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The new MacBook!

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 MacManiac
The biggest joke was when Aayush noticed that Tshirt instead of the girl during the keynote :D

What T-Shirt ?? ;-)

Anyways, my iStat Pro widget shows the battery health to 60%. This is been the case for the last 4 days first 67 then 64, 61 and now 60%, this has made me to worry about the health of my MacBook. I don't notice any performance decline other than those numbers shown by iStat Pro. Normally, and untill 4 days from the time I installed it ( months back ) iStat Pro showed health of 94% - 97%. This sudden decline has made me worry... :-(


was here
What say about this one?

Sunny: that aint a problem, thats a design flaw. thats what i honestly feel after going through umpteen forums on the web. i mean such a brilliant design n still issues like dis left out, i really feel for all those who invest in their hard earned money n what they get is this! infact i have come across users gettin their iMac replaced as many as 5 times! one fellow from new zealand was so harrased that he just sold his mac off. Apples really cut down on quality control. I know how the problems ocurring, dont wanna talk about it.

a small update: i gave back my faulty iMac n getting a new one this week. Even i had the condensation problem as mny times i remember, my superdrive stopped working n hell lot of other issues. The way these apple India fellows have handled my problem has been really really irritating. m givin the new machine a last try..if d problems persist, well, i will just sell it off somehow.

small other probs i encountered were: Macs cant copy on NTFS drives( understandable, but what will u do if ders some kinda emergency n some data needs to be a copied on a ntfs drive...u will b f****d for sure.. thats bullshit.


 Macboy
@mehul: NTFS is propritery Microsoft technology from what I gather. However, you can use the free MacFuse+NTFS3G combination, or get Paragon NTFS for mac (better) which allows you to read/write NTFS drives.

Nice to know you are getting a replacement, which you should given the number of problems you have had. However, you will find that people who have problems are always more vocal than the ones who have had no problems. You don't find someone creating a post on a forum thread "Hey, I got this mac. Now 3 months have passed and I have had no problems. What to do?". It is always the problematic ones, which gives the impression that the ratio of faulty pieces is much higher than the good ones. This is entirely not true.

I am very close (not geographically) to my Apple store. They have said that so far only one iMac (of the new models) had problems that it had to be replaced. MacBooks on the other hand are the most prone to issues, mainly of its casing getting ripped off due to that magnetic latch thing. No Mac mini issues whatsoever (ever). But the thing is Apple has never complained and given instant replacements for the machine/parts without any hassles. And that's what's important.

@Sunny: Good choice. You already have a large screen desktop, so you don't really need a desktop replacement which is what the 17" is...
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small other probs i encountered were: Macs cant copy on NTFS drives........u will b f****d for sure.. thats bullshit.
Surely You can write on NTFS partitions. Paragon NTFS driver is what you want. I am using it without any problems.
Sorry to hear about other problems particularly condensation. That will put me off from getting one!!
Sunny1211993 said:
Guys,MacBook Pro 15" coming!Not buying 17" because its a bit bulky and I want to carry my Notebook around.

Good choice, pround owner of one!


Aspiring Novelist
LOL @ me to noticing that girl in the picture. Well, I don’t really see what you guys are so excited about. She’s just a girl, in a suit no less, standing and minding her own business. What’s the big deal!


Since you’ve had a poor experience, you’re bound to have ill feeling towards the product and the company. However, like goobimama said, searching for the list of known problems on a given product in a discussion board is hardly the way to judge it’s quality. In this thread itself, you can see that out of the three iMacs being used, only yours (the faulty one) is getting repeated mention while no one is posting about the other two which are working just fine. On a discussion board, where people come to seek help, you’ll only find threads which mention the problems. If you visit the MacBook Pro section, you’ll find thousands of people complaining about one thing or the other. And here I am, using it for the past two years with near zero issues.

That said, it is indeed true that Apple products, though still in the upper echelons of the industry, do not possess the build quality that they once used to boast of. That’s because, to compete with the market on price, Apple had to shift their manufacturing department to China. This is the one reason why I’ve never faulted Apple for having a relatively expensive lineup (though I do hate the fact that it’s so much higher than in the U.S.). If they are pricing it higher than others even though it means selling less units, there are definitely quality issues at play here and I would prefer better quality over a cheaper price tag any day of the week.

In any case, I hope you get a fine replacement unit and you don’t have any issues with it at all. But you must know that there’s no such guarantee with stuff manufactured in China. As for selling it—well, what are your options? Do you think a computer from any other company or a custom-built one is going to be any better? It might be, and it might not. I just rely on the fact that it’s Apple and they’ve got my back before I make my purchase. With other companies, you don’t really even have that guarantee.

Let us know when your new Mac arrives. Not a lot of people get a chance to own two 2-inch iMacs in such a short time span, you know. :p

(Of course, I’m praying that the unit I get is free from any issues because if it turns out to be faulty in any manner, shipping a 24-inch monster back and forth from Siliguri to Kolkata (and probably to Singapore) isn’t exactly going to be a picnic.)


Hey, Sunny1211993, how about putting a break between such expensive purchases, mate? Letting you father’s wallet recoup a bit, you know? :p
@Aayush,hehe,I'm not buying from here.Nor is it only for me.It will be with my Dad most of the time:D
He owns a Lappy with Vi$ta and it runs phucking slow!!Thats why buying MacBook Pro.


was here
Can some one mail me the ntfs software link??? i will need it i know for send me a link i ll download it.

With regards to the product quality, see one thing is, we are already paying a higher price compared to our global counterparts which means we have a higher sense of value of the product. And in return all we get is this, high spare prices and a ridiculously stupid back up! the ones handling other brands are much better(atleast what i have cm across). So when a faulty product turns up, yea the head does spin around. one should be here in my seat to acknowledge that fact.

and if i do exchange this new one, i will surely get a better one for it. i hv a branded pc, got it way back, still no problems FROM day 1! forget every OS related problem, not even a single condensation problem. thats smthing apple HAS to look into.

"Let us know when your new Mac arrives. Not a lot of people get a chance to own two 2-inch iMacs in such a short time span, you know. :p"

hahahaha!!! wow...never knew Apple shrunk the macs so much!! ;) roflz

"(Of course, I’m praying that the unit I get is free from any issues because if it turns out to be faulty in any manner, shipping a 24-inch monster back and forth from Siliguri to Kolkata (and probably to Singapore) isn’t exactly going to be a picnic.)"

m just hoping these guys dont assemble new parts in my macs case n giv it back! eh, is it possible???
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 Macboy
After much testing I am happy to report that Safari 4 Developer Preview for Windows is stable, fast and is quite an upgrade.


Aspiring Novelist
I don’t really get it. Why is there such a hubbub about Firefox 3? Just check out this post. I, for one, would never willingly use a browser with such quirks. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s non-native applications on Mac OS X (which should be apparent by my deeply ingrained dislike for Java). Ugh!


 Macboy
Well Firefox is much better than Internet Explorer and is currently the only one who can displace it from the market. Windows usage for Safari is hardly worth mentioning, and Mac market is still small. So yes, Firefox 3 is a big thing and it needs to be. Kudos to the FF team for getting it to such a level (I think the market share is well over 15% now). Look at Opera on the other hand. Been there for years and yet has a measly 0.5% users?


So I've created this homemade speed dial for Safari :)


Only problem is I cannot let it show every time I create a new tab, cause the cursor focus goes from the address bar which it usually is to the page.
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Aspiring Novelist
Hey, that’s awesome! If you want, I can put it up somewhere on and you can then set it as your homepage. :)


Aspiring Novelist
Because you don’t have any web space, if I’m not wrong, and you said you weren’t being able to set it to open automatically. I was just offering a helping hand, without any malicious intentions if I may add. But if this is what I get for trying to do a good deed then so be it. I’m sorry I offered. Clearly, I’m an evil mastermind, all of whose interests are self-serving. Shame on me!


 Macboy
Uh.. why would I want web space? I'm just keeping the page on my hard drive and have set it as a homepage on Safari. I can make it pop up every time I create a new tab, but then I have to manually move the cursor to the address bar every time I create a tab... Anyway, thanks for the kind gesture.
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