The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Inc.

The new MacBook!

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Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

iMav said:
wen u make that comparison .... ur comparing hp's range of notebooks to mac's range which i unfair to apple coz their line up does not have soooooooooooooo many models
But that's the point I was trying to make. Nothing is stopping them from making thousands of models. The fact that they don't is what makes them different. Everything about the company exudes pure class.

Edit: Milind beat me to it.


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Ha! Gotcha there! Aayush is slooooow.... like a Panda...


I'm sure many know this by now, and I knew this from some time back, but when you do a spotlight search from the menu bar, the focus is on the "Show all (11)". You normally have to press down arrow and then hit enter. But hitting Command+Enter selects the Top Hit and launches it...
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Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

... and the "Top Hit" is selected by default in Leopard. :D

If you ever thought that Spotlight could never be as fast as QuickSilver for launching applications, you'll change your view once you see it in Leopard.


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

As it is Spotlight was a big improvement, and now we have something even faster. Have you tried Windows XP and prior search feature? Its painful to wait fifteen minutes for a result!

Btw, the iBook has been taken by my dad, and internet sucks at home. I had to do some urgent stuff for a client. Photoshop is there in the office, but I went there, got the material. Opened photoshop on Windows. Closed it. Rode all the way back home. Did the stuff. Then rode all the way back to the office, and sent the files. It makes thaaaat much of a difference ;)

PS: The system *supposed to be* more capable than my iMac...but I just couldn't do it.
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Another Brick in the Wall
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Warning: The following stunt is done in Apple Mac Hardwares. Do not attempt them with your PC. You don't want your PC be 'Chernobyled'.

"This is what happens when you CMD+A in the Applications folder on a MBPro (2.33 GHz Intel with 3 GB DDR2 SDRAM) and accidentally double click....EVERY application on the computer opens at the same time."


A whopping 3992 Diggs! How does a Macbook Pro handle every application opening at once?

Read the comments, where ppl have posted their contribution.

Moral of this post: Apple Macs rocks! :D


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Holy mother of Salim Ali and his birdland!

I wouldn't attempt opening even two apps on my PC!


Another Brick in the Wall
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

New Mac Pro & Cinema Display lineup coming soon



 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Wah Dr. I see you are turning out to be a bigger macboy than youknowwho!


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

"youknowwho" who?

drgrudge said:
Warning: The following stunt is done in Apple Mac Hardwares. Do not attempt them with your PC. You don't want your PC be 'Chernobyled'.

"This is what happens when you CMD+A in the Applications folder on a MBPro (2.33 GHz Intel with 3 GB DDR2 SDRAM) and accidentally double click....EVERY application on the computer opens at the same time."


A whopping 3992 Diggs! How does a Macbook Pro handle every application opening at once?

Read the comments, where ppl have posted their contribution.

Moral of this post: Apple Macs rocks! :D
Umm... what's the big deal here? I've done this on my MacBook Pro too. :p


Another Brick in the Wall
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

I'm not sure abt the 'big deal'. The post got around 4k Diggs and that's not a normal amount of Diggs even if the story made to the front page. Also repeat/know things wont be such popular as well.

Dunno about you but I'm seeing this for the first time now.

goobimama -



Wire muncher!
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Hey I was checking out some of the finder features and stumbled upon "Folder Actions". now i must say the scripting feature is really cool. Nautilus (on gnome) also has this feature but it is not being completely utilitised. i learnt that they are taking lessons on how powerful the nautilus scripting engine is and trying to bring Folder Actions there.

i hope even windows explorer implements it.

Cool feature, i must say that. this is what i stumbled upon which gives a much more clearer picture of folder actions than the official apple webiste: *


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Combine that with Applescript and Automator actions and the possibilities are endless!


Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

drgrudge said:
Warning: The following stunt is done in Apple Mac Hardwares. Do not attempt them with your PC. You don't want your PC be 'Chernobyled'.

"This is what happens when you CMD+A in the Applications folder on a MBPro (2.33 GHz Intel with 3 GB DDR2 SDRAM) and accidentally double click....EVERY application on the computer opens at the same time."

When someone selects all files and presses Enter by mistake in Windows, Windows gives a warning that opening a lot of files at a time may be time consuming and asks for confirmation before proceeding... Dont you think that this is a more sensible approach?

Also, by going to high temperatures, there is a possibility of deterioration in performance - it is preferable to have the computer to restart if the temperature goes beyond certain limits... I hope such settings are available in BIOS for Macs also...

One more thing that must be noted is that the system is relatively top of the line, and expecting it to be able to handle a lot of processes is generally taken for granted...

If the idea of the post is to show that Expose can handle so many windows, I still would have to say that there is no way (for someone without exposure to Macs) to judge how easy it is to close unnecessary applications, find the useful applications, etc... at the end of this (in Windows, we can just call up the Task Manager and multiple-select unnecessary programs and close them)... Personally, in the twelve minutes it took to load all the programs, it would have been much better if the person had restarted the system and continued with his/her work...

This is more show than substance, IMHO



Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

sakumar79 said:
in Windows, we can just call up the Task Manager and multiple-select unnecessary programs and close them
... and then keep pressing "End Task", "End Task", "End Task" as most of them freeze and refuse to close until forced to do so - twice or thrice.
Don't say it does not happen because it does. It is a pain to close unresponsive programs on Windows (and programs become unresponsive very frequently).

And BTW, you can indeed launch Activity Monitor, select all programs and 'Quit' them at once on Mac OS X too. The only difference is that the programs don't freeze and even if any particular program does, you can just 'Force Quit' it and go your merry way.

The fact that I've never once had a kernel panic or had to force shut down my Mac so far (in thirteen months) is a testament to how stable the platform is. :)

Edit: Oh, wait. I have had a kernel panic, actually. But it was on Leopard, which is a developer beta. So it does not count, IMHO.
The way kernel panic happens is beautiful, by the way. I am trying to bring it about again just so that I can watch that cool effect. :p
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Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Those End Tasks do occur, I agree, but they are rare (if you are careful in your selection of apps you install)... However, my point is, it is better for the OS to warn before opening so many programs at the same time... You have to agree that Windows wins on this count...

For me too, other than one particular game (Diablo II Lord of Destruction) hanging a couple of times, I havent had to force shut down on my XP either... And thats for about a couple of years... Like I said, if you know what you are doing and are careful with the selection of your apps, you wont have problems in XP... The problem is that Windows has so many people writing programs for it, and there is so much software available for it; either you can put some buggy programs that can cause problems, or, even though the programs may work okay by themselves sometimes conflicts can cause problems... And of course, you should know how far you can push your system before it will crash...



Another Brick in the Wall
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

sakumar79 -
It's indeed show than substance. Show off, maybe.

People just got fancied (myself included) when they saw thing like that.


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

I agree with the first part and don't with the second. Yes, it is better to warn before opening so many applications. And no, I don't want any excuse for why Windows in an unstable piece of crap. Please don't give me that! I've been hearing that from gx_saurav for months now.

Mac OS X has a lot more developers developing for it than you give it credit for. And you get crap applications for Mac OS X too. But no application being the whole OS down. And that happens on Windows - very frequently.
Screw the third party developers. Windows Media Player has brought my whole XP system down more times that I care to remember.

Hardware issue or software issue? I don't care. Why it happens; what's the cause? I don't give a damn! All I want is a system that I can do whatever I want with. and it should be able to handle the load. I want to visit websites full of crap. I want to visit places on the web when I am warned by Google that they might be malicious. And I want my system to remain clean after all these pursuits. Clearly, Microsoft is incapable of providing me such a carefree experience.

I know why those crashes happen and I know it is possible to prevent them, at least theoretically. But, no matter what I do, it just never seems to work. Within a month or two of using Windows, it inevitably slows down to a crawl and reaches the point of being unusable. It happens. Every single time. I've reinstalled Windows XP so many times, I can name all the steps in the order they take place.

I've showed my Tiger installation (running in excess of twenty applications ay any given time) to many people and most people express a great deal of surprise when I tell them I have been using it for a year straight, haven't shut it down more than 20-25 times and have never had to re-install it. It is true and it should not be something extraordinary or unbelievable - but unfortunately, due to Windows, it is.

I know people will keep disputing this opinion till eternity (or till they switch), but I know it with hard evidence that Windows is no match for Mac OS X. Nowhere even close.

(Anyway, let us not divert from the topic, please! It will turn into a flame war when the two missing comrades jump in here!)


left this forum longback
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

 <---- is this symbol supposedly not to be seen by non-mac operating systems? I can see and i'm in Debian Sid Linux ;)


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Laser Etched Macbooks:






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