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The new MacBook!

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Aspiring Novelist

I've been getting congratulatory emails all day. It's the proudest moment yet in my life. :)


Aspiring Novelist
Thanks, both of you! :)

narangz, you know about John Gruber, Daring Fireball and the linked list? Or did you just say congratulations because it was the obvious thing to do? :p


Aspiring Novelist
Well, John Gruber is this really famous author/writer/blogger in the Mac community and he runs a linked list on his site, Daring Fireball. And being linked to on the Daring Fireball is a big deal. And he linked to my article.

Thanks, by the way. :)


 Macboy
I don't personally know the importance of Daring Fireball and John Gruber, but since it seems important, I'd like to offer my congratulations as well :)

@Darky: Mamaji doesn't use 1password. Keychain is fine for me as well.


Aspiring Novelist
I don't personally know the importance of Daring Fireball and John Gruber, but since it seems important, I'd like to offer my congratulations as well :)
WTF! You've got to be kidding me! You don't know about John Gruber and you don't read the Daring Fireball? :eek:

Thanks anyway! :)

Where's Yash? He'll know what a big deal this is. :p


 Macboy
No sir. No kidding going on. Monkey's honest truth.

@Dr: You see to be very much into TV shows. How about catalogging them into iTunes? All you have to do is launch the TV show in quicktime, file > Save as > Reference movie. Then drag that reference movie into iTunes, make sure it is copied into the library (music:iTUnes:library:blahblah) and then delete the .mov created on your hard drive.

From thereon, right-click > Get info > Video.

In there, Select "TV Show" and give the season number and episode number.

It seems like a long drawn procedure, but once you get the hang of it, it's really simple. I mean, you can very well launch all 24 episodes and save them as reference movies within 2 minutes.

Why should you do this?

1) Well for one you can catalog your TV shows without having to bother about folders and such.
2) Front Row. Front row puts a blue dot in front of a TV show/episode which has not been watched. So you know which episode you are on, and such.
3) Cover Art. Call me a fool but I love cover art. And really 'wow-ey' when showing your friends which shows you watch ;)

Just try it out. I guarantee it is an awesome experience.

By the way, you can then move your episodes on the hard drive without bothering about whether or not iTunes will keep the link properly. Not sure how it does it (for that matter, for all aliases), but it does.
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ex3n1us m4x1mus
Oh ok. I don't know why I assumed that you did.
Moving along....

I've started using spaces too. I have 4 set up, Casual, Chats, Work and Misc ( in that order ).
How's it going for you so far ?


I draw every day
WTF! You've got to be kidding me! You don't know about John Gruber and you don't read the Daring Fireball? :eek:

Thanks anyway! :)

Where's Yash? He'll know what a big deal this is. :p

yeah, portfolio work keeping me busy, even though I came in late, I'm glad to find out things are looking up for you. did you tell ur parents this?


Aspiring Novelist
LOL! I did, but they were quite indifferent. If anything, they were a little amused at the huge grin I had plastered across my face yesterday morning. :p

I've started using spaces too. I have 4 set up, Casual, Chats, Work and Misc ( in that order ).
How's it going for you so far ?
Well, it's a definite improvement. But I will only truly be able to use it when I start using my Mac for more diverse tasks. Currently, my only uses of the Mac are the following:
1. Writing;
2. Internet and everything related to it; and
3. Entertainment.

I have one space set up for the first two tasks and another one for the third one. There's a third space which only has System Preferences assigned to it so far... :)


The mystery of the MacBook Air and the extra screws
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 Macboy
Been using Spaces since 26/10/07 :)

Space 1: Internet tasks, and all other unassigned stuff. (Safari/iChat/Mail/iTunes)
Space 2: Drawing apps and such (Photoshop/Illustrator/Indesign/Coda)
Space 3: Photo apps (iPhoto/Lightroom/Aperture)
Space 4: Word Processing apps (Word/Pages/Textedit)

System Preferences is set to show in 'all spaces'

I've also reduced the delay for dragging a window between spaces to 15ms instead of 75ms.
I've installed Warp, but don't really use it much.


Web developer
Thanks, both of you! :)

narangz, you know about John Gruber, Daring Fireball and the linked list? Or did you just say congratulations because it was the obvious thing to do? :p

1. I had a clue about John Gruber. Had no idea about his site Daring Fireball. First I checked out the link you gave then checked out the site.
2. He had listed you on his site.
3. You deserved congratulations for being linked
4. Even if someone about whom I have no freaking idea listed your article, I would have congratulated you :p
5. Ofcourse it was the most obvious thing to do :p


Another Brick in the Wall
goobimama said:
@Dr: You see to be very much into TV shows. How about catalogging them into iTunes? All you have to do is launch the TV show in quicktime, file > Save as > Reference movie. Then drag that reference movie into iTunes, make sure it is copied into the library (music:iTUnes:library:blahblah) and then delete the .mov created on your hard drive.

From thereon, right-click > Get info > Video.

In there, Select "TV Show" and give the season number and episode number.

It seems like a long drawn procedure, but once you get the hang of it, it's really simple. I mean, you can very well launch all 24 episodes and save them as reference movies within 2 minutes.

Why should you do this?

1) Well for one you can catalog your TV shows without having to bother about folders and such.
2) Front Row. Front row puts a blue dot in front of a TV show/episode which has not been watched. So you know which episode you are on, and such.
3) Cover Art. Call me a fool but I love cover art. And really 'wow-ey' when showing your friends which shows you watch

Just try it out. I guarantee it is an awesome experience.

By the way, you can then move your episodes on the hard drive without bothering about whether or not iTunes will keep the link properly. Not sure how it does it (for that matter, for all aliases), but it does.
goobi, thanks for the tips. Will try it out. But I've some doubts:

1. When I save as ref. movie, that adds up extra space in my HDD (or that's why you said delete the .mov files?)
2. Mostly I'll archive in DVDs if I feel it's worth watching again, till then it stays in my HDD or WD Passport. So when I put the DVD, it stays catalogued?

Thanks once again. I got Planet Earth and How I Met your Mother (S1) in my HDD. Will try out and see how it goes about.

By the way, anyone using Default Folder X? Is it any good?


 Macboy
I've installed Default Folder X. So far I don't really know what it does! Pretty useless for me.

1. When I save as ref. movie, that adds up extra space in my HDD (or that's why you said delete the .mov files?)
2. Mostly I'll archive in DVDs if I feel it's worth watching again, till then it stays in my HDD or WD Passport. So when I put the DVD, it stays catalogued?
1) 0.5MB for a TV show or 2MB for a HD TV show isn't using much space. The reference movies are really tiny in file size.
2) Not sure about burning to DVDs and such. It should stay catalogued on the Passport, but maybe if you burn to DVDs it might not find the correct location. You could try though.

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I haven't tried it yet, but will when I get home (stayed the night over at the office :) )
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Aspiring Novelist
If you burn to DVDs, you'll have to point iTunes to the files individually every time you want to access them from iTunes again. Very annoying and completely defeats the purpose.

I'm waiting for the day when I can lay my hands on an iMac equipped with a 1TB hard disk. It would be great to have all your media in one place, catalogued in iTunes and iPod, iPhone and Apple TV ready. :)

4. Even if someone about whom I have no freaking idea listed your article, I would have congratulated you :p
Well, since it's MacUser (one of Macworld's sister sites), tens of websites and blogs link to each one of our entries, so that's not really a big deal. But when John Gruber links to it, well... you see how happy that makes us. :p
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