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The new MacBook!

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Aspiring Novelist
dinesh72 -
Apple give 30 day money back guarantee if there's no harm done to the Mac. So you can return it and get a new Mac. :p Anyways I'm not sure if that policy is here in India too.
It isn't.

@Aayush- When are you going to update your site?
Heh heh! Does anyone actually visit that thing! I actually can't think of anything I want to have on it...

I'll see...


Aspiring Novelist
Really? Two people?

WOW! I'm honoured. :)

I'll definitely start it up again within the next week. It's just that till you don't start a personal blog, interesting ideas for what you could write keep occurring to you (in the bath, while riding the bike, watching a movie) but as soon as you start one and are burdened with the responsibility of taking care of it, all the ideas just fly out the window.


Another Brick in the Wall
To start with, open a thread in Bazaar (if you do within 10 mins, I'll approve instantly). One tip. NEVER ASK FOR THE PRICE AND TRY TO SELL IT IN THE SAME PLACE. Fix a price, you feel is reasonable and put it up for sale.

I think you might be able to sell your Mac here only. Good Luck.

aryayush -
Me too. Always game to read good stuffs. :D


 Macboy
Wondering why the idiot hasn't posted anything today? Well his phone line has gone down(past three days). So he has to go all the way to the office to post anything :( . Is internet a person? If yes, does he/she hate me?


Aspiring Novelist
Yeah, I'd been curious why you weren't being a smart-mouth today (been watching too much That '70s Show lately, dumbass :p). Glad to know your relationship with your Internet connection is steady as ever. :lol:

To start with, open a thread in Bazaar (if you do within 10 mins, I'll approve instantly). One tip. NEVER ASK FOR THE PRICE AND TRY TO SELL IT IN THE SAME PLACE. Fix a price, you feel is reasonable and put it up for sale.

I think you might be able to sell your Mac here only. Good Luck.
Good luck from me too, but I don't think you're going to be able to sell it here. People here will just start debating about the price. Someone will say that asking twenty rupees for it is way too much. Others will disagree with him and say that no, even twenty-five is somewhat reasonable. Than a debate will start about the Indian economy and the prime minister's inefficiency and whether or not cow's milk is better than buffalos. And no one will actually shell out any money to buy the product. :lol:

Have you considered ebay?

aryayush -
Me too. Always game to read good stuffs. :D
OK, grudgy. I'll get it started. Anyone here can help me with the design? Milind need not apply. :)


@goobimama, please gather any information you can about Buffalo and G-Technology drives. :)


Hey guys, how's this one? Bus-powered over FireWire 800 (no power cable required) and has a capacity of 500GB. The only drawback seems to be the design (looks ugly next to the MacBook Pro shown in the picture) and the RPM speed which is 5400. But you can't have everything, I guess.


Now if only it were a little cheaper. The price is $499, which I'm guessing would amount to about Rs. 25,000 out here. :(

BTW, check out this awesome design:


Another Brick in the Wall
You'll be using WP, right? Just hit here: *

Select any theme you like and remove the fluff (read : unwanted sidebar items). Your design is ready. :)


Aspiring Novelist
I had that link already but thanks anyway. :)

Actually, I was thinking of using Movable Type. Which one do you recommend?


Another Brick in the Wall
WP seriously rocks. MT is also FOSS but WP got a better & active community. Features wise, you might not miss anything but it's the themes/plugins/support that makes WP a class apart from MT.


Aspiring Novelist
OK. I'll go for Wordpress then. MT screwed me the last time anyway.

In other news, my father has agreed to let me buy that 500GB LaCie hard drive. He rocks! :p

Milind, don't bother with that Buffalo thing now. FireWire 800 pwns USB 2.0. :D


Check this out:
I love this sort of attention to detail. It even indicates that the software licensing agreement is being displayed. WOW! :D
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 MacManiac
Wondering what those divx videos are ?? Are those English video songs ?? In that case you can help me arya !!

In firefox, type digg and press ctrl + enter takes us to now whats the alternative in Safari. I need this coz I am looking to switch over to Safari completely!!
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Another Brick in the Wall
Me too got in Stage6 love mode. :D


I'm open to recommendations. Not into Music videos and trailers.


Aspiring Novelist
Stage6 is an online repository of freely available, high quality video content and it is being closed in a couple of days from now. So everyone is hoarding as much as they possibly can. :)

As for that Safari question, all you need to do is enter 'apple' and hit return and you'll be taken to * automatically. Nothing else required.

Also, entering 'apple/macbookpro' will automatically take you to * :)


The Devil's Advocate
^^ for me if i put windows vista in the address bar it takes me directly to the page; when i put in apple macbook pro it takes me dircectly to apple site, currently in ubuntu will post a vid wen i go into windows and next time be a lil polite

just tying ipod in the address bar takes me to itune+ipod page of :)

firefox version is 2. something updated :) but this i have since quite a long time :)
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