Dammit! So much discussions going on an I missed it!
Buffalo (Animal): My dad said the price for a healthy female buffalo ready to give birth and subsequently, milk should cost around 8-10k. A male one on the other hand should cost around 11-12k. All depends on how healthy it is, how big it is, and what breed it is.
Buffalo (Drive): Dealer said Buffalo has horrible support in India. They don't have proper service centres. The three times he made special orders for his customers, both times the drive had some issues and it took months to get a replacement. He said he could get me the stuff, but I would have to lookout for my warranty on my own. FW800 rules btw!
As for best FTP client, well,
Transmit is my choice. I don't really use it that much being that FTP is built into Coda, but when I used to use it, it was pretty neat. Pretty sure it offered the merging of folders and such.
Btw, I'm a big fan of your blog. Even though I know it hasn't been updated, I still visit it now and then (yeah, I don't use RSS). So keep on writing.
And why am I not included in the list of potential helpers for new design? (though I can't really, working on pretty urgent things
