Wire muncher!
^^^ Doesn't happen in any browser (be it safari/FF/opera etc.) or any OS unless local aliases are set (not necessarily by the user).
Yeah true. I tried to search "imdb/12 angry men" and it returned a 404. Apple has set the keyword that if anyone types apple/macbookpro' be automatically taken to *^^^ Doesn't happen in any browser (be it safari/FF/opera etc.) or any OS unless local aliases are set (not necessarily by the user).
This is different from aliasing. In this case whatever you type is same as in URL. Or google queries are used.Been using firefox a long time now and what iMav says is partially true. If I enter "imdb" or "amazon" it goes to and
This is aliasing, either local or global.but it doesn't work for apple/macbookpro where it goes to or displays Google results.
^That works because Firefox uses the "Google I'm Feeling Lucky" as i mentioned before.
Since when? I dont have it working as u say it does.
Dont jus say stuff without proof.
FF does both: query google as well as add * and .com/.net whatever. I guess even opera does it.Firefox -- returns Google's first result (which is the I'm feeling Lucky thing)
Not it doesn't. I hit "imdb" in the the URL bar and the status bar showed "waiting for google" and then then "opening *". It uses Google's I'm feeling Lucky for sure. It doesn't add the * and .com/ unless you press cmd + enter.FF does both: query google as well as add * and .com/.net whatever. I guess even opera does it.
4. Internet Explorer 7 (even 8, 9, 10 and 176)
It auto-completes the URL if you hit 'Ctrl+Ent'.
If you don't, it gives you an error page suggesting that you:
(a) Check your Internet connection;
(b) Make sure your security applications aren't blocking anything;
(c) Check the URL; or
(d) Kill yourself.
Synchronize local with remote directories (and vice versa) and get a preview of affected files before any action is taken.