@INS-ANI: The second was actually my first attempt in making time-lapse video. The another with 8 seconds meets almost many parameters to make a time-lapse video look good and smooth.
I used my Sony Ericsson C510 with a java app called "Time-lapse Camera". Using that app, you can set the interval between each shots and the app does the rest.
I took 124 shots with an interval of 30 seconds between each shot. Then used "Ulead GIF Animator" software to combine all those images to look like a video. Ulead GIF Animator lets u export it as .AVI too.
In the video, the interval between each image is 0.06 sec. And saved it with the frame rate of 15 fps in avi format with XVID compression.
So do the math.
- 124 shots x 30 sec = 62 minutes of actual time spent in taking pics.
- 124 shots x 0.30 / 62 / 10 = 0.06. The 10 is to get one more zero after the decimal point.
- 124 x 0.06 = 7.44 sec of video that u can achieve. So to get the best frame rate:
- 124 / 7.44 = 16.6. So the best standard frame rate u get around that value is 15 fps.
Well, am talking about this video: *www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1424526462403
You can download the original 640 x 480 file from here: /media/Dump/20100504113533/timelapse1.avi
Just FYI: These numbers and math are not accurate. I am still process of making it better. You may look into some formulas available for making time-lapse videos available on net.
Sorry for the poor image quality. Since I took it via a tinted window pane and from a phone. I am longing to buy Nikon D5000. Just waiting for the exams to finish next month. Can't wait to get my hands on it and make better time-lapse videos.