The ultimate shootout: Apple Mac OS X vs. Microsoft Windows Vista

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Proud Mac Pro Owner
gx_saurav said:
We are not talking about drag & drop. Ofcourse that will work, but Cut doesn't work & that is the main thing.
I'll repeat: It's the Finder that lacks a Cut option.

Usually when people say "cut-and-paste", it is about text. Since OS X supports cut and paste, Mac OS X doesn't miss a Cut option.

So, it's the Finder that lacks a Cut option.

That is compilation. Thats it.
Lazy Developers. Can't they spend some time and compile?

Lolz...u mean you can install Windows on boot camp then simply install game anywhere & play in Mac? Wow, Live virtualisation it seems .:D nepcker don't u think u will need to boot into Windows to play it.
You can boot into Windows only to play games. At other times, you can use OS X. So, you're not completely living in Windows.

I never said Mac OS X cannot play wma files, i think u need to get your english skills checked. I said clearly that iTunes cannot play WMA files while Quicktime can, despite of the fact that both have common backend.
And how is this Mac OS X's fault?

Well, then it is Apple's fault that they are behind in innovation & technology
Are the secondary smaller screens even a new "innovation"? Weren't they there in cell phones a long ago?

How? We are talking about OS here at its defaut state. If I come to compared Vista with OS X with 3rd party apps installed then OS X stand 0% chances to survice.
Well yes, Mac OS X is certainly sucks when it comes to media center capabilities out-of-the-box.

Kenshin said:
He'll hv to buy windows ultimately if u want a mac and also wanna play games...get a mac,buy windows..install it and enjoy :grin::grin:
You can play games in Mac OS X itself. The only problem is that there are some games that are not available for the platform.

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You gave been GXified
nepcker said:
I'll repeat: It's the Finder that lacks a Cut option.

Usually when people say "cut-and-paste", it is about text. Since OS X supports cut and paste, Mac OS X doesn't miss a Cut option.

So, it's the Finder that lacks a Cut option.

Finder is the file manger for Mac OS X which lacks a cut feature. yes...that is what we have been trying to say since so long. You got a problem in understand or what?
And how is this Mac OS X's fault?

iTunes is the Apple made default music player on Mac OS X which plays no other media file. Isn't this Mac OS X's fault?
Are the secondary smaller screens even a new "innovation"? Weren't they there in cell phones a long ago? are a certified idiot who is comparing a 2nd display screen with a sideshow device. Go read how they work

Well yes, Mac OS X is certainly sucks when it comes to media center capabilities out-of-the-box.


You gave been GXified
@ kenshin

:rofl: are he uses his Mac to browse webpages without opening web browser. According to him, if a user is idiot enough to open his web browser sure he can get hacked (refer to Mac OS X hacked within 9 hrs thread)

If I follow his analogy then Mac OS X = Kernel only. Lolz even finder is a part of Mac OS X which runs on top of kernel. If finder has a problem, Mac OS X has a problem


In the zone
nepcker said:
Lazy Developers. Can't they spend some time and compile?
oh no, there is lot more to porting games than simple compilation. and no game developer is going to learn and write games for an minority OS which a gamer would never have installed. whose owners never bought it to play games. and with boot camp, scarcity of games is only going to increase.


Sup' dude, Sup'
So, Leopard is coming this October. Right.

Remember all the hype that Vista generated.


How many softwares run without any hiccup on vista?

How many drivers work fine on vista?

Overimposed security that acts more like a pop up generator.

issues issues issues.

Still after months of release, everyone says No to migrate to Vista. The company where I work is not going to deploy Vista for atleast another year. Not because of it's cost. Because nothing works in it.

Implementing good explorer does not mean that the OS is the best in the market.

Take a look at OS X. All the releases are rocksolid with no issues.

You may say that its because it is running on Apple's handpicked hardware.


The result: Rock solid and powerful kernel, Secure OS due to the unix kernel at it's heart (and not due to it's market share), perfect balance between hardware and software, . OS X does what it has to do.

Is Vista doing what it has to do? Yes. It has to crash everytime you put a new hardware and it's doing just that :) .


Sup' dude, Sup'
Kenshin said:
^^ have u used vista??

Yes, but in vain.

Media centric OS. Huh. Cannot detect my TV Tuner card. "Pinnacle PCTV 110i"

Pinnacle media centre does not work on Vista. had to struggle like anything to get Vista MC recognize the card.

Ever tried to copy data from one drive to another on Vista? how many times will "security agent" come up and ask "cancel or allow"?

installing Kaspersky AV crashes Vista to a level that I had to reinstall it and stick to Microsoft Defender, which is best of the worst.

The list of woes is endless

Kenshin said:
^^ have u used vista??

Have you used Tiger?
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Sukhdeep Singh
ambandla said:
Yes, but in vain.

Media centric OS. Huh. Cannot detect my TV Tuner card. "Pinnacle PCTV 110i"

Pinnacle media centre does not work on Vista. had to struggle like anything to get Vista MC recognize the card.

Works for me :confused: Did you try calling Pinnacle or visitng Pinnacle, there is update for Vista there :)


ambandla said:
Ever tried to copy data from one drive to another on Vista? how many times will "security agent" come up and ask "cancel or allow"?

You can disable UAC

Method #1 - Using MSCONFIG

  1. Launch MSCONFIG by from the Run menu.
  2. Click on the Tools tab. Scroll down till you find "Disable UAP" (this should probably change to UAC in next Vista beta builds and in the RTM version). Click on that line.
  1. Press the Launch button.
  2. A CMD window will open. When the command is done, you can close the window.
  3. Close MSCONFIG. You need to reboot the computer for changes to apply.
Note that you can re-enable UAC by selecting the "Enable UAP" line and then clicking on the Launch button.
Method #2 - Using Regedit

  1. Open Registry Editor.
  2. In Registry Editor, navigate to the following registry key:
  1. Locate the following value (DWORD):
and give it a value of 0.
Note: As always, before making changes to your registry you should always make sure you have a valid backup. In cases where you're supposed to delete or modify keys or values from the registry it is possible to first export that key or value(s) to a .REG file before performing the changes.
  1. Close Registry Editor. You need to reboot the computer for changes to apply.
In order to re-enable UAC just change the above value to 1.
Method #3 - Using Group Policy

This can be done via Local Group Policy or via Active Directory-based GPO, which is much more suited for large networks where one would like to disable UAC for many computers at once.
If using Local Group Policy you'll need to open the Group Policy Editor (Start > Run > gpedit.msc) from your Vista computer.
If using in AD-based GPO, open Group Policy Management Console (Start > Run > gpmc.msc) from a Vista computer that is a member of the domain. In the GPMC window, browse to the required GPO that is linked to the OU or domain where the Vista computers are located, then edit it.
In the Group Policy Editor window, browse to Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options.
In the right pane scroll to find the User Access Control policies (they're down at the bottom of the window). You need to configure the following policies:
You'll need to reboot your computers.
Method #4 - Using Control Panel

  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Under User Account and Family settings click on the "Add or remove user account".
  1. Click on one of the user accounts, for example you can use the Guest account.
  2. Under the user account click on the "Go to the main User Account page" link.
  1. Under "Make changes to your user account" click on the "Change security settings" link.
  1. In the "Turn on User Account Control (UAC) to make your computer more secure" click to unselect the "Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer". Click on the Ok button.
  1. You will be prompted to reboot your computer. Do so when ready.
In order to re-enable UAC just select the above checkbox and reboot.


Sup' dude, Sup'
sukhdeepsinghkohli said:
Works for me :confused: Did you try calling Pinnacle or visitng Pinnacle, there is update for Vista there :)


huh. can't explain you the whole story. search for the older threads that I created regarding PCTV 110i.

You can disable UAC

huh. When enabled, acts as a pop up application, When disabled, opens the flood gates :)
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Sup' dude, Sup'
Kenshin said:
^^.......u r damned pissed of by vista....hehe...:D....

no worries...its ur choice afterall tat matters...:)

yeah man. I share my house with two friends and they say strict NO to vista. They aren't techies and they say that Vista looks so confusing and their electronics simulation softwares does not work on vista at all. Hence I now use a dual booted xp and vista.

time on xp : 90% time on vista : 10%

eagerly waiting for vista SP1 :)


You gave been GXified
How many softwares run without any hiccup on vista?

How many drivers work fine on vista?

Overimposed security that acts more like a pop up generator.

issues issues issues.
1) Almost all of them. 98% of the software out there work fine in Vista. If it doesn't just run it in compability Mode.

2) XP is out there since 5 years, do you expect all companies to make Vista compatible driver over a fort night? Is this the fault of MS that a driver is not working, why don't you go & tell to the Pinnacle guys to release a Vista compliant driver.

3) Lolz...then U don't know how to use it I would say :D

4) whine whine whine

Media centric OS. Huh. Cannot detect my TV Tuner card. "Pinnacle PCTV 110i"
Yes & it is Microsoft's fault that a TV Tuner which is not hardware based (Requirment of MCE) isn't compatible with MCE. Then I wonder how my Pinnacle PCTV Stereo is working properly with Windows Vista & ChrisTV :p

Pinnacle media centre does not work on Vista. had to struggle like anything to get Vista MC recognize the card.
Again, don't blame vista, blame the Pinnacle developers for this. Did you tried downloading the latest 4.7 version of Pinnacle TV Centre?

Ever tried to copy data from one drive to another on Vista? how many times will "security agent" come up and ask "cancel or allow"?
UAC while copying :confused:
installing Kaspersky AV crashes Vista to a level that I had to reinstall it and stick to Microsoft Defender, which is best of the worst.
I wonder how in gods name I was using KAV 6 & then 7 fine here for few days :D, & so many other users here. You sure you download a Vista Compatible RTM version of the AV?
When enabled, acts as a pop up application, When disabled, opens the flood gates

Till date, there is no Vista exploit out there in the wild. There are proof of concept but none of them made it to the wild.


The Devil's Advocate
ambandla said:
So, Leopard is coming this October. Right.

Remember all the hype that Vista generated.


How many softwares run without any hiccup on vista?
i am pretty certain u havent been following the thread coz to ur grudge to the UAC i had said this incase u missede it here it is:

im the only user
im the admin
i can disable uac
i can install any app w/o being warned
also i can uninstall any app from a control panel

in os x :

im the only user
im the admin
i want to install something
i have to give my password everytime
i want to install an app
i hav to load the dmg again
i cant un-install the app until the program developer gives an option

and yeah arya & nep follow nep's advice .... its the application apple has coded such as itunes, finder and everything else that is flawed not the OS :)

In the zone
i think more than 40% (may be more) of windows software is not compatible with windows vista not even Dreamweaver 8. Even visual studio 2005 is not compatible with vista without its service pack (its size is more than 500mb ).
but think of those who don't have high speed internet or who don't have internet so it would be very difficult for them to get its fix
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Technomancer said:
i think more than 40% (may be more) of windows software is not compatible with windows vista not even Dreamweaver 8. Even visual studio 2005 is not compatible with vista without its service pack (its size is more than 500mb ).
but think of those who don't have high speed internet or who don't have internet so it would be very difficult for them to get its fix

wait a minute....

i think you never used dreamweaver or VISTA.. first Even Dreamweaver 8 works on Vista, Cs3 also works.. now I was using Visual studio 2005 on vista for some time.. now am using orcas(visual studio 2008) ... and its fabulous.. and as every nice guy above said that all 98% app. works on Vista, its completely true.. i wonder how many of you people use ORIGINAL VERSIONS.. i doubt the MAC users here, plus some more.... coz most of them using ULTIMATE VERSION, which was pirated at best level.. :D (well i talk except the MVPs and some genuine windows users like iMAV):p

In the zone
shantanu said:
wait a minute....

i think you never used dreamweaver or VISTA.. first Even Dreamweaver 8 works on Vista, Cs3 also works.. now I was using Visual studio 2005 on vista for some time.. now am using orcas(visual studio 2008) ... and its fabulous.. and as every nice guy above said that all 98% app. works on Vista, its completely true.. i wonder how many of you people use ORIGINAL VERSIONS.. i doubt the MAC users here, plus some more.... coz most of them using ULTIMATE VERSION, which was pirated at best level.. :D (well i talk except the MVPs and some genuine windows users like iMAV):p
try to drag and drop and html file on dream weaver it will not work on vista but it will work on windows xp. same problem with tab u can not move tab on vista but u can do it on xp.
and wait a min let me take the screen shot of visual studio compatible error.

and as long as pirated version is concern according to microsoft i am using genuine version :)
i get all the update no validation error ! don't tell me that those who paid for it get special feature or update from vista.
i had problem with following windows xp compatible software in vista.
1 visual studio 2005 enterprise edition and sql server 2005 express edition
2 hp printer driver and software
3 mac drive 6
4 dreamweaver 8 (some of its feature is not working)
5 realtek ac 97
6 kaspersky 6
7 nero premium (now that compatible has been fixed after update)
and it can't even read cd properly some times it take more than 5-10 min to show content of the cd
now i just rebooted my system and now vista is reading my dvd wat a piece of crap!
microsoft released it in hurry thats why it is not stable
i hope service pack will make it stable

Visual studio


compatibility issue with sql server 2005 too
microsoft's own software is not compatible with vista :) forget about other
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something is wrong with you or your comp. for sure..

realtek ac97 -- what kind of a person you are _ i think realtek must have given (released) some drivers for your sound card..

then This aint the problem for service pack. when a guy is not satisfied with his own system's performance, or his own doings.. he starts to blame the company for it.. you didnt configure your software properly, you blame Microsoft..

your statement : said:
and as long as pirated version is concern according to microsoft i am using genuine version
i get all the update no validation error ! don't tell me that those who paid for it get special feature or update from vista.

i doubt you using an original version..

well thats another thing..

as far as your Visual studio is concerned.. why dont you install a service pack.. (dont give me an excuse for dial up connection) hundreds of people download from Broadband parlours.. isnt it. or you have just installed Visual Studio for fun.. Well if i use a software and the company provides the support for it.. then i readily take it.. why dont you.. i dont think Microsoft is gonna place a BroadBand Internet connection as a support to you, so that you can Download the Service pack for resolving the issues in the Software..

you must GROW UP.. before giving these kind of lame excuses..

try to be genuine and collect proper information.. its not a problemif i want to generate errors.. i think many of us can generate errors in any app. if we intend to.. :D


and its just 28.9 MB....

or do you use the pirated version of Visual Studio too.. :p

In the zone
eh i guess i just found new bug in windows version of safari. now i'll have to write whole thing again :(
@shantanu i didn\0e\0iÿÿÿÿ\0\0€ßR¸àRû\0\0\0<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"imwindow('aim', '$userinfo[userid]', 400, 200); return false;\"><img src=\"$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/im_aim.gif\" alt=\"" . construct_phrase("$vbphrase[send_message_via_aim_to_x]", "$userinfo[username]") . "\" border=\"0\" /></a>\0\0\0\0\0\0¨ßRÐÃDû\0\0\0<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"imwindow('icq', '$userinfo[userid]', 500, 450); return false;\"><img src=\"$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/im_icq.gif\" alt=\"" . construct_phrase("$vbphrase[send_message_via_icq_to_x]", "$userinfo[username]") . "\" border=\"0\" /></a>\0\0xíK!\0\0\0(v;èáR \0\0\0üÈQl\0\0\0\0iew\0!\0\0\0ÈáRâR \0\0\0|gRW\0\0\0\0\0e\0K!\0\0\0èáR˜hB \0\0\0´kBÓ\0\0\0\0e\0X!\0\0\0ðÈQPgR \0\0\0lwB \0\0\0\0 \0\0\09\0\0\0v¶\0\0\0øQ[\0\0\0\0*DxRx°

shantanu said:
something is wrong with you or your comp. for sure..

realtek ac97 -- what kind of a person you are _ i think realtek must have given (released) some drivers for your sound card..

then This aint the problem for service pack. when a guy is not satisfied with his own system's performance, or his own doings.. he starts to blame the company for it.. you didnt configure your software properly, you blame Microsoft..

your statement :

i doubt you using an original version..

well thats another thing..

as far as your Visual studio is concerned.. why dont you install a service pack.. (dont give me an excuse for dial up connection) hundreds of people download from Broadband parlours.. isnt it. or you have just installed Visual Studio for fun.. Well if i use a software and the company provides the support for it.. then i readily take it.. why dont you.. i dont think Microsoft is gonna place a BroadBand Internet connection as a support to you, so that you can Download the Service pack for resolving the issues in the Software..

you must GROW UP.. before giving these kind of lame excuses..

try to be genuine and collect proper information.. its not a problemif i want to generate errors.. i think many of us can generate errors in any app. if we intend to.. :D


and its just 28.9 MB....

or do you use the pirated version of Visual Studio too.. :p
i am using vista version of realtek but it is not allowind me to set bit rate to 24 bit.
and yeah i am not a serious .net developer just using it to prepare for practical exam than i may not touch it again i am more in java field :)
but i do use sql server 2005 and and u know i have no problem is using it on xp without service pack.
and don't expect me to use licensed version of visual studio it is dam very expensive i downloaded it in december 2005 from rapidshare using rconnect.. it is a msdn version of vs. uploaded by one of my friend.
and accept it or not but vista is still very buggy some times it take more than 2min to read other drive (d,e) and cd drive and some times it read the same drive in less than 2 second.
except graphic card (which is onboard) each and every component is up to the standard it run ms sql server, jdeveloper, sun application server perfectly at same time.
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Technomancer said:
eh i guess i just found new bug in windows version of safari. now i'll have to write whole thing again :(

i am using vista version of realtek but it is not allowind me to set bit rate to 24 bit.
and yeah i am not a serious .net developer just using it to prepare for practical exam than i may not touch it again i am more in java field :)
but i do use sql server 2005 and and u know i have no problem is using it on xp without service pack.
and don't expect me to use licensed version of visual studio it is dam very expensive i downloaded it in december 2005 from rapidshare using rconnect.. it is a msdn version of vs. uploaded by one of my friend.
and accept it or not but vista is still very buggy some times it take more than 2min to read other drive (d,e) and cd drive and some times it read the same drive in less than 2 second.
except graphic card (which is onboard) each and every component is up to the standard it run ms sql server, jdeveloper, sun application server perfectly at same time.

only realtek HD audio 660 c supports 24bit in onboard solutions.. and BTW you have to blame Realtek for faulty drivers.. while try setting the bit rate from the taskbar sound icon;; right click, playback devices.. speakers. properties.. and in the enhancements tab there is an option if your sound card supports 24bit then you can enable it.. other wise not..

as far as your comp. is concerned.. Vista has an inbuilt Error correction technology for any CD/DVD . The disc is being analyzed and loaded in a HDD section as buffer so that you can copy or install anything you want , and the system does not says you that "" cannot read from the disc "" or any related error.. mostly the very scratched disc are there which take time(you can notice a BAR filling at the TOP of the screen..

the of C D drive.. its a fault of your system. check RAM etc. XP is not 30% what is Vista.. in terms if features and Technology.. so dont expect it to run like Xp on lesser RAM.. :)

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
shantanu said:
wait a minute....

i think you never used dreamweaver or VISTA.. first Even Dreamweaver 8 works on Vista, Cs3 also works.. now I was using Visual studio 2005 on vista for some time.. now am using orcas(visual studio 2008) ... and its fabulous.. and as every nice guy above said that all 98% app. works on Vista, its completely true.. i wonder how many of you people use ORIGINAL VERSIONS.. i doubt the MAC users here, plus some more.... coz most of them using ULTIMATE VERSION, which was pirated at best level.. :D (well i talk except the MVPs and some genuine windows users like iMAV):p
Totally true shantanu , ALL my apps work fine here in Vista , n VS 2005 too wrks perfectly without SP1 .

n yes Orcas(VS 2008 now) is splendid , i'm eagerly w8in for it to be launched .
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