The Photography Thread


Broken In how did you get the smoke. And would love to see a picture of your setup as well... This is amazing stuff... You should be getting tons of likes and all on 500px and flickr for this

How you get the smoke? Or is that pp?

guys that smoke dosnt seem PP...its real...see the diffusion of sunlight due to smoke

It's not real :p Just some multiple layers in Photoshop with some custom brush :-D

Here also the snow is fake
* Black Series Kylo Ren by Baidujya Saikia, on Flickr

I will post my setup afterwards.


Someone on quora had asked if photography rules should be followed or broken. This was my response

Like all crafts There are phases to your learning*

1. Passionate start: you love the hobby and see you get appreciated for it. You keep doing it day in and out and just learn from your experiences

2.The apprentice: you start learning from others, from people from the web, from books etc. You use their knowledge and incorporate it into your hobby. However you are still new enough to understand many things hence you are taught rules so that you can improve even with your limited understanding. The rule of 3rds, inverse rule for shutter speed, exposure triangle, 1/160 rule for rain, all help you emulate art without the "feel" for it.*Here is where the rules are learnt and followed

3.The critic: you learn from your own mistakes. You try the rules, experiment and make minor changes to suit your equipment, your subject, your vision, your thought process. You see your flaws, hate yourself for them, think about quitting since you are clearly not good enough. However if you love the craft enough you keep coming back.

4.The teacher: by this time your work is good enough that people ask you to advise them. You do so never telling them that you are learning far more from them than they are from you. You know your flaws and work around them as you improve them. You teach the rules yet experiment with breaking them. You develop the feel by breaking rules and comparing* it against people who don't know the rules.

5.The savant: this is where you develop the feel, your own unique look and feel. This is what makes an Ansel adams or philip bloom work instantly recognizable. You know the rules but you trust your eye more than them thus breaking them as and when required. In doing so you create new rules that others at stage 2 will emulate.

So plot yourself in this, see where you are.

Amlan Mathur's answer to Are the rules of photography meant to be followed or broken? - Quora


Grand Master

btw if an artist follow rules then he is ultimately following someone..

have you ever seen musicians follow rules...give them any tune and they will play directly (At least my dad can) if a musician is bogged down to the notes provided by his teacher then he will not go beyond that


Sith Lord
Staff member

had taken some timelapses on straight stretches of road... then put them in the startrail software to see what happens
Some pics from a trip to Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary last month.


Nature Drone by Harshil Sharma on


Indian Pond Heron by Harshil Sharma on


Breakfast By The Nature by Harshil Sharma on


Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary by Harshil Sharma on


Grand Master
[MENTION=138735]HARSHIL[/MENTION] birds are
[MENTION=56202]Anorion[/MENTION]..1st one technically is good but pic is not that colorful or exciting ..
With my final year of University....I'm so dead. No time for photography :/

Nice clicks Harshil.
Anorion, first one reminds of a camera released by Ricoh, it could take 360 degree snaps.


Grand Master
* by Sujoy Packrasy, on Flickr

* by Sujoy Packrasy, on Flickr

* by Sujoy Packrasy, on Flickr

* by Sujoy Packrasy, on Flickr


wow Sujoy, that is some really amazing macro work. I'm sure it would be super tough to get these critters to stay perfectly still :) . Are these post processed? I guess a little increase in the sharpness or even focus stacking is the only way to get these to be any better. Other than that they are perfect

A couple from my side ... in keeping with the Diwali theme

Watching the festivities by Amlan Mathur, on Flickr

Lighting the lamps by Amlan Mathur, on Flickr


Aspiring Novelist
Harshil, Last one is okay...
Anorion, Like the IQ of the second one.
Sujoy, Nice work :)
Amlan, Nice and colourful. Good work with manual lens :)
With my final year of University....I'm so dead. No time for photography :/

Nice clicks Harshil.
Anorion, first one reminds of a camera released by Ricoh, it could take 360 degree snaps.

Seems like harshils new cam finally arrived

Harshil, Last one is okay...
Anorion, Like the IQ of the second one.
Sujoy, Nice work :)
Amlan, Nice and colourful. Good work with manual lens :)

Thanks guys.

Oh yeah, the D5200 arrived about a month back.


Grand Master
thanks [MENTION=138735]amlan[/MENTION] and [MENTION=125321]nac[/MENTION]

these r very slightly post processed...finding a praying mentis in the garden is the most difficult thing and I am lucky to notice it...its a complete camouflage. but its very stable

I actually shot some more macros ..tried to be more artistic and later found that focus was not on spot :(

@amlan 1st one is good..2nd one need a clear glass..compo wise good


Aspiring Novelist
Diwali clicks...


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