^^ please reveal the technical justification of aluminium foil for strengthening wifi signal. I am too much interested to apply the same
So how do i utilize it as mine has an antenna
Was getting Weak W-Fi signal!
Pasted two layers of Aluminum foil on a cardboard piece and Boom!
Signals bumped from 55% to 80%
Blank spoiler ?[/Spoiler]
BTW what is that thing, internal hard disk as external hard disk.
If yes, where can I get it. Also r u hooking to ur Router
Routers without any directional antenna (i.e. routers having hidden antenna) radiates the signal in all direction and thereby reducing the signal range in any specific direction. In this case, the wall of his room was absorbing ~30% of the signal. By using aluminum foil, that foil reflected the signal in the direction where he it intended to be and thereby increasing the signal range and strength.
Purchased CM Storm QuickFire TK. Rs. 6799.00/- from FlipKart.com
I never used number pad in my old keyboards. So i went with thsi smaller keyboard. After purchase, i found out i used to use Enter key on number paid. On CM Stom TK keyboard, when you disable number pad (to use arrow key, delete, insert button, etc..) enter key also stop working. So i have to use main enter key, that need more hand movement, not comfortable.
Anoter thing i don't like is you can't turn off back-light of arrow keys. When number pad is off, it always glow.
I pressed enter key on number pad at least 4 times while typing this. I need to get used to use main enter key.
Key is soft, rubber feeling. No tactual feedback. This keyboard is heavy and good build quality.
Now i love my old TVSE moreIf i had tried CM Strom before purchase, i would have stayed with TVSE.
got this, Cherry Red MX... I am in heaven, this keyboard is so much win biggrin.gif
@Abhishek Nama I have already read about cherry switches. But in india, CM don't have all key types available. Also i wanted smaller keyboard, the only reason i buy this. For just key, TVSE was ok too. I don't have much problem with keys as i was using non mechanical keyboards for most part. One problem i found during gaming was when i press Q in BF3 to spot, gun get out of zoom state. I think some thing to do with key repeat speed. I have to press Q and release fast compared to TVSE/Logitech keyboard.
I read forums, watched yt videos before getting the keyboard. One of the comment is
NEW Cooler Master QuickFire TK Keyboard
Then i stop reading and decided to get it, i see some good user comments on youtube too.
Was getting Weak W-Fi signal!
Pasted two layers of Aluminum foil on a cardboard piece and Boom!
Signals bumped from 55% to 80%
Grocery store?where to get Aluminum foil {एल्यूमीनियम पन्नी}
where to get Aluminum foil {एल्यूमीनियम पन्नी}