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The new MacBook!

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ex3n1us m4x1mus
So I've started using instead of Mailplane, just so that I am accustomed to the interface by June 11th :)

iCal, Address Book toh I already use.


 Macboy
Mailplane was a neat concept, but I could never take to it. Mail is so much better (although very very buggy).

So who all is going to So far it looks like the top three macboys of this thread :) (Although Grudgy is just about 15 posts behind Preshit in this regard...)


Aspiring Novelist
Uh.. why would I want web space? I'm just keeping the page on my hard drive and have set it as a homepage on Safari. I can make it pop up every time I create a new tab, but then I have to manually move the cursor to the address bar every time I create a tab... Anyway, thanks for the kind gesture.
Just in case you thought otherwise, I was only kidding with all that emo crap. I expected a witty reply but you decided to go all serious and explanatory. :lol:

I’m definitely not going for, by the way. It’s going to be for me.


 Macboy
^^ Aren't you? Well technically iMav is the third, but we can discount him now can't we? :)

@aayush: Well you haven't proven yourself to be so smart in the past so I thought maybe I could help you out. I guess a little of gx's intelligence has rubbed off on you while interacting with him on that Snow Leopard thread...


Web developer
That's good to hear, Manan :)

I admire Bill Gates & his achievements. Steve Jobs & his achievements. Steve Woznaik & his achievements.

Yet to use Mac :( Have tried it but didn't get a chance to work on it for quite some time.


Aspiring Novelist
Why does this forum have those Digg and StumbleUpon buttons on every page? Do they really expect anyone to digg threads on this forum? :p

ex3n1us m4x1mus
Grrr.... I was downloading the iPhone SDK .dmg of 1.25GB. I may have been high or something, I don't know, but I downloaded it via Windows. It downloaded 1.24GB and my download manager crashed because I launched IE. And now, I cannot resume the download :|


Techtree Reviewer
Grrr.... I was downloading the iPhone SDK .dmg of 1.25GB. I may have been high or something, I don't know, but I downloaded it via Windows. It downloaded 1.24GB and my download manager crashed because I launched IE. And now, I cannot resume the download :|

Did the downloading had stopped or was it running in the background. Sometimes even if the program crashes the download continues in the background. A couple of days ago while downloading a 100 mb file, Opera 9.5 stopped responding, but the download was going on in the background. So I just waited till the download completed and then killed Opera. Same might've happened in your case.


Btw Congratulations Aayush on completing 5000 spams, err... I mean, posts. :D
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Most download managers have resume functionality in case of crashes or disconnections... Which download manager did you use?



Aspiring Novelist
Btw Congratulations Aayush on completing 5000 spams, err... I mean, posts. :D
Hey, I didn’t notice and let it pass by without creating any hullabaloo. No fair. :(

Thanks, BTW. :p


OK. I’m so confused right now. I had every intention of buying the 23-inch Apple Cinema Display but then I went ahead and read a few reviews on the Apple Store and they’re apparently not as good as I’d thought, way too outdated and woefully overpriced.

So, can anyone suggest a good display to me within the range of fifty thousand bucks? The larger, the better. I don’t want those ugly displays with a lot of ridges and vents at the back, the ones that look like the bottom of those plastic toy cars for children. I want something that looks good next to my MacBook Pro.

Any suggestions?


Look at these two pictures:

* *

Who in their right mind would even think of buying the one on the left, no matter how huge the cost savings and how much better the performance? I wouldn’t.

I think I’m just gonna have to wait till Apple gets its act together, forgets the iPhone for a few months, and updates their Cinema Display lineup. The 23-inch one was released in 2002. What the Hell are they doing! :mad:
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 Macboy
I guess the cinema display is your only option. Cause the only other realistic option in India is a Dell, which is the one in the picture. And it doesn't look half as bad as portrayed in that picture.

A better image of the dell:

Although, why not the cinema displays? The 23 incher should be well within 50k by now.
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Aspiring Novelist
Yeah, but it was released in 2002. Displays from other companies have much better specifications these days. How much sense does it make to buy a six-year-old product for fifty thousand bucks!

How much did the Dell cost you?

And I’m not really concerned about how it looks from the front (it’s a screen and a little bezel on all sides—how much variety can you get). I don’t want it to be so thick and ugly from the back, which is the part visitors to my office will see.


 Macboy
That pic you've posted is a very bad comparison. On one hand they have used a studio quality image of the ACD, and on the other is a most likely cellphone quality pic of the Dell.

Besides, with the Dell you get a whole lot of adjustments like height, tilt and all kinds of other stuff. The ACD on the other hand has to have the table at just the right height, cause all it does is, tilt forward/backward.

As for my Dell, I paid 41k for it. Right now there's a 24" Dell for 24k and another one (similar to the one I have) for 50k. Although, if you know someone working for Dell, you can get it for like 50% less.

As for Apple displays having outdated specs, you are wrong. They have very accurate colour (the 50k dell should also be really good though), and produce much better images than the rest of them. My iMac itself produces better output than the Dell 24" (non-geeks tell me this as well).

Question: What do you plan on using this with?


Aspiring Novelist
This 17-inch MacBook Pro thing I’ve got, you know. I might’ve mentioned it a couple of times in the past, maybe. :p

The 24-inch iMac (which has been ordered) is going to stay in the house (wall-mounted, wireless—the works) and I’ll carry my notebook to the office, plug it into a huge display and do my thing (I’m not quite sure what that is though).


How good are the Samsung displays? They don’t look horrible.

As for the ACD, as much as I want to buy it, I just cannot justify buying something that was released six years ago.
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Web developer
A question: Why do you need such a big display? Image/Video editing?
For normal usage 17" display is more than enough. You also get to show the world you have got a Mac with an Apple logo for the visitors to see :p
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