The Photography Thread


Grand Master
@sujoyp: Um the cropped pic looks more like a VGA Cam pic :razz:

@sriharsha: Nice dof!! Nice composition too!

hmmm maybe its of VGA resolution only:razz: coz I cropped it soo much

Soo its not worth to take Macro using 55-200..will try once with 18-55 also...

Actually I am not happy with my macro setup which can take shot of eye body,wings only..I want whole body in focus...and focus staking needs a tripod...soo finding alternatives :smile:


Gadget Freak
@sriharsha_madineni- Amazing shots buddy.Mind blowing.
@Soumo-Some pics are nice and please remove full- size photo.We are having problem viewing in mobile.
@SujoyP- Amazing as usual :) Which insect is this?


Grand Master
@Tenida...I was just playing around with the lens at night and found this insect on the wall so click click click:razz:


Grand Master
Beautiful Sky above me right now...I just couldnt stop myself posting editing done...original:p



Cyborg Agent
stunner!!! what's that horse like thing at the right. a statue?
That's part of Iskon Temple at my hometown, Anantapur.

Here's the full image of the temple.
ISKON Temple, Anantapur by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr

ISKON Temple, Anantapur by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr


Super Moderator
Staff member
ok, got it. these also looks nice barring that motorcycle. really breaks the mood.


Cyborg Agent
Those were pretty old pics from some trip, posted it just for the temple, Will click better shots of just the temple next time :)

A few more shots from archives :)

Biker Boys ;) by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr

Darga @ Gandikota by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr

Gandikota Valley by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr

Gandikota Valley by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr

Gandikota Valley by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr

Sunset, Gandikota by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr

Sunset, Gandikota by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr
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Grand Master
@sujoyP, used HDR?

But that was a magical sky. U r damn lucky. I envy u.

Thanks...the sky was really amazing...never saw soo many colors in rainbow colors...
No its not HDR...its normal original pic:razz:

@sriharsha_madineni...the vally pics are great..its near ur hometown??...good place

really y did u put that bike in front of temple...:sad:


Cyborg Agent
Thanks...the sky was really amazing...never saw soo many colors in rainbow colors...
No its not HDR...its normal original pic:razz:

@sriharsha_madineni...the vally pics are great..its near ur hometown??...good place

really y did u put that bike in front of temple...:sad:

Yeah, Just 120kms from my place Gandikota - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No, I didn't park my bike in front of the temple, the road you see in the pic is National Highway 7. Was passing by, parked the bike on the side of Road & clicked that pic, Entrance is on the other side :oops:

@Sujoy and sriharsha_madineni

Nice Pics.. :)

Thank you :)


Cyborg Agent
Random pics from Kodaikannal trip

Some random house at Kodaikannal by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr

Some random house at Kodaikannal by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr


Moon Phases app by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr

Quite a Handy app for Shutterbugs ;) by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr

A few more apps :D

Photo Tools
Photography assistant
Light Sensor
Not so useful for P&S though :(
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Dragon fly

Mr. err... Miss Rabbit... actually.. Mrs. Rabbit


Drops of joy

Saviours of earth


Please post your critical reviews

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
@faun - Exposure was 1 sec.

@sriharsha - Your pics of sun are amazing. Wonderful colors you got from nature.
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