The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Inc.

The new MacBook!

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Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Yes, it would. :)

Milind was right.

Today, I present to you one more reason to buy a Mac: Coda.

I've read opinions that say Macs inspire people to try different stuff, do different things. When I was considering buying a Mac, one thing I was worried about was boredom. I'd thought, "Man, I spend a lot of my time learning about the latest and greatest security software, trying out new ones, keeping them updated, etc. I keep abreast of the latest and greatest in hardware - graphics cards, processors, this that whatnot. It's good time-pass and I learn a lot of stuff. Though it would be great not to have to worry about security, what will I do with my time!" This sounds strange but believe me, many people have expressed this exact same point to justify not buying a Mac.

I always used to think that as great as Mac OS X is, it is a bit of a stretch to say that it inspires people. I was, however, completely wrong. It is true. Owning a Mac and having a convenient way to use the Bluetooth features (synchronising, modem, etc.) made me use them (I had Bluetooth on my PC too), my Mac made me want to use Wi-Fi, write a book and now, Coda, has made me want to own a website. I want to have a website so that I have a reason to use Coda.

I am not going to describe the program because words simply cannot do justice to it. Suffice it to say that it is a feat of software engineering, right up there with Delicious Library. One reason to prefer Mac OS X to Windows is the third party software. Software that is several times better than their Windows counterparts. Coda is just one such example; QuickSilver is another. Windows simply does not have any thing even remotely close to these gems.

Have a look at the website for more info. (Even the websites of Mac developers are far better than their Windows counterparts.)

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You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

So, what u r saying is...

Arya : Coda, just look at the UI, it looks so cool

Sane Web Designer : Just use dreamweaver CS3, you can do whatever u want :D


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Any self-respecting web designer would tell you that hand coding a site is far better than relying on a wizzywig editor like dreamweaver. They produce a lot of junk code which in the end adds up.

Also Dreamweaver is pathetic with CSS, and anyone who has used dream will tell you that. Now I grew up using dreamweaver, and thought it had a good interface, until I used Coda. The interface is rocking. NOT ONLY is it "looks so cool", it is functional as well. A one window interface is the way to go these days and coda is right there.

Want to see my code, hit Command+2. Want to see a preview (within coda using the wbkit engine), hit command+3. Want to see my CSS, cmd+4. My files are right there in the left bar, remote as well as local in an again "looks so cool" way.

What's wrong with a UI that looks cool along with it being functional? Isn't it better? Does everything have to be drab and boring to mean serious business? (I guess it works that way in Windows ;))

What I do want in Coda however, is keeping all my links in sync. that is, if I move a file from a folder (especially the .css) to B folder, I want the rest of my documents to get updated. I need to open dreamweaver to do that (though rarely, it is a big help).
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The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

hey guys btw ... the new mac keyboards dont have the apple logo on the command key .... which is rather weird


You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

goobimama said:
Any self-respecting web designer would tell you that hand coding a site is far better than relying on a wizzywig editor like dreamweaver. They produce a lot of junk code which in the end adds up.

Wait, dreamweaver already has coding based site creation support.
Want to see my code, hit Command+2. Want to see a preview (within coda using the wbkit engine), hit command+3. Want to see my CSS, cmd+4. My files are right there in the left bar, remote as well as local in an again "looks so cool" way.

Already there in dreamweaver

What I do want in Coda however, is keeping all my links in sync. that is, if I move a file from a folder (especially the .css) to B folder, I want the rest of my documents to get updated. I need to open dreamweaver to do that (though rarely, it is a big help).

Already there in Dreamweaver.

Oh & dreamweaver is much more powerfull then Coda. Trust me I have used coda


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Sure you can edit code using dreamweaver. But you can do that with a plain jane text editor as well. Its how functional that editing has been made that matters.

With Coda you can split the view of the same document, for example, to look at the footer and header at the same time. Same goes for the preview. You can even view documents with the split view which is really nice.

You can share a document via Bonjour, that is, zero configuration networking. Just click share and it pops up on another mac(s) using Coda. And the editing is shown on both machines in real time.

There also the added convenience of rendering the page within the application. You don't have to maintain separate windows for previewing a web page and such. And in case you suddenly want to find out something, the preview tab can even search google.

The interface is so productive, with the right visual cues so you know what's happening instead of a jarring error message.

And the DOM is the best part. And for the first time its actually usable!

Here's a little shootout:
Coda File browser:

Dreamweaver File browser:

Coda Search:

Dreamweaver Find and replace:

Coda CSS:

dreamweaver CSS:

DOM in Coda. Just hover on any element and it shows the entire tree in a sort of breadcrumb bar at the bottom...

I hope I didn't have to post in thumbnails...who ever visits those?!

PS: I didn't bother blurring the stuff I'm working on so if you guys don't mind, please don't read into the contents of those screenshots...
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Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Uh... oh. Too late. :p

(Wouldn't have not read it even if I'd been warned beforehand but at least I'm not feeling guilty now! But boy, this stuff sounds boring. What is it anyway?)

I must admit, it is amusing to see someone indulging with gx_saurav; trying to hammer some sense into this guy's head.

gx_saurav said:
Oh & dreamweaver is much more powerfull then Coda. Trust me I have used coda
Oh, but you've also used Mac OS X but still seem to prefer Windows. So we all know how sound your judgement is!


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Multiversity, Natural Farming Institute... what is it all about?


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Well multiversity is an alternative education concept/institution. Where people drop out of college and pursue what they really want to do (with guidance and support from the organisation). But you shouldn't bother with that and neither should I. It's just that I'm doing their website...

PS: Don't judge me by this. The background was specifically asked for by the client in question. Anyway, this is swaying from topic at hand, Apple.
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Another Brick in the Wall
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

goobimama -
Great screenshots! Can't wait to use Coda. :D

I'm a big zero in coding and things like that. You made think about learning these things...


You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Goobi, i m appointing u as my official webpage designer, don't expect payment, dosti ke nate webpage bana de :D


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

@aayush: No it wasn't directed at you, but I know why you would think that way :)

@gx: I am truly honoured :D


You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

goobimama said:
@gx: I am truly honoured :D

Thats not because u r using Coda, its because U know HTML & web desigining & dreamweaver


Booting Nicotine!!
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

u know guys its fun to see the enthusiasm in people like u about the new software but i have a question .. what is it to do with simple guys like i am

@ aryayush: i am still with the panther here the whole leopard project of mine is stalled for say 3 months atlest thanks to BSNL dataone connection denial


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Well if a simple guy likes to code with HTML, then coda is teh sh1t. Otherwise its pretty much useless to you.

But we macboys are constantly exploring the world of mac softwares and will keep posting about them out here on this wonderful little thread. You might find something useful...


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Surely it isn't down for three months...


You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Me on the other hand prefer to first make a webpage using WYSIWYG in DreamWeaver & then manually slim the code removing whats not required & previewing right there in another IE Window using Alt+tab..

So, wanna make my webpage goobi? I don't know CSS so stuck there
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