't that much more expensive.

Umm, how many graphics cards, sound cards does Mac Pro support nepcker?
11) No Media Center Capability/ Pathetic TV tuner support. There is only one EyeTV which works with there own TV Tuner card.
There's more than one EyeTV offering and other companies that offer their own products.

Show me, do show me aN equivalent to Media center in Mac OS X with full TV/CableTV/Cable Card/ DVR/ functionality

12) Lack of 3rd party hardware support, only Apple supplied & some of the Apple certified products work. Try plugging an Hauppage TV Tuner card in Mac or XFX 8600GT PCIe
This is hardly as you portray. There is plenty of third party hardware supported by Macs.

I never said "No", I said "Lack". It is available, even Microsoft hardware is supported but you just can't go to market, buy a hardware & expect it to work in Mac. Can you? Just tell me this about a Hauppage TV Tuner card

13) Can't be upgraded like PCs
Particularly recently, upgrading is a sucker's game.

So, upgrading RAM is called upgrading? Gr8, what about harddisk, DVD Writer, Graphics Card, X-Fi Audio cards?

14) Mac pro is the only "Desktop" which starts at $2400 & cannot be upgraded. You cannot buy after market Core 2 Duo & replace the existing CPU in it.
Yes, it can. it can't Mac Pro comes with XEON which uses a different socket compared to Core 2 Duo & Xeons cost a lot, how stupid can u get :D. Try inserting a C2D in Xeon Socket

15) Mac mini is no value for money. It is only small. 35K for a CPU without any graphics card? You call that viable?
Many people find the form factor and functionality quite favorable. You don't.

Lets see, Apple TV comes with a GeForce 7300 Go while Mac Mini comes with GMA 950. Yup, very much value for money it seems :D

16) Dock doesn't groups similar application windows.
Except that a particular application's windows are accessible through its dock icon's menu.

However it still doesn't shows how many Windows that application has. It is somewhat similar to taskbar grouping but still not close.

17) If a program is not native, it runs slow.
It runs slower than native, but the performance is quite good. Besides, Windows can't run non-native programs.

I meant native to Mac OS X, so if a program runs slower then native isn't that slow? Isn't that I was saying or do u have some problem in reading.

About Windows not running non-native application. Lolz...All Win32 applications are native to Windows starting from DOS to today.
18 ) If you are using some USB Drive, you must eject it else the files in it might get curropt even though they are not in use. You must eject it, unlike Windows where when the write operation is complete, you can pull it out easily.
Actually sparky, Windows has a "safe removal" option that's meant to protect against write actions taking place while the drive is being removed, just like eject. If OS X isn't writing to the USB drive, it's not going to corrupt it either.

Nope it corrupted my pen drive which I then had to format in Windows.

19) You cannot resize a Window from any side, just the south east side.
I personally find edge resizing awkward, but sure.

After copying from Windows after 10 years.
20) If you select multiple folders in Finder & right click to "Get Info", you are left with 6 panes with individual info & not a combined info together like Windows, which shows the total folder size or number of files etc.
Actually, Mac OS X can do both.

I just checked this, using goobi's method, but it doesn't work if I right click & select to get info. But atlast it is there. Point noted & flaw removed

21) There is no backup restore option. There is no system restore option either.
Wait a few months.

After copying from Win....blah blah blah
Disk Utility has always had the ability to backup/clone and restore (hence the "restore" tab section).

Umm...System restore is there since 1999 in Windows ME. so Mac is lacking in feature & is behind. Tell me, how does it backs up? as a disk image or just files.

And, I'd also point out the inferiority of most mass-market Windows boxes, which do not ship with full system restore discs. They typically come with a restore partition, from which discs may be made, but it is up to the owner to provide the media, and take the time to make the restore set - hopefully before the system goes kablooey! Personally, I detest the restore partition "feature" of windows machines.

Ever tried asking for a OEM DVD from the OEM manufacturer?

22) More which I don't have time here to write.
You could have fooled me that you don't have time. You repeated earlier points like a broken record.

From what I see, you are frustrated.


The Devil's Advocate
^^ stay on this site and will tell u stuff about mac that even u dont kno ;) ... dont promote ur blog or site in this section we have another thread for tht

and nep those are absolutely stupid points that u have brought ... honestly im not being irrational but seriously what u typed under the pretext of pwning gx uv pwnd urself by ur very first statement where u show ur naivety by stating tht finder has no cut option are u implying tht mac ha a cut and finder ... finder is separate and mac is saeparate wht kinda dumb statement is thrt ... and seriously none of ur statements show any strengths of pwning anybody ... i am sure evn veteran mac boys will find ur statements naive
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You gave been GXified
Like I said before, let them be embarrassed.

Nepcker said he is pwing me, well....he himself agree "Things will come later, lets wait for a few months". Self pwnage :D

In the zone
@gx_saurav u can run lotus notes on mac too :) it is developed in java. other option is send mail and procmail


btw system restore will be available in leopard
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In the zone
@shantanu copying in what sense? bill gates and job r good friends so they r just sharing :)
other wise apple may have sued microsoft for copying some feature from os x :)


The Devil's Advocate said:
other wise apple may have sued microsoft for copying some feature from os x
any proof? ... i hvnt seen anything common between os x& windows


You gave been GXified
iMav said:
any proof? ... i hvnt seen anything common between os x& windows

According to Macboys : Microsoft copied everything from Mac. Don't you see, Windows has a close button, a minimize button, an "Ok" button, a folder for keeping deleted things which is similar to Mac trash. They even have alt+tab copied from Mac. Hell, the keyboard used in PC is again copied from Mac cos they both start with QWERTY.

:D Talk about ignorance & arrogance.
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