The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Inc.

The new MacBook!

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 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

First of all, someone please make this thread a sticky. It deserves to be with the sheer number of posts + its significance.

Secondly, I realised the extent of the iPod phenomenon when an uneducated youth walks into the apple store with a "Fake Sony branded iPod" asking for a charger. It was hilarious!


Wire muncher!
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

goobimama said:
.......youth walks into the apple store with a "Fake Sony branded iPod" asking for a charger. It was hilarious!
Huh?? Sony branded iPod??!! And that too fake???! Do we also haf a "genuine" Sony branded iPod??!! :D ;)


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

And the guy is insisting that it's an iPod.

"Look here. Look here. iPod. Give me charger. muhuahhahaha! Me hungry" :D


Wire muncher!
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Lolz... the world is full of funny creatures to entertain us! :D :D :D


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

iv seen those "ipods" they are very similar to the real thing they even have an half eaten shiny apple at the back :D .... i too was fooled once wen i saw it on the stands from far :D


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Yeah, but when you get up close and personal, it is real easy to tell. They can't even get the Apple logo right. It is almost always disproportionate and weirdly fat. Hell, even the packaging is never just right.

But yeah, your normal layman wouldn't know the difference most times. Heck, for a lot of people, MP3 player = iPod. I've seen my share of Sony and Samsung "iPods". I don't know why people can't see the clearly inscribed logo that screams "WALKMAN".

goobimama said:
First of all, someone please make this thread a sticky. It deserves to be with the sheer number of posts + its significance.
There's no real need, actually. It almost never leaves the front page anyway and is definitely one of the most popular threads around (a lot more than most stickies). :D


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

aryayush said:
Yeah, but when you get up close and personal, it is real easy to tell. They can't even get the Apple logo right. It is almost always disproportionate and weirdly fat. Hell, even the packaging is never just right.
obviously :)


 Macboy
Wacom Bamboo Tablet: First Impressions

Since this review has a lot to do with OS X, I thought I'd post it here as well. No hard done right?

The Wacom Bamboo Pen Tablet: First Impressions

I had never used a tablet before so I was a bit skeptical on spending 11k for something that I wasn't sure about. I'm glad I got it. And now that the iPod Touch euphoria has died down, I am finally excited about my new gadget.

A Wacom Bamboo Pen Tablet:
8.5" x 5.3" active area.
512 Levels of pressure sensitivity
Price: 11k (Oh no. They won't get me this time. Writing 10,990 on the bill doesn't make any difference)

First first impressions:
It is big. Bigger than what I expected it to be. I kept on thinking that it would be 8.5" wide even though I knew that was just the active area. But this thing is big. And it looks just awesome on my tinted glass table right next to the iMac.


I wanted to do some unboxing pictures, but I didn't have a camera. It is the first product which I've used which has the packaging with the elegance of Apple. On opening the box reads a statement: "This is your Bamboo. Use it to get more out of your computer. Let us know how it goes..."


I must say, a good unboxing experience.

Setting it up:
There was no setup! I just plugged in the USB cable, and it started working perfectly and more important, instantly! I look into the system preferences, and there's a new icon "Ink". That's OS X at its best. It knows you don't need ink otherwise, but when you do, it just pops it right in. No clutter.


* (Settings)

* (Guestures)

* (Uncommon Word's list)

Screenshots of Ink preference pane

Next I popped in the "Install" disc that comes with the tablet. It installed its own application which provided for more settings and control.


Using a tablet:
I had little clue as to how exactly using a tablet would be like, and I must say, the first few hours didn't help at all. The pointer was jumping all over the place, I was launching all kinds of files, and I could never get the thing to move like I wanted it to. I called up my Apple guy and asked him if he had any inputs.

"Just use it for two days and let me know then. If you can't use it, I'll take it back"

Five hours later:
Works like a charm. The trick is in relating the entire screen to the tablet area. I think this is a new concept, where the entire screen is mapped to the tablet. So if I click on the top right, the mouse pointer instantly moves there. And to move the pointer, you can't touch the surface. The pointer detects the pen .33mm or something off the surface. So one is like gliding over the surface for most part. To click, tap. To double-click, you get the point.

Dragging items to the trash or anywhere for that matter is super convenient. You don't have to worry about mouse acceleration at all. Cause you know that you can drag the pen anywhere without having to lift it.

It's drawing capabilities:
Again, I have no past experience to compare this with, but it seems pretty accurate to me. There's none of that pointer shivering that a lot of optical mice have when moving small distances.

Photoshop automatically accepts it's pen pressure sensitivity and it gets enabled in all areas of brushes and such. Turn the pen over and it becomes an eraser. And the tablet surface is such that it actually feels like I'm back at school and for the first time the eraser actually works!

The Pen pressure

After much practice of course, the pen tool is what shows how efficient a tablet really is. I have always found the Pen tool to be a bit of a bore but used it cause it was functional. Now it's ten times faster.

It's writing capabilities (OS X's Ink):
I'm pretty amazed with the handwriting recognition. Nothing like the palm top thingies I’ve used in the past. Of course, I have to tame my handwriting cause otherwise forget the OS, I myself won't be able to figure it out. And one has to write in separate letters, no running handwriting recognition.


And since handwriting recognition is built into the whole system, I can practically just click on a file, write something and its name gets changed. I don't need a mouse anymore! And there's onscreen gestures built into the system for stuff like Copy, paste, enter. You can't however add your own guestures for some reason.

The tablet functions:
There's four function buttons on the tablet: F1, F2, < and >. By default F1 and F2 are set for expose all and show desktop and the top ones are back/forward. One can change any one of them to launch an app, keystroke, and some other options.

Then there's the gorgeous touch ring. It's illuminated with a blue LED light all around which pulses when it's not active. Move the finger around and it zooms (A la iPod Click wheel). Tap the finger on the top and it scrolls and vice versa.

Also,]/b] I forgot to mention that the tablet surface feels like real paper. Its so nice and rough. I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between regular paper and the tablet surface.

The Pen:
It does feel a bit light and is made of plastic. Not sure again now the Intuos3 pens are, but I'd bet they are a bit better. Works very well, but I’m just judging its build quality here. It has two buttons on the side which while using are within easy reach of the thumb. One button activates the scroll, which is very convenient. The other one is the right-click. At the back there's an eraser which works as a normal pointer while using it outside of photoshop and the like.

The Pen comes with a small little stand so you can keep it either vertical or horizontal. Easy access while keeping it safe.

There's a mouse!
Yep. It comes with a cordless, battery-free mouse. I don't really know how it works, but just move it over the touch pad and its a normal mouse. The mouse buttons work, and so does the scroll wheel. Even the pen is without a battery btw. Again, the build quality is lacking. Compare these with the tablet which is of an amazing matte finish and a little glossy here and there.

Stray Thoughts:
This is one stunning device in looks and in features. I don't know about the Intuos3 and other high end tablets, but this one is more than I can handle at the moment. I don't get any wrist pain any more after prolonged usage of the pen (it's cause one is more actively using the wrists) and I can work far more efficiently with the pen than with the mouse in design as well as otherwise.

Here's a little sketch I made of a friend. Take note that I'm no artist before you start bashing me (how does one draw eyes?!?)
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Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Awesome drawing and an awesome gadget!

God, I want one now. Remind me again how much it cost you...

goobimama said:
I look into the system preferences, and there's a new icon "Ink". That's OS X at it's best. It knows you don't need ink otherwise, but when you do, it just pops it right in. No clutter.
This is amazing stuff. You got it right = "OS X at its (not "it's") best"!

Mind posting a screenshot of that preference pane?
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 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Everything to your satisfaction oh great one from Calcutta? :)


You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

iMav said:
iv seen those "ipods" they are very similar to the real thing they even have an half eaten shiny apple at the back :D .... i too was fooled once wen i saw it on the stands from far :D

You mean something like this....


Will write about Inkspace of Windows XP later here


Another Brick in the Wall
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Amazing sketch, Goobi!

I used to play with my PDA like this. Got a Windows Mobile 5 PDA and I used to open Word and put the transcriber and play with the words! Cooler than drawing by hand & paper.


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

goobimama said:
Everything to your satisfaction oh great one from Calcutta?
Yes, it is. Thank you! :)

You still haven't mentioned the price though.

gx_saurav said:
Will write about Inkspace of Windows XP later here
Please spare us the crap! Don't you get a simple point? This thread is about Mac OS X. "Inkscape" or whatever it is might be awesome but we don't want to know about it, thank you very much.

Your hair is looking "wild". :p

See this story: Huge Apple logo formed out of rocks in river at University of Hartford (with photo)

It reports how some students have made a huge Apple logo out of rocks on a river. What I found absolutely hilarous was an entry in the comment strings that follow:
That's actually a real apple logo on their new product.

Introducing the new iRiver!

Perfect for swimming, canoeing, and fishing. With a flick of the finger, you can create rapids and go white water rafting. You can even watch movies on the surface.

All in a river that is only 6 inches deep! It's...incredible.

I think when you get a chance to stick you toes in it, you'll agree, we re-invented the river.

:lol: Awesome! This guy's got a sense of humour. I can actually envision Jobs saying these exact words. Hah, hah! :lol:
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Booting Nicotine!!
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

The great apple factory in india !!

happend like this i was on my way to kutchh (guj) well there comes a place know as Morbi (well known for the clocks and tiles mgf units) there i saw a amazing thing engraved/painted on a huge wall

first reaction: bingo i got the apple outsourcing/hidden mgf unit or is that a huge mega service station i was on cloud #9 ! ayush will kill me to give him out the secret location ..may be milind too

Later closer observation : huh its a marbel/granite/tiles mgf unit (mind it its a huge unit)

logo same
font same
name APPLE and the cute apple comp logo !!!

i was like what the heck !!!

any how 3 kms form the plant i saw another add /wall advertisement
same company with some add
apple tile leading mgf of tile then add and all blah blah

sad tormented and angry over this i retarted to the car ..well i had road to travel so went on and on ..

Apple tiles anyone ??? :-D wonder if the tiles have that apple symbol and/or do they give out O.S leopard with each 1000 peices ....
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 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Read again. I did mention the price (twice).


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

You added it later.

God, you had me excited for a while there. What a letdown! :(



Booting Nicotine!!
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.


man i was too excited that i fumbelled and the stupid O2 xda II mini fell of the dashboard :curse: the whole idea of getting snap vanished but sure next time i will get you pics .. as soon i hit the road again this time i wll gleam in the pic too :-D well next time let see as soon i recover the accident that happend to me and which resulted in somwhat dislocation of my no so able shoulder ..will recover soon and hit the road again !!

bwt i will be regualarly tracking fake apple products and companies with the same name :-D was fun man
also waiting for that so called consignment that u had send to me ...::wink::
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