The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Inc.

The new MacBook!

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Another Brick in the Wall
Ok, this thread shall not be budged. It was just a proposal. But you guys are so emotionally attached to this thread that one is swearing, one is threatening and even non Mac users are interested! :D


 Macboy
Tim McGraw is one country artist that I sort of like (only a few songs). Otherwise I can't take country music. Also check out Dixie Chicks (I used to like their album "Home")

Me too vote for the topic to stay as it is.

And hey! What about my blog?! I hope someone reads all that garbage I post now and then. I even did a little mac related post (a crappy one at that) recently. If you want nude pictures of the Small Cat, I can arrange for that as well ;)
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Aspiring Novelist
I have it in my Google Reader reading list and read every entry. :)

Ashwin, what is your full name?

Azeem and Preshit, do you guys have blogs/websites of your own?

ex3n1us m4x1mus
Umm... I just thought you knew about it. We did speak over iChat, I think. Might have been mamajee, not sure. Oh well.

Looking forward to reading your blog though. :)


Aspiring Novelist
Well, I just got Wordpress up and running.

Now, I'm waiting for Milind to come online and help me out with the design...


 MacManiac
Azeem and Preshit, do you guys have blogs/websites of your own?

I am looking for some inspiration from you guys, been on net for 9 years but never ever thought of blogging. My friends have always wanted me to have, in fact my friend ( who gifted me macbook ) has even went on to buy a premium account for me to host a blog/site buy you know my laziness always wins!!

But I have an open offer to anyone who is interested. I know most of you are very busy people and may not find enough time for R&D. I have a PC, laptop, MacBook and a broadband connection not to mention a hell lot of time, so anyone of you can unload some of your work on to me. I ll do your work for free. This way I'll help my self from my laziness...
So is there anyone ???

I ll be online daily at 6am. You can also PM me
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Another Brick in the Wall
One of the well written "About me" page, I've read. Good Design and the typography makes it stand out. Why not consider any other color than Orange?

One Tip. Delete that "Hello world!" entry. It's the root of all evil (source of spams).

Added to Google Reader. :D

goobi and Darky -
Even though I might not comment (I won't, for the sake of it), I read your blogs religiously.

jamesbond007 -
Hehehe.... blogging is hard work. Harder than your 9-5. And I mean it. You can guest blog in my blog (and others - if they agree). What say?

ex3n1us m4x1mus
goobi and Darky -
Even though I might not comment (I won't, for the sake of it), I read your blogs religiously.

Same goes for your blog too :) Those torrent posts are great.

jamesbond007 -
Hehehe.... blogging is hard work. Harder than your 9-5. And I mean it. You can guest blog in my blog (and others - if they agree). What say?
I agree. I'm finding it hard keeping up with FiftyPaise.


 MacManiac
Absolutely!! Blogging is nothing else. If you scroll back on this thread I've greatly appreciated aryayush for this thing. I asked him how he manages time and I also went on to refer to his as Super Mac Man !!
Ofcourse not to say that others on this thread are not blogging but at that time I knew only him.

More details on your guest blogging wanted.

Friends are made in heaven!! ;-)


I finally got down to downloading the whole iPhone 300+ MB Guided tour. And I am completely sold. When it launches officialy in India, I will get it even if I have to blow my entire savings on it. It is IMHO, the most beautifully designed product ever.

I also really want to get a Mac, but they are so darned expensive.


Another Brick in the Wall
I also really want to get a Mac, but they are so darned expensive.
They aren't.

MacBook is like 54K (44k in USA) and see the configuration. Same with MacBook Pro costing 105k (80k in USA) has better features and configuration. I would like know the price of a similar products here in India. If you buy in USA with the educational Discount (upto $200 off), I'll say it's cheaper than similar configuration brought here in India.


Aspiring Novelist
I am looking for some inspiration from you guys, been on net for 9 years but never ever thought of blogging. My friends have always wanted me to have, in fact my friend ( who gifted me macbook ) has even went on to buy a premium account for me to host a blog/site buy you know my laziness always wins!!

But I have an open offer to anyone who is interested. I know most of you are very busy people and may not find enough time for R&D. I have a PC, laptop, MacBook and a broadband connection not to mention a hell lot of time, so anyone of you can unload some of your work on to me. I ll do your work for free. This way I'll help my self from my laziness...
So is there anyone ???

I ll be online daily at 6am. You can also PM me
So, what sort of work are you expert at doing? :D
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