The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Inc.

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The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

use to know ;) or use google to know


Tribal Boy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.


LOL, man, I asked the same qn to this iMav here

iMav seems to be working in a very big hi-fi office where the features which he - never listed - is going to tell are very essential ;)

I asked him to list some essential features which the common man / corporate guy need which is only in "MS Office" and which is missing in alternative office suits.

Poor iMav, said its a long list and hes not in a 'mood' to post such a list !!!

So drgrudge, please do not expect a reply from him regarding this. He is not in a mood !!

[edit] While posting this I saw his reply !!


I was expecting the same immature answer and he posted it again !!!!!

Check the link I gave above, when I asked him he gave the same, now I am confused, this google is owned by iMav ? LOL Whenever we ask something that support his statements, he ask us to try in google !!!
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 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

@Din: In case you didn't read that post by aayush, it goes something like:

iMav: More features, more features, more features!

iWork kicks Office's boring azz any day...


Tribal Boy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

iMav said:
why si it so dificult for people to believe and accept that i need commercial programs ... the same is with infra; din; and HiH ... :confused: arre bhai log i have tried OSS and it did not suffice my needs ;) :)

Man, please do not behave immature in every section !!!

When you say - the alternative office suit does not suit your needs, you are expected to give some reasons / proof / supporting material / link / some thing !!!

Grudge asked you what you meant and you are asking him to check google !! Man, again you are really really funny :D

It is NOT google said office alternatives are not working for the needs, its you !! And you are supposed to post the reason.


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

din it seems that u havnt gone thru the link i gave u ... please do so .... then we shall talk further ;)


Tribal Boy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

The link you gave was posted by - soumya - thats you ? ?

AFAIK, it is a list of features

It is NOT the same me / drgrudge asking here

You mentioned the features which are very essential to you are missing in alternative office suits and they are only in the MS office.

We are all want to know whats the very essential things which a normal user / corporate user need - which are missing in alternative office suits and which are only in MS office

We are asking you coz of your post - which said features missing. Now, again, do not ask us to use google. Most people here know how to use it ;) But google didn't tell us it miss something in alternative office suits !


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

no its not by me but it shows all thats new in power point 2k7 and if u see everything u need be it tables; charts; text designs; templates; letter covers; default animations; word arts; has been over hauled and there is more of everything ... to make it easy to use and bring in more efficiency and make it quicker (though goobi wud disagree) a clear example is that a lot of times i need to open ps to giv text the inv shadow effect now its there in ppt as it si and there are like more 9 different options of the inv as to much u want to blend it, arrows, charts are a lot more flexible to add visual effects ... etc where as while using open office i did not find any such thing ... it had a fixed a set of few transition effects no nice text effects

there are more chart styles where as in open office i remmber once i had to open ps and made the chart as to what i wanted circles filling shadow effects colrs and then saving it and imporitng it in open office .... nothing like that in pwoer point ... where u want to place text how u want the text to appear the background etc ... also the effects like shadow rotation etc which need to be done thru ps if using open office but 2k7 has it in itself ... which means making presentations is more easier more fun and yields a lot better results ... (iv faced it)
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Tribal Boy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Ok, I meant to tell you - this statment is wrong. It is not your statement.

There are very essential things which a normal user / corporate user need - which are missing in alternative office suits and which are only in MS office

As per personal preference, you might have liked some features, but that does not mean that evey one need those features. That does not keep the majority away from using alternatives too.

For common man / corporate user, the alternatives are pretty much sufficient. They do not need each and every single feature MS introduces. The alternative suits will work for them pretty well.

Personal preference - I use the direct conversion to pdf = option in open office a lot. Really helpful for me. But I am not telling its a great feature and it is missing in some versions of MS Office.

Those are all personal preferences
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Wire muncher!
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

imav, most (almost all) of the things you've listed are a greater variety and not more features.

edit: this reminds me of arya's "features" post! :D


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

din said:
For common man / corporate user, the alternatives are pretty much sufficient. They do not need each and every single feature MS introduces. The alternative suits will work for them pretty well.
and what does an i in bold mean :rolleyes: @infra well if they arent features for u ur wish they are for me ... having the ability to certain actions that require another software in this case ps becomes a feature for the software that has the ability

coming back to pdf ... well if gx hasnt said it enough i say it again ... there is an office plugin that can be downloaded for this and it is adobe that refused to allow ms using it in the package by default


Another Brick in the Wall
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

iMav -
Arya was right when he posted the "iMav: More features, more features, more features!" thing.

It makes me wonder why anyone would want to buy a hefty suite for some petty features (even if you don't agree - I'm sure many will).

I'm not sure as how you got your MS Office. Will you use it, if you were to pay the full money? Assuming that you do buy it, I'm sure 50% or more users won't.


Tribal Boy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

iMav said:
and what does an i in bold mean

When you mentioned you are missing something terribly, all thought its something valid and really useful for the normal customer / corporate user .

Now, from my experience - for your kind information

My friend works in US Softwares (having thousands of employees, having offices in US etc and 100% exporting software firm). They use open office for the presentations. It works pretty well for a company like them.

Now if people want something even higher level of presentation softwares, they will not use this MS Office or alternatives. They will go for interactive animattion things.

So for normal user and corp user, the alternatives are there.

And PDF, I never complained MS has no pdf option !! I was telling I liked the feature of Open Office for that but that does not mean that it is a general requirement for feature. Majority may not use it, so if I tell - MS Office lack something terribly - because of that, then it is rubbish.


I am not saying all - but Some of the GREAT MS supporters in this forum use the FREE OS / Office suit MS gave them and I guess thats is a major reason they support MS

And I am sure, they will not do this much blind support if they Really pay for it.

[Edit] - Strictly a personal opnion and do not want to hurt anyone using genuine softwares after paying for it.
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The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

well ur frenz shud try this coz mine have and we use ppt extensively and even make ppts for others using ppt and they seem to love the final outcome ...

besides the 1s i said were top of the head once u use it there are small nifty things taht u say o good i can do this also ;) and thats when the final outcome becomes more than just a normal presentation ;)

and i have paid for most of my windows software .. i aint no mvp just a user :)

and iv always said that open office and iworkdont suffice my needs and i find office 2k7 better to work with
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Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

For further reference on this behaviour (henceforth christened "iMavness"), please read this post (this is the one goobimama, infra_red_dude and drgrudge were talking about):


iMav said:
and what does an i in bold mean :rolleyes: @infra well if they arent features for u ur wish they are for me
Oh, so good variety is suddenly so important now. It wasn't quite so important when we were discussing iWork '08. The fact that Keynote has better transitions and effects was immaterial to you; but now that PowerPoint seems to have the upper-hand in this particular department when compared to OpenOffice, it is suddenly the most essential thing you could ask fro. LOL! :lol:

Please note that I am not advocating the use of iWork to you. Use whatever crap you want; I couldn't care less. In fact, I'll be happiest the day you spare poor Mac OS X the disgrace of being installed on your PC and uninstall it.

But I do wish that you would stop bashing each and everything that Apple releases, specially in this thread. And when I make an observation to interested people like goobimama about some cool new feature in some Mac OS X application, stop comparing it to Windows software. Not only is it insulting to be compared to that crap again and again, it is also very distracting and there is a limit to how much one can tolerate.

Just assume that we (Mac users, that is) are just a bunch of jumpy little kids who are condemned to using an OS that sucks and has very few features so we become excited at every little new feature we discover. We have no life. Happy! Whatever you do, just stop polluting this topic. Thank you!

Back to the original topic at hand: Did someone notice how the Mac version of the same software from the same company is so much cooler. Just look at that Office 2008 website iMav provided the link to. Looks really cool. (Though I bet it is not going to hold a candle to iWork '08, but that remains to be seen.)


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Reminds me of this Ashok Sharaab dialog: "Oye Billuuuu, tu zaraa sa Hilluuu"

The system requirement for Aperture is much higher then Lightroom.

Lightroom is better.

MS Paint is lighter than Photoshop.

MS Paint is better?

I'm just asking a reasonable question. Which is better? If anyone has used both with an unbiased mind, then please come forward. I do like lightroom... but I haven't used Aperture so I can't say.
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The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

who says keynote has better transitions ... the transitions that keynote has today have been ther since office 2003 ;)

theres siddhuism and theres iMaveness ... super cool ... i love it :p damn im famous ... and yeah no to forget that ppt has a better UI than keynote ...


Wire muncher!
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

iMav said:
no its not by me but it shows all thats new in power point 2k7 and if u see everything u need be it tables; charts; text designs; templates; letter covers; default animations; word arts; has been over hauled and there is more of everything ... to make it easy to use and bring in more efficiency and make it quicker (though goobi wud disagree) a clear example is that a lot of times i need to open ps to giv text the inv shadow effect now its there in ppt as it si and there are like more 9 different options of the inv as to much u want to blend it, arrows, charts are a lot more flexible to add visual effects ... etc where as while using open office i did not find any such thing ... it had a fixed a set of few transition effects no nice text effects

there are more chart styles where as in open office i remmber once i had to open ps and made the chart as to what i wanted circles filling shadow effects colrs and then saving it and imporitng it in open office .... nothing like that in pwoer point ... where u want to place text how u want the text to appear the background etc ... also the effects like shadow rotation etc which need to be done thru ps if using open office but 2k7 has it in itself ... which means making presentations is more easier more fun and yields a lot better results ... (iv faced it)
feature feature more feature my feature... thats a thing of the past now! it should be replaced wid "variety variety, more variety, my variety"!! :D :D

all i can see from ur posts is that there are more number of charts, transistions, arrows, cliparts.

and i fail to understand how hafing more numbers of these will lead to this: making presentations is more easier more fun

anyways, i won't comment on anyone "buying" MS Office :D

all i wanna say is, if some person gives his/her opinion it shud be substaintiated. a vague opinion (like search in google) makes the poster look immature and idiotic.

ps: my comments are not intended at hurting someone and are neither directed to someone spcific. it applies to all.


You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Word 2007 is better then Writer cos it makes it easier for me to make charts, write text, post directly to my blog on any host, use predefined templates for things & use 10000 of resources on Office online.

In OpenOffice Writer, I have to dig through many menus to do these tasks. There is no additional resources like Office online of Word 2007.

Obviously Word 2007 is better then OpenOffice writer.


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

infra_red_dude said:
all i wanna say is, if some person gives his/her opinion it shud be substaintiated. a vague opinion (like search in google) makes the poster look immature and idiotic.

ps: my comments are not intended at hurting someone and are neither directed to someone spcific. it applies to all.
none taken ;) ... but i find it very stupid to post things and then take screenhsots to show the difference and then some 1 will come say something scrutinize the whole thing thn i will counter it ... too much waste of time .... and i have given links which show case the software capabilities something that i would type if already documented doesnt need me to type it again to prove a point rather i refer the link .... ;)


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

In my opinion, considering that OOo is free and Word costs whatever, Writer and the others jokers are more than enough for regular office work. I replaced Office in the office to, and they didn't even know the difference. And I'm not talking about the "What the hell is this!"-Ribbon of Office 2007. It sure it a nice interface, but for regular users its very confusing. Office has a lot of features but the fact that it comes at a price is kind of makes the switch to OOo that much smoother...

I use iWork for all my needs though....
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