The Photography Thread


Aspiring Novelist
Webgenius, You started with Lord Ganesha, that's what people do before starting something new. May the Lord Ganesha bless your photography journey. :)

Generally, photographers focus on the leading eye when they take portrait, but you have focused on legs. (May be because, the idol was so small and you couldn't keep the focus point on the eye or may be that's intentional).
I guess you have tried to get shallow DOF, which resulted out of focus face, arms...
It's little over exposed.

Focusing is one of the basic, you can start learning from there. :)

I sometime shoot in RAW. If that's a keeper, I will keep both the edited and original RAW. If it's not a keeper, I will delete the RAW and don't even try PP-ing.


Ambassador of Buzz
Generally, photographers focus on the leading eye when they take portrait, but you have focused on legs. (May be because, the idol was so small and you couldn't keep the focus point on the eye or may be that's intentional).
I guess you have tried to get shallow DOF, which resulted out of focus face, arms...
It's little over exposed.

Focusing is one of the basic, you can start learning from there. :)
[MENTION=125321]nac[/MENTION]: Thanks a lot for the comment. Eager to learn a lot from you guys.

Yes, I tried shallow DOF. I've been learning a lot (trust me, really a lot!), and finally moved away from Auto Mode. To achieve shallow DOF, I opened up the aperture to max in 'A' mode, and took the shot. The idol is pretty small and was placed on the floor. So I had to literally lie down on the floor to take the shot (not a comfortable position to take the snap!). The bokeh came out, but not sure if it can be further improved!

How do I manually focus on the eye? I focussed toward the mid of the idol (stomach). Isn't that the right way? Am I doing anything wrong? Please comment guys, your comments mean a lot.


You camera would allow you to focus on a point (should be under your focus options), one of the ways to focus on the eye is keep the eye in the center of the frame (where the camera focuses when set to point focus) then lock the focus by half pressing the shutter button. Recompose the shot so that you position the eye wherever you want in the frame and shoot

Thanks a ton for all the praise on the bird pic ...


Ambassador of Buzz
You camera would allow you to focus on a point (should be under your focus options), one of the ways to focus on the eye is keep the eye in the center of the frame (where the camera focuses when set to point focus) then lock the focus by half pressing the shutter button. Recompose the shot so that you position the eye wherever you want in the frame and shoot

Thanks a ton for all the praise on the bird pic ...

But if I keep the eye in the centre of the frame, then there would be some content on top of the head (which is not required). What is the ideal way to do it when you want to keep only the subject in the pic? Keeping eye in the centre of the frame is difficult since eye would come at the top end of the frame.

And when I crop the photo, the final dimesnion becomes odd. From original dimension of 6000x4000, it goes to 5210x3820 odd dimensions. Any way to keep the dimension intact?


Aspiring Novelist
^ You need to do two things.
1. Read your user manual
2. Understanding basics - You can learn it here...

You camera would allow you to focus on a point (should be under your focus options), one of the ways to focus on the eye is keep the eye in the center of the frame (where the camera focuses when set to point focus) then lock the focus by half pressing the shutter button. Recompose the shot so that you position the eye wherever you want in the frame and shoot
Don't skip the sentence(s) and get yourself confused. He said, you have an option to pick a focus point you wanted. Other way to focus on a desired point (rather than fiddling with focus points), use your center focus point and focus on the eye and "recompose" your shot. i.e., You keep the eye in the center, press the shutter half way and "hold" and now move your camera in a way you want to compose your shot (for eg, keep the stomach of ganesha in the center), now press the shutter all the way down to click.
Note: If you have any more queries, hi jack this post and continue in "Camera talk" thread or "Understanding camera settings" thread or You can create a new one... :)


Grand Master
too much discussion to comment anything :D

@amlan thats a very nice can keep it for some competition
[MENTION=18320]webgenius[/MENTION] try more..try to shoot like pro do, remember you have the tool its upto you how you can shoot those beautiful shots.


Okay , so I am posting a pic after a long time of inactivity in this thread.
So this is a moment I captured at one of the Dancing auditoriums in Delhi . I just went in there are started capturing random some shots.
Apparently , this probably is the first attempt of mine to click anything similar to this.

On a side note this is a form of Dancing calling Bharat natyam . And this Dancer was performing "Arengaretram" , which is more or less like a solo performance of a dancer and means a lot to her.



Nice clicks everyone!

Just another pic from yesterday. No PP other than the text.



[MENTION=125321]nac[/MENTION] [MENTION=120687]Raziel[/MENTION] [MENTION=84261]abhidev[/MENTION] Thanks for the feedback!
The last shot was during sunrise at Kanyakumari. There was some huge crowd at that time because it was an auspicious day, and I was lucky to be at the right place to align him to the position of the sun.

A few shots taken with my new 55-200 VR, Im loving it!



Portrait of a cow. That cow was so photo-shy :razz:
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