The ultimate shootout: Apple Mac OS X vs. Microsoft Windows Vista

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You gave been GXified
Out of the box MacOS X looks flashy, the default application although don't do much, but like I said, they look flashy & good & you cannot deny the fact that girls do not usually like the fact that they want to configure there computer at all.

Now, one thing is true. Other then Acer Ferrari, Gemstone or Asus lambhorgini laptops I haven't seen many flashy laptops. Dell XPS & HP is there but it is not as glossy or flashy as Macbook which would appeal to girls but the industrial & rugged looks please is boys more. Besides, girls like to be different in the crowd, if in a class everyone uses Windows, & she uses Mac she is automatically unique (refer to legally blond 1 :D)

The gal, as I interpret didn't wanted to configure much in her computer. She just wanted her work to be done & was willing to pay for it, well in that case Mac isn't bad. You don't want value for money but flashy things then buy Mac. Simple. Macbook isn't much powerful at 61k cos at 58k you can get a HP DV6226TX but what the hell, Macbook looks like a show piece, so why not buy it if u have money.

I gave my sister a user in Windows Vista to use. She hated the different looks compared to Winodws XP to which she was used to. Well, I took some time, & configred it girly (ya ya, i changed the aero glass colour to pink too but in the end made it blue) & Now she is in love with it. She even said "I am paying to Upgrade the hardware & gfx card if u like" , I said no thanx there is no need to upgrade anything.

Milind, good advice. She is truly a customar who doesn't care for a particular brand & buys whatever pleases her.

By the way, mannan isn't wrong. He is just saying the thing in wrong manner


arya said:
I used to recommend people to try out OS X before making comments on it but I've stopped doing that now
I guess you used to do that thinking that Since Mac OS X can only be installed on a Mac, then there are 2 ways to use it

1) Apple store, where you can't use it for many hours like home so you won't have time to find short comings, on which case you will buy it soon

2) If you buy it, hell obviously you are going to use it. You won't throw a 61k laptop if u don't like the OS, you will get used to not liking it.

Now since we are using it in our nearest apple store for as many hours, the myth has been busted. I wonder why you have not replied to...

1) My reply to your sig explaining new features which go way beyond anything that MacOS X offers

2) My Eye openers to your "No chance in hell" comments

I just tried the so called column view of Mac OS X, here are the short comings & pros.

1) It is a bad copy of Windows Explorer Tree view

2) You can nevigate from one folder back to another folder backwards easily

Edit : Columns can be resized by draging the drag area at the bottom of column partition line.


Finder sux more then Windows Explorer

For those saying that Fliptab is a clone of Expose, here is an eye opener.

Fliptab is nothing but the enhancement of alt+TAb which is available since Windows 98. Windows XP users already had a powertoy & various 3rd party application which used to do this long before Expose came in Mac or Windows Vista came with fliptab.

Here is how Expose looks like on a Mac. It shows the thumbnails of all the Windows available, on your screen. Thumbnails do not have same dimension & the dimension differs from window to window. Some Windows are big means the thumbnail is also big & differently shaped. This preview is made on top of the original desktop on a layer.


This is how FlipTab looks like on Windows Vista. It also shows previews of all the windows open on your desktop however it doesn't shows them on another layer on top of the desktop, instead it makes a new Window & shows the thumbnail in that Windows. That background of the FlipTab is the Window itself. All the thumbnails are equal sized. If a Windows is "long but not wide" it is shown as "long but not wide" in FlipTab.


Here is another feature in Microsoft Windows which is available if you are using a Microsoft Mouse. It is known as Instant Preview. This is more like FlipTab without a background. It also shows equal sized preview thumbnails of Windows open on your desktop in another layer. However it doesn't dims the background.


This is the well knows Flip3D. It shows the preview of all the windows open on your desktop in a diagonal way. The previews are very big compared to FlipTAB or Expose or Instant preview & you need to cycle between the windows to see them either using the tab key or Mouse wheel.


Now as you can see, there is only one thing common in all the 4 methods. They all show thumbnail previews of open Windows.

(The Windows Vista images are quite old)

Now if Apple has a Patent for "A method to display thumbnail Preview of windows open in an operating system" which can only be granted by the US Of A Patent department, then yeah, everything is a copy of Expose :D

Fellow members, you decide that whether FlipTab & flip3d is a copy of Expose or not. Cos alt+Tab & Powertoy for WinXP was already available in Windows long before Mac OS X came with Expose. How else can someone show Preview of open Windows on screen.?

Arya & nepcker, you talk about Apple's innovation & creativity, why not provide us with some new innovation here on "How to show preview of open Windows, on the screen". Let me give u some starting points.

1) Preview in the form of a sidebar with all the Window thumbnails showing in it. This sidebar has arrows at the top & bottom to cycle or you can use mouse wheel to cycle or keyboard up down key & click on it to open that particular window. You can click in this same manner on FlipTab.

2) Preview in the form of some dock on top of the screen, with rest being the same as above.

In both the case of FlipTab & Expose, you need to click on that particular Window thumbnail to open it.
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In Pursuit of "Happyness"
Hmm.. Keyboard sales are up! Thanks to you guys! You guys must be needing a new keyboard every month due to all this typing you do!


You gave been GXified
kalpik said:
Hmm.. Keyboard sales are up! Thanks to you guys! You guys must be needing a new keyboard every month due to all this typing you do!

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :ROFL:

Nah, i m still trying to get used to the weird shape of MS Natural multimedia keyboard 4000 i m using. Never used a split type keyboard before.

Arya bought a keyboard skin recently, no wonder he has been advertising Macs a lot in this forum. The text on keyboard keys must have washed out due to all this typing with his sweaty fingers due to overheating Macbook pro.

In the zone
os x is really cool :)
@gx_saurav is power management of os x working on ur system because display is not turning on on my system :(


You gave been GXified
@ Dheeraj

Don't post such big images in forum directly, either resize them or post as thumbnail.

Power Management will not work here properly. I have it uninstalled becauses I don't use it on my PC. It requires Mac hardware.


Peter Petrelli
u can set ur display to turn off in x minutes.
however, if u use stand-by, the problem occurs when waking it up. it just can't wake up unless u patch the kernel.


Aspiring Novelist
Mac user?

goobimama said:
I was one of those who didn't "go all out" into recommending an Apple to someone who asked me what laptop to buy. I would drop the thing about Apple, but I always said, don't come crying to me if you make the wrong choice.
Same here. Just the other day, I unfortunately had to help someone configure a Dell for himself.

goobimama said:
Ultimately they would go and buy a lenovo or a dell (my recommendations other than Apple).

Then came along this little girl (actually, she's 20) who wanted a laptop. I just gave my usual try the Macbook story, but she said no, not apple. Then when she went to the Apple corner to pick up an iPod nano, she saw the macbook and said what the hell, she'll give it a try. Immediately, from the store itself she calls me up. "Milind I want the Macbook!".
My sister wanted to buy a notebook and she saw the MacBook. She is completely blown over by the looks and is buying it; even though her husband (my jijaaji) is completely in favour of Lenovo/IBM notebooks and Windows. :)

gx_saurav said:
3) When u click on a file, the preview is very small & the columns cannot be resized.

4) Well, the columns cannot be resized at all
Stop using computers. Now. Eddie's signature sums it up perfectly: "Windows users shouldn't get to use the real computers. They know just enough to be dangerous."
He is right.

Look, there is no harm in acknowledging it. We will not tease you. It comes naturally to some people while others have a hard time trying to use computers. You belong to the latter category but there is nothing to be ashamed of. Seriously.

We cannot save text files, mount ISOs or resize the columns in the Finder. Yeah, totally dude, totally. You are such a genius. :rolleyes:


Proud Mac Pro Owner
gx_saurav said:
Nope, I just mentioned what Mac ads said.

Did you forget to read? I said, NVIDIA & ATI gives the OpenGL drivers to Apple which audits them for there OS. It is same as NVIDIA & ATI giving drivers to Microsoft for WHQL Logo, & WHQLed drivers hardly ever crash.

Ask anyone in gaming section why more Graphics RAM is better :D. what More to say :D

Yup, talking about pathetic quality control

ROFL , no seriously did u just had bhang today. Fliptab is Expose clone, how low can you go man, how low can u go. :D

Fliptab is mubh better then expose for Windows. Expose is good, but it is good for Mac OS X & isn't required on Windows UI.

I don't what you wanted to say, but in case you want me to enlighten you, here is an eye opener for u.

Draging some files from E:\ drive to c:\ drive vis Windows Explorer.

I kept the cursor static so that you can see it in action to see whats happening. Comon nepcker, this is plain stupid. You are denying the existence of simple features which are there since Windows 98. Just like arya denied that Windows Explorer in Vista does not shows the Video previews. I still remember his words "no chance in hell" :D

I tried textwragler, 9 MB for notepad, wow talk about efficiency. No wonder dll is better as it can be compressed in so many ways.

I forgot to reply to this Quote. I asked once that Firefox doesn't support key chain integration & arya replied "It is developers job to support it". Well, same goes with Windows. It is developer's job to implement this feature of drag & drop to anywhere in Windows applications. The Way Windows works, we don't require drag & drop cos we have the Holy "Cut" feature.

One warning to all users : If you are given a choice to see the Movie "Cheeni kum" starring Big B or use Mac OS X, then chose to use a Mac. It is hell useless movie, why do girls like such movies :?

(issued in public interest)

Sorry, I currently don't have time to reply to the whole of your thread. I may do it later. (I haven't even seen the video)

On Mac OS X, to move files between drives, you command-drag. If it is within the volume, than simply drag will work. I don't see any complications there.

My reply was for this statement: "You don't even need to press command+drag, just drag." If you drag between volumes, the files will be copied, not moved.


Peter Petrelli
Name a good Vista feature that goes beyond what's in Tiger. Yeah, I can't either.

1. Volume Shadow Copy in Vista Ultimate (which is being "copied" in Leopard as Time Machine)

2. Media Center. FrontRow has far less features when compared to Media Center that can watch/record live TV, play radio etc. Ofcourse it also depends on the compatibility of your tuner card.

3. DirectX 10 ...just kidding :p However, Halo 2, Crysis are set to take PC gaming to the next level. Can Macs come a step ahead of gaming? They still have the OpenGL power. There are games from Id Software and some of the popular games are ported/published by MacSoft too but Macs are still no match for PC games.

PS: I use Vista only for gaming (XP runs games better though) and for the Media Center. The other 70% of the time, I use Tiger and Ubuntu.


Aspiring Novelist
nepcker said:
Sorry, I currently don't have time to reply to the whole of your thread. I may do it later. (I haven't even seen the video)

On Mac OS X, to move files between drives, you command-drag. If it is within the volume, than simply drag will work. I don't see any complications there.

My reply was for this statement: "You don't even need to press command+drag, just drag." If you drag between volumes, the files will be copied, not moved.
Dude, you must be touched in the head! You expect him to press the Command key and simultaneously drag a file. What! Look, you will be held responsible if he suffers from brain haemorrhage trying to do something so complex and advanced.

He cannot even resize columns in the Finder, dude - cut the kid some slack. Poor GX! Calm down, OK. You do not need to do all those complex maneuvers. nepcker was just toying with you. Breathe deeply now, your heart rate will return to normal.


Peter Petrelli
Try dragging 20 directories (or should I say folders? :p) in Vista and see how frustrating that looks. It wastes lot of time in "calculating remaining time" while showing no progress and suddenly the progress bar moves a mile ahead. How flawed is that?


Aspiring Novelist
kiran_aryan said:
1. Volume Shadow Copy in Vista Ultimate (which is being "copied" in Leopard as Time Machine)
If I am not wrong, you cannot retrieve individual files from a VSC backup (I might be wrong though). And I can bet you that the next version of Windows will have something extremely similar to Time Machine.

kiran_aryan said:
2. Media Center. FrontRow has far less features when compared to Media Center that can watch/record live TV, play radio etc. Ofcourse it also depends on the compatibility of your tuner card.
Though you can enable Internet radio in Front Row with a little software hack, I do admit that WMC is far more advanced than Front Row (however, the remotes for WMC PCs suck big time, specially HP's).

kiran_aryan said:
3. DirectX 10 ...just kidding :p However, Halo 2, Crysis are set to take PC gaming to the next level. Can Macs come a step ahead of gaming? They still have the OpenGL power. There are games from Id Software and some of the popular games are ported/published by MacSoft too but Macs are still no match for PC games.
It is hardly a secret that Windows is the best platform for gaming on computers. :)

kiran_aryan said:
The other 70% of the time, I use Tiger and Ubuntu.
Do you have a Macintosh... or a hackintosh? If you own a Mac, which one is it? :D

kiran_aryan said:
Try dragging 20 directories (or should I say folders? :p) in Vista and see how frustrating that looks. It wastes lot of time in "calculating remaining time" while showing no progress and suddenly the progress bar moves a mile ahead. How flawed is that?
When I complained about this exact thing, gx_saurav's highly educated and civil reply was "Oh thats not Vista's problem, you don't know how to use Windows. Stick with your default configured Mac."

BTW, you have spoken something against Windows. You are officially on gx_saurav's hate list now. You must be trembling in your pants. :lol:
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Peter Petrelli
aryayush said:
If I am not wrong, you cannot retrieve individual files from a VSC backup (I might be wrong though). And I can bet you that the next version of Windows will have something extremely similar to Time Machine.

Though you can enable Internet radio in Front Row with a little software hack, I do admit that WMC is far more advanced than Front Row (however, the remotes for WMC PCs suck big time, specially HP's).

It is hardly a secret that Windows is the best platform for gaming on computers. :)

Do you have a Macintosh... or a hackintosh? If you own a Mac, which one is it? :D

1. Yes, VSC doesn't work on individual files like your doc,txt,mp3. I am sure Time Machine will be far more superior and user friendly.

2. When I meant radio, I meant both FM and internet radio :p. Internet Radio can be tuned even through iTunes I guess (no big deal). I use Pinnacle Remote in WMC. I hate HP/Compaq PCs MCPCs :D

3. My dad owns 17" Core2Duo MBP and a hackintosh (a near perfect mac :p) on PC which I rarely use (just for a show-off and to make my friends jealous). One day, when I start earning I will surely buy a high-end iMac with 24" or 30" Apple Cinema Display :p


Aspiring Novelist
kiran_aryan said:
1. Yes, VSC doesn't work on individual files like your doc,txt,mp3. I am sure Time Machine will be far more superior and user friendly.
Of course. BTW, I don't really get how someone can say that Time Machine is "copied" from VSC. Just because both are back-up applications? Makes little sense to me. :)


You gave been GXified
aryayush said:
Stop using computers. Now. Eddie's signature sums it up perfectly: "Windows users shouldn't get to use the real computers. They know just enough to be dangerous."
He is right.

Look, there is no harm in acknowledging it. We will not tease you. It comes naturally to some people while others have a hard time trying to use computers. You belong to the latter category but there is nothing to be ashamed of. Seriously.
Edit : My Mistake : Columns can be resized, there are drag handles at the bottom of each coloumn. A very bad way to show where to drag from unlike Windows Explorer in which you can click anywhere on the column line.


If I am not wrong, you cannot retrieve individual files from a VSC backup (I might be wrong though). And I can bet you that the next version of Windows will have something extremely similar to Time Machine
System restore is for whole system, while Windows backup is for individual files. Do some research. Vista by default makes periodic backups of Document, Pictures, Music & Movies folder.
When I complained about this exact thing, gx_saurav's highly educated and civil reply was "Oh thats not Vista's problem, you don't know how to use Windows. Stick with your default configured Mac."
Well, ya it is a problem, but we have cut option to take care of this which Mac Lacks.

Oh & by the way, there is another remedy which some people forget to look at. Click on Organize on the toolbar -> Show check box -> Now check on the files or folder that you want to drag or perform any act at, then simply drag any of it, it will drag all the checked folders

Of course. BTW, I don't really get how someone can say that Time Machine is "copied" from VSC. Just because both are back-up applications? Makes little sense to me.
Do reply to my last thread about Why FlipTab & Flip3D isn't Expose clones. Hey, where is the reply to eye openers.
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The Devil's Advocate
hmmmm .... replying to goobi and led what i meant was when u walk into a showroom of something only the goods will be old and she was a victim of being told only the good about the mac something tht had been happening on this forum until last month .... the mac hardware looks sleek and sexy ... the os doesnt have a bad look to it either but the problem is when u start using it and thts wat i meant wen i said tht thrs more difference we will weigh the options and not make an impromtu desicion where as as milind himself said she went to showroom .... the guy told her the goods of mac couple tht to its looks and milinds mac she made her choice ... nothing against girls in particular ;)

now coming to the topic ... arya i guess it is no secret tht mac isnt the best os it might be good for u but its not good enough wen compared to windows in more ways than 1


You gave been GXified
iMav, he will never admit that MacOS X isn't a flawed OS, how else will they appoint him in Apple store as Mac genius


 Macboy
Columns can be resized by either dragging the bottom handles OR just double clicking it. It resizes the column to the length of the longest filename.

As for the telling only the goods, I also told her the bads of it (not writing to NTFS, single button) but all I could hear was "I'm fed up with Windows".

One sucky thing is that they didn't bundle along a carry case. This is since they introduced the macbook. I got a nice case logic carry case with the iBook. Zhovnyache.

As for Volume Shadow Copy, does anyone seriously think someone with limited tech knowledge is going to use that? Ever?


You gave been GXified
goobimama said:
As for Volume Shadow Copy, does anyone seriously think someone with limited tech knowledge is going to use that? Ever?
Volume shadow copy is the name of the technology. The front end is Windows Backup & Restore centre which is there in the start menu itself. This is different from system restore which revarts system files too like some bad driver etc, Windows Backup, backs up everything. You can even save settings for automatic backup.


Now, do whatever you want, if u screw something, you can simply get it back from the backup


In the zone
goobimama said:
Columns can be resized by either dragging the bottom handles OR just double clicking it. It resizes the column to the length of the longest filename.

was just wondering whether it's possible in windows or not, and guess what? it is!!
further, with grouping enabled (details). it automatically groups different files according to major column specified, so then we can hide those simply by collasping the group.
eg, if u have about 100 dlls, and about 30 txt files in a folder, then i simply click the "type" column so that vista groups them by extension, then i collapse the dll group and then i can browse through my txt files without having a single dll in my way.
this grouping can be according to hundreds of details specified by vista, including tags, names, sizes, date modified, authors, titles, albums, artists, etc etc.
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