The ultimate shootout: Apple Mac OS X vs. Microsoft Windows Vista

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Aspiring Novelist
shantanu said:
(please suggest me to a link where it is written that we follow british english.)
do we select English(britian) as an option in your keyboard layout.. no we select English(india)or english(USA) so we follow American English..

mind it arya what you say.. we never follow British English(britishers left india but they forgot you ),, Its English(india) and i think india has its own identity.. well you may not respect india or indian language.. but can you even think of HINDI once.. i dont think so.. well as per your mentality you will write a sentense in hindi in your next post, just to prove how immature you are.
Go and open those school books you had in the junior years. Open the Radiant Reader or the Figments of Imagination. Look up which convention they follow - you'll find that it is British English.

And there is no such thing as Indian English. English is not India's launguage and there is no Indian variation of it. We follow original English and that is Britian's. In fact, the whole world, excluding USA and maybe a few minions, follows British English and India is no different.


I have Yolks not Brains!
Thread going offtopic.......
Its better if we get back to the main discussion.........


You gave been GXified
Of course we were, you were getting pwned before you started advertising the net articles on the other thread instead of replying to my eye openers.

So you still believe that your Mac OS X with less features & Apple hardware only is better then Vista with plethora of technology & any hardware? That TPM Module u see on your Macbook which prevents Mac OS X from installing on any generic PC (Without hackintosh) was also a MS initiative.

Oh sorry, of course u do believe that.
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I have Yolks not Brains!
aryayush said:
What discussion! We were having a discussion!?
Oh I forgot. You started the thread with the whole intentions of fighting and advertising. So I guess its insulting label it as Discussion. My bad.


Aspiring Novelist
gx_saurav said:
So you still believe that your less features, Apple hardware only OS is better then Vista with plethora of technology?

Oh sorry, ofcourse u do.
And so do the folks at, not to mention every other person on Earth with a functioning brain cell. There might be some cost related reasons why someone might prefer non-Apple hardware and by extension, Windows too. But saying that Mac OS X is not any better than Windows is just plain stupid. PC World and PC Magazine also rate Mac OS X higher than Windows; that guy who was swindled by Apple and hates them also favoured Mac OS X. There are four Mac users on this forum and all four of them prefer Mac OS X to Windows. Jim Allchin of Microsoft knows Apple is far ahead of them. Every review I've ever read has rated Mac OS X as the better OS.

Mac OS X Tiger vs. Windows Vista
In the battle for personal computing dominance, these champs go ten rounds to determine which OS takes the spoils.

By Jeffrey L. Wilson

Before Vista's January launch, eagle-eyed computer geeks who pored over every press release, statement, and image released by Microsoft in regards to the new operating system noticed a not-too-subtle resemblance between the new Vista OS and Apple's Mac OS X Tiger. Some said Microsoft shamelessly lifted key aspects of OS X Tiger; the more level-headed saw the similarities as a natural progression in the evolution of Windows. Regardless of where you stand on Vista's "originality," its changes and upgrades make it more intuitive and user-friendly than XP.

With the postponement of Mac OS X Leopard until October (Apple says the delay is due to putting the finishing touches on the iPhone), OS X Tiger will get a few more months of action out of it before Apple's new OS hoopla hits. So as we await Leopard's release, it must be asked: How does Vista compare to the venerable OS X Tiger? To find out, we pitted the Apple MacBook Black running OS X Tiger against the HP Pavilion dv6000 running Vista Home Premium.

Round 1: Interface >>

Yeah, now they are also biased, I suppose. Everyone who speaks in favour of Mac OS X is a biased and unreliable person.

I have yet to read a single review that does a shootout of both Windows and Mac OS X and Windows actually comes out on top (at some credible website, not from the mouths of just a bunch of six year olds using a computer for the first time). :rolleyes:


You gave been GXified
Yeah, now they are also biased, I suppose. Everyone who speaks in favour of Mac OS X is a biased and unreliable person.
Actually that isn't our attitude it is macboy's attitude which we can see in this very thread.

You know you can convince someone for a Mac by flooding him with Mac news & good things but not the bad thing. Why don't you also advertise in your sig "Shortcoming of MacOS X" & link to this thread. Oh wait, first rule of marketing "Show the customer what he wants to see".

Following that, me, you are the best Apple Sales Man out there, no wait in this forum. There are other macboys here too, such as goobi & andy & yeah they are smugs, but all macboys are. At least they are not salesman.

We are windows users, who do not rely only on internet. Sure MacOS X looks sober then Windows XP, but like I have mentioned that is the only thing it is good at, looking cute. The moment you come to use it, you will know where it lacks & prevails.

But saying that Mac OS X is not any better than Windows is just plain stupid.
1) Mac has no cut option

2) No DirectX means not enough games

3) No ReadyDrive feature

4) No Exchange server (Without MS products)

5) Lack of 3rd party applications

6) No ability to show the content on a secondary smaller screen, a.k.a Nvidia Preface/ Windows SideShow

7) Can't use USB Flash drives as temporary RAM

8 ) Doesn't provide a compelling file management systems.

9) Doesn't comes with a proper Photo Management application

10) Far more expensive then what they should be charged with. Even people of USA & Europe admit it.

11) No Media Center Capability/ Pathetic TV tuner support. There is only one EyeTV which works with there own TV Tuner card.

12) Lack of 3rd party hardware support, only Apple supplied & some of the Apple certified products work. Try plugging an Hauppage TV Tuner card in Mac or XFX 8600GT PCIe

13) Can't be upgraded like PCs

14) Mac pro is the only "Desktop" which starts at $2400 & cannot be upgraded. You cannot buy after market Core 2 Duo & replace the existing CPU in it.

15) Mac mini is no value for money. It is only small. 35K for a CPU without any graphics card? You call that viable?

16) Dock doesn't groups similar application windows.

17) If a program is not native, it runs slow.

18 ) If you are using some USB Drive, you must eject it else the files in it might get curropt even though they are not in use. You must eject it, unlike Windows where when the write operation is complete, you can pull it out easily.

19) You cannot resize a Window from any side, just the south east side.

20) If you select multiple folders in Finder & right click to "Get Info", you are left with 6 panes with individual info & not a combined info together like Windows, which shows the total folder size or number of files etc.

21) There is no backup restore option. There is no system restore option either.

2) More which I don't have time here to write.

Seriously, quit copying things from the net & write here from your own experience which I don't think you have cos you only know about mac & not how things work or computers.

Hmm,.....nope, this all won't buzz a bell in your head. You will bypass this post. Mac OS X is still good for you cos you don't know how to work, you just know how to look at the UI & its beauty with no productivity.

Fellow members, we have given a lot of points to start with, which conclude that though MacOS X is a good operating system which forces you to buy new hardware, however it is nothing better then what Vista has to offer which runs on your existing PC. You decide whether Mac OS X is a better operating system then what Vista has to offer. Keep in mind we are not talking about just the gray colour user interface Mac OS has.

Well, good night.
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The Devil's Advocate
now if arya comes and copies something he is no smarter than my 10yr bro who is adamant tht wat he says is right not bothering to listen to rational views ....


You gave been GXified
I wonder where he is now, must be looking for more artilcles to copy paste. He relies on others words only.

His stupidity was shown with his statement

More features != better :D


You gave been GXified
Sorry, just came from gym. Treadmill broke when i was running on it :D, so thoda mood garam hai.

Peace, arya...we admit you are nothing but a marketing agent for Mac trying to get a job in Apple. You are doing nothing wrong, any marketing agent will act like this.

I now pronounce Aayush the official Apple salesman in digit forum. Contact Aayush for all your Apple buying needs. :D

He is also a Mac Genius who has no idea how to work on computers or what to do when the EFI breaks down or WiFi doesn't work with Asus Wireless router as they are to be blamed cos they are not "Airport".

More features doesn't equals to better, then he is going to stay with Tiger, cos Leopard will provide more features, but since more features doesn't mean better, if he has some senses, he won't upgrade :D

We Windows users emphasize on features & then the looks, Macs they are all looks with not enough compelling features. Arya, if you knew anything about what UI is, you would have never said this line of more features not being equal to better. UI as well as features both matters, just not UI alone

About Mac being the only hardware which can triple boot Windows , Mac OS X & Linux, refer to my blog :D

This just in.

To view Mac Partition in Windows, you need an application called Mac Drive which costs $50. This is the best way as Mac partition is mounted as just another hard disk in "My Computer".

However if you do not wish to pay & need to access Mac partitions once in a while then you can use HFSExplorer.

Using this, you can view & copy files from your Mac partition. Keep in mind that this is only for copying files from Mac partitions & not for copying files to Mac partition. For that, use Mac Drive which is so far the best option. It is strictly a free solution which just works. Though not the best solution out there.

This is how it looks like, it is made in JAVA.

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Proud Mac Pro Owner
Most people on this forum don't seem to find faults in gx_saurav's posts. He posts damn incorrect and funny things. I don't usually take the time to reply to lenghhy posts of gx_saurav, but to the one I have, he has been almost speechless.

In almost any thread about macs, he will go ahead and post all the faults of macs and Mac OS X he has found out. And most of them are utterly false. Like the Mac Pro can't be upgraded. I currently have a Mac Pro with 2 dual-core Xeons clocked at 3GHz, 3GB RAM, 1TB HDD, Apple HD Cinema Display, 16x SuperDrive etc. Now I can upgrade the CPU to an octocore Xeons, RAM to 16GB, HDD to 3TB, display to more than a single Apple 30" Cinema Displays, two 16x SuperDrive, etc. If he thinks that these are not upgrades, then what are?

Then he says that to run Mac OS X, you need to buy a new Mac. There are several people who are running Mac OS X tiger on their 10-year-old macs, without much upgrade. As for Vista, even low-end PCs bought last year might not support Vista with Aero, at least not without significant upgrade. Now, is there any 10 year old PC that will run Vista? I guess not.

Don't tell me about running Vista without Aero on a old PC. Who cares about Vista without Aero? Vista without Aero = Windows XP.

As for "more features != better", this isn't completely true. The true statement is: More features does not necessarily mean better. Yes, having more features is better, but this depends on how useful the features are. The features should be useful, not just be flashy.

About mounting images by default, OS X is certainly more superior than Vista. It mounts .iso, .dmg, etc by default. No one here is advertising it as "Buy Windows. It has a Cut option.", even adding something like that on their signatures. OS X does have a cut option, it's that some idiots here cannot figure it oit.

And if anyone here is thinking that Vista is better than OS X, they're wrong. I haven't even got into the flaws of Vista yet. When I do, then this thread will be interesting.
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The Devil's Advocate
well how about to telling those idiots how to cut-paste files between drives? ... dmg is mac specific so dont brag about that ;)

no big deal run mac os on a 10 year mac .... thats it what u got to say to the entire listing gx gave ... that u can upgrade ur mac and install mac on a 10 yr old pc ...

btw to add to that list:

u will have a cluttered desktop if u have more than 1 drive (partiton) cz they are all displayed there ... and as in my case one entiree side is filled with drive coz i have 7

ps i really wanna know how do u cut paste files/folders between files ... dont tell me drag while holding command ... coz thts exactly what cut is meant to avoid

how about u getting into the flaws of vista ... yes it will be interesting u telling us that vista cant load iso by default big deal ...


You gave been GXified
nepcker said:
Most people on this forum don't seem to find faults in gx_saurav's posts. He posts damn incorrect and funny things. I don't usually take the time to reply to lenghhy posts of gx_saurav, but to the one I have, he has been almost speechless.
Nah, I don't find it relevant to reply. :p

In almost any thread about macs, he will go ahead and post all the faults of macs and Mac OS X he has found out. And most of them are utterly false. Like the Mac Pro can't be upgraded. I currently have a Mac Pro with 2 dual-core Xeons clocked at 3GHz, 3GB RAM, 1TB HDD, Apple HD Cinema Display, 16x SuperDrive etc. Now I can upgrade the CPU to an octocore Xeons, RAM to 16GB, HDD to 3TB, display to more than a single Apple 30" Cinema Displays, two 16x SuperDrive, etc. If he thinks that these are not upgrades, then what are?
Yeh, you can upgrade them from components bought from Apple itself, you call that upgrade? Tell me nepcker, can you go into the market, buy a MSI GeForce 8600GT & plug it in your Mac Pro? Will it work? No it won't cos Mac graphics card come with EFI bound ROM which only works with Mac.

In Mac Pro there is an option select among 4 graphics card, but hey, there are more then 12 current gen graphics card in the market, can I plug any one of it in Mac? just tell me this.

Yup you can upgrade the CPU, but did you forgot to read that I mentioned already that Mac Pro is the only "Desktop" which starts at $2400, lolz...Windows Vista "Desktops" Start at $600. Can you upgrade the CPU in Mac mini or iMac

HDD to 3TB, plz plz plz go in the market buy a Seagate 750 GB HD & plug it in your Mac Pro, check if it even plugs in it :D. Have u tried opening it & looking at the connector.

Upgrading to more then one Single Display, hey is that a CPU upgrade? Anyone sane here will not keep monitor update in "system upgrade". Fellow members, am I wrong?

Super Drive, a Sony DW-Q120A DVD Writer that I am using & try pluging it in the Mac Pro. :D

You can upgrade to only what Apple provides you, & we all know that Any OEM upgrade is usually costly whether it is PC or Mac

Then he says that to run Mac OS X, you need to buy a new Mac. There are several people who are running Mac OS X tiger on their 10-year-old macs, without much upgrade. As for Vista, even low-end PCs bought last year might not support Vista with Aero, at least not without significant upgrade. Now, is there any 10 year old PC that will run Vista? I guess not.
I am telling you, plz try running Tiger on a 10 years old Mac with PowerPC G3 with 64 MB RAM & 8 MB ATI Rage graphics, plz do so. You have said it 4 times in this forum, & I just want you to go try it yourself. Then come here & say how "usable" Tiger was on that computer. :D Plz do so, your statements are completely idiotic.

Don't tell me about running Vista without Aero on a old PC. Who cares about Vista without Aero? Vista without Aero = Windows XP.
Wow, so according to you Vista has only one thing new, Aero. This should be recorded as the Pinnacle of Nepcker's stupidity. Hey, I m gonna point some client features here, which might make it clear to you.

Vista without Aero = Windows XP + Windows MCE + DirectX 10 (Games) + Windows ReadyDrive (Hybrid HD) + Instant search + Windows Sideshow + Backup & Restore of whole computer + TPM Security + Encryption of whole HD +............technical features.

Nope, just like arya, this won't buzz a bell in your head. Windows Haters never see anything beyond the looks of an OS.

As for "more features != better", this isn't completely true. The true statement is: More features does not necessarily mean better. Yes, having more features is better, but this depends on how useful the features are. The features should be useful, not just be flashy.
I agree, now plz tell this to arya who claims to be a UI designer by working on Photo shop for 2 weeks & Mac. :)

About mounting images by default, OS X is certainly more superior than Vista. It mounts .iso, .dmg, etc by default.
ISO is a standard & yes, Out of the box Windows doesn't mounts it. :) But OEM Computers, just like Mac is an OEM Computer, do mount ISO & many more formats automatically.Hell, they even come with Adobe Photoshop/premiere Elements, & I hope now U won't say that iPhoto is better then Phothshop :D

DMG as said by iMav is Mac specific. On Windows we have zip or cab or rar or 7zip or ace or ...... to compress a file for internet distribution. We don't need to "mount". We have a straight forward installer.

OS X does have a cut option, it's that some idiots here cannot figure it out.
You said cut is available for files on the same drive, but not on different partitions. Right? Here is a screen shot of what I get, where is the cut option do tell me. The File is in pictures folder on Macintosh HD.


nepcker said:
And if anyone here is thinking that Vista is better than OS X, they're wrong. I haven't even got into the flaws of Vista yet. When I do, then this thread will be interesting.
Plz do so, this what we have been doing from day 1, clearing misconceptions.
In Mac Pro there is an option select among 4 graphics card, but hey, there are more then 12 current gen graphics card in the market, can I plug any one of it in Mac? just tell me this.

With each passing day your statements sound full of frustration & baseless.
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The Devil's Advocate
gx add the drive wala stupidity in ur list so we can have all flws at 1 place .... and also the fact that upgrades are mac specific in ur post so tht blind fools can read it and not come with absolute confidence and then embarrass themselve


You gave been GXified
Let them embarrass themselves. :D

Hey nepcker, I need to mount a bin & cuesheet file as Virtual CD, what should I do? There is no Daemon tools or Nero Image drive for Mac.

Toast Titanium does not starts here.
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Aspiring Novelist
nepcker said:
As for "more features != better", this isn't completely true. The true statement is: More features does not necessarily mean better. Yes, having more features is better, but this depends on how useful the features are. The features should be useful, not just be flashy.
That is what I said and it was quite obvious. gx_saurav has intentionally been misinterpreting it to use it as an advantage. I even explained it in that Vista example. If you add an insignificant and almost completely useless feature that complicated the user interface, that feature shouldn't have been there. It makes the OS inferior to how it was before the introduction of that feature. My short statement clearly meant that "More features does not necessarily mean better."

nepcker said:
As for "more features != better", this isn't completely true. The true statement is: More features does not necessarily mean better. Yes, having more features is better, but this depends on how useful the features are. The features should be useful, not just be flashy.
That is what I said and it was quite obvious. gx_saurav has intentionally been misinterpreting it to use it as an advantage. I even explained it in that Vista example. If you add an insignificant and almost completely useless feature that complicated the user interface, that feature shouldn't have been there. It makes the OS inferior to how it was before the introduction of that feature. My short statement clearly meant that "More features does not necessarily mean better."

A perfect example is Nokia N95. For gx_saurav and most other people on this forum (who are all, of course, oriented to Windows and that sort of a mindset), that phone is better than Apple's iPhone. Why? Because it has more features. I say, to Hell with the features! An Apple iPhone will let me do more than whatever I wish to with my phone and that too in a hundred times better user interface and that would definitely be more important to any sane person.

nepcker said:
And if anyone here is thinking that Vista is better than OS X, they're wrong. I haven't even got into the flaws of Vista yet. When I do, then this thread will be interesting.
I already did that. I randomly listed a bunch of flaws in Vista that has now been buried in the thread. Who cares! If you start listing Mac OS X's advantages over Vista, you'll be typing the post forever. That is why I posted those articles instead.
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You gave been GXified
aryayush said:
That is what I said and it was quite obvious. gx_saurav has intentionally been misinterpreting it to use it as an advantage. I even explained it in that Vista example. If you add an insignificant and almost completely useless feature that complicated the user interface, that feature shouldn't have been there. It makes the OS inferior to how it was before the introduction of that feature. My short statement clearly meant that "More features does not necessarily mean better."
No Misinterpretation, just going by what you said.

More features != better

Just UI = Better then having more features

What is not there by default is not a feature.

You call that a flaw in Vista :D, giving the user more control over how he manages his files in a computer is a bad feature. Wow, your analogy is so weird. Only for a Mac user that feature is complex.

I say, to Hell with the features! An Apple iPhone will let me do more than whatever I wish to with my phone and that too in a hundred times better user interface and that would definitely be more important to any sane person.
Judging by what is available right now, one very basic thing. iPhone won't let you chat on Yahoo Messenger, will it? Does the inbuilt browser supports flash (for Yahoo web messenger). Does the iPhone plays avi? (smart movie for Symbian)...? RM (one of most used audio format on symbian OS due to file size).

You are the first guy who is saying more features are bad thing. Now if this isn't stupid then I don't know what is :D. Infect this is the pinnacle of stupidity.

arya said:
I already did that. I randomly listed a bunch of flaws in Vista that has now been buried in the thread. Who cares! If you start listing Mac OS X's advantages over Vista, you'll be typing the post forever. That is why I posted those articles instead.

Those were biased flaws which we clarified already.

Arya plz mention them again instead of copy pasting random articles from the internet. About advantages of MacOS X, well that is what this thread is about. Aren't we mentioning Pros & Cons of Mac OS X here?

Admit it arya, Mac OS X is a good OS, but not good enough to justify a switch from Windows Vista, it hardly provides anything good. Now if you talk about security, well, i still have to see a Vista virus in the wild.

I just showed a screen shot in my previous post. Where is the cut option? How do I mount a bin & cue sheet file in Mac OS X as virtual CD?


The Devil's Advocate
hey arya rather than telling him that he will tyope a post for ever atleast type for over 10 mins with vista's flaws !! and please dont type bugs found by vishal ...

as far as more features = better ... the simple thing is the fight between vista and os x is basically omn 2 counts:

1. user interface (that is user friendliness & usability)
2. what it has to offer

for the 2nd part u have agreed that vista has more to offer than os x .... now the first part ... user friendliness is subjective to the user ... usability well mac os x lacks certain basic features such as the cut option ... which reminds me that nep is to tell me how to cut a file/folder and paste into another drive ...

nep even if u call jobs ... he wont be able to tell u coz there is nothing like cut-pasting files/folders between drives ...

and arya what about the points listed by gx everytime he lists points all u say is that he is lieing not proving the lie and u deviate the topic with senseless discussions llike more features=better?


Aspiring Novelist
gx_saurav said:
ISO is a standard & yes, Out of the box Windows doesn't mounts it. :) But OEM Computers, just like Mac is an OEM Computer, do mount ISO & many more formats automatically.Hell, they even come with Adobe Photoshop/premiere Elements, & I hope now U won't say that iPhoto is better then Phothshop :D
First of all, we are talking about Mac OS X and Windows here. Mac OS X comes with support for disk images out of the box and Windows doesn't. OEMs and all are out of the scope of this discussion. If you bring in the PCs from Sony, HP, etc. into the discussion, please do include all the great trailware/bloatware utilities you get with them free of cost.
Second, no PC in the world from any manufacturer whatsoever comes with Adobe Photoshop out of the box. There is no OEM/discounted version of Photoshop for hardware vendors and the original CS3 suite costs in excess of Rs. 1 lac. Like I (and Eddie) have always been saying, you are one of the biggest liars in the world.

iMav said:
please dont type bugs found by vishal ...
LOL! You guys have been shivering in your pants fearing that I will start naming those flaws. Fact is, I don't even visit that thread and read the flaws in Vista. I don't have any intent to use something someone is posting for the public good as a point for my own benefit here. If I start naming those bugs here, you will start saying that they aren't bugs and you will create controversies over it which will end up in that (useful) thread losing its value. Vishal might even be discouraged by seeing all the negative response. So I left that thread alone. And as I can clearly see, so has nepcker.

Imagine the reverse case scenario, a thread about the bugs in Mac OS X or someone seeking help with a kernel panic. You guys would have jumped down that person's throat criticising Mac OS X at every possible opportunity. I started one thread for Mac users and you could not even leave that one thread alone. This thread was supposed to be about a comparison of the two OSes with the pros and cons of each one. Look at what you have turned it into. Only recently you said this:
"If you select multiple folders in Finder & right click to "Get Info", you are left with 6 panes with individual info & not a combined info together like Windows, which shows the total folder size or number of files etc."

Ha! Ha! You are an idiot. You have been using the OS for a few months and you still post statements as lame as this one.

There is one flaw in Mac OS X, it does not have a keyboard shortcut for the Cut command. You have mentioned it twice in every single post and in the signature. That is a severe flaw and the fact that Vista does not read disk images out of the box isn't. WOW! You are so objective and unbiased, aren't you! :lol:

You guys have absolutely no shame. This statement by iMav is at the zenith of shamelessness. Don't think that everyone is like you.

And this is a promise now, if I even open this thread again, I'll leave this forum. Goodbye!
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