My 60 trial of .mac id ended and this is what I get when I logged in to my account.
"The member name and password you used for your trial membership, azeemuddin@mac.com, are still active. If you belong to any .Mac groups, go to the Groups page and log in. You can also continue using your ID for iChat and AOL Instant Messenger (AIM). It's yours to keep."
Does this mean I won't be able to send and receive email with my .mac id ??
"The member name and password you used for your trial membership, azeemuddin@mac.com, are still active. If you belong to any .Mac groups, go to the Groups page and log in. You can also continue using your ID for iChat and AOL Instant Messenger (AIM). It's yours to keep."
Does this mean I won't be able to send and receive email with my .mac id ??