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 MacManiac
Whose that gorgeous chick on your desktop ???

Can anyone explain to me what Photoshop Elements is ?? I mean how is it different from installing Photoshop

praka123 said:
Just want to let OS X users that every OS users should know atleast some basics how your OS works thats it.
Yep!! It always helps. Like from my personal experience, my bits and pieces of Linux kernel knowledge really helped me when I created a customized Knoppix for myself, similarly customizing windows is also fun when you don't use any third party tools ( like nLite ) for it. Someone on this forum said long time back that Apple doesn't want you to customize your mac.... let me see if that holds true when I get to that level
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Another Brick in the Wall
goobi -
What all stuffs do you have in your menubar? I like no clutter and removed all the icons in desktop and menubar.

And a n00bish question. Other than managing photos, what else can you do in Aperture/Lightroom? Goobi, please post some tutorial.


Aspiring Novelist
launchd is the system script management utility for OS X similar to Linux or BSD having sysVinit or bsd scripts or Ubuntu and new gen distros using upstart or initng etc ;)
^read boys!if u have some patience ;)
Oh my God! Why would someone care, dude, unless he/she is a developer or something!

Yeah, we don't know **** about our Macs' internals but you know what, we still don't have to do any troubleshooting and they work solidly. That's all we care about. If we ever run into any problems, there's always Google to the rescue.

BTW, knowing about launchd does not come under the category of "basic" knowledge. Knowing how to boot your Mac from an external hard disk comes under that category. No normal user in their right mind would care what launchd is and what it does. Knowing that does not enhance your user experience in any way.

I read your description of it and I still don't have the first clue what it is. That should tell you something about how far away from "normal" that sort of information is.

Thanks for testing us out though. Glad to know that we passed the "dumb" test with flying colours. :)


 Macboy
Photoshop Elements is much like ACDsee for Windows, or maybe a more powerful iPhoto. It's not as professional as Aperture or Lightroom, but it's not as basic as iPhoto. You can organise pictures, make adjustments, and then export them into books, albums and such. It does also include some tools for cleaning up images, but nothing like Photoshop. I've never used it and I don't think I ever will. Version 6 for Mac is yet to be released I think.


Another Brick in the Wall
Whose that gorgeous chick on your desktop ???

Can anyone explain to me what Photoshop Elements is ?? I mean how is it different from installing Photoshop
Photoshop Elements is the watered down version of Photoshop CS3. Less features and costs less.

The chick is Alessandra Ambrosia. :twisted:


Aspiring Novelist
goobi -
What all stuffs do you have in your menubar? I like no clutter and removed all the icons in desktop and menubar.
I don't either, which is why I usually have a clean desktop (with temporary files).

But menu extras don't look cluttered. They are quite useful, actually. I have an alarm clock, play/pause, next and previous track controls, MacUser VPN, desktop lock, iChat, Bluetooth, AirPort, volume, battery, date and user account in the menu bar – and I am the conservative sort. There are people who have more than twenty menu extras.


 Macboy
@Dr: Ever noticed after clicking pictures that they always lack that little bit that would make the whole difference between good and beautiful? Well that's where these two come in. While you can do all of this in Photoshop, it's going to be a long process. Other tools offer image management + adjustments, but nothing like what these offer.

Also, if you deal with camera RAW, you will realise the pains that one has to go through with stuff like iPhoto and others. And the best thing is all this is done in a non destructive way. So tomorrow if you feel like there is a tad bit extra brightness applied, you can just move the slider down and not have made any damage to the original.

Well here's a screeny of my desktop: There's never a file left on my desktop. I personally never leave one. And I've warned people that if they do, it goes straight in the trash. I have a "Desktop" stack where I dump my files in.


As for the menubar, reading from right to left:
Bluetooth: Ink: Time Machine: Caffeine: Awaken: Deskshade: Default FolderX (will remove that right now): CoverSutra: LittleSnitch. Doesn't look cluttered to me.
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 MacManiac
Just hours before I installed iLife '08, I upgraded iPhotos, and iMovie. I thought I was in complete awe of iPhotos 08. The way the photos look when they are organized into Events is just amazing! However I didn't notice an option to delete duplicate files. I noticed events were created based on dates, like for example Sept 24, where I could see pics from different albums in to one event called sept 24 ( the event was named untitled event but the dates of all the pics were sept 24 )

I think I should try out Aperture, Lightroom and Elements very soon!!


 Macboy
Event are created on the basis of the date. You can very well merge and split events on how you fancy them to be. I don't think you will need Lightroom or Aperture. Elements is cool, but wait for the new version (although getting the current one isn't going to hurt I guess).


Web developer
^^ Haha :D

Guys I searched but couldn't find anything good like Skitch for Windows. The Skitch site says Coming Soon. Now that 'soon' can be as long as an year :(


Another Brick in the Wall
It's still beta in Mac itself - was closed beta before a month or so. Comic Life is also available for Windows and it took some time to come to Windows version. I remember the day when Windows Beta was released. People were happy like school girls around Barbie.

Btw, I've a folder called "Temp" in my Documents area to dump the sh!t I download. Easy viewing via Stacks (Fan/List).



The Devil's Advocate
holy sh1t grudgy wat speed conx do u have man :shock: thats the speed at which education should be given


 MacManiac
We both are pirates, but you know I never dared to show my downloaded files like you did. Raaabo is always in hot pursuit to find an opportunity to ban me. If that post was mine I'd have been banned by now!!!

BTW dr how is Sarah Conner Chronicles ?? I plan to follow it and also does any one follow Bionic Woman ???


Another Brick in the Wall
Although, American Gangster is meant to be watched in HD ;)
I know. :| Pathetic net connection to blame. I can't watch all the maal in HD.

holy sh1t grudgy wat speed conx do u have man :shock: thats the speed at which education should be given
The education comment is funny. :lol: 256k UL Dataone @ Chennai. 2 mbps UL @ Dubai (office connection). :D

We both are pirates, but you know I never dared to show my downloaded files like you did. Raaabo is always in hot pursuit to find an opportunity to ban me. If that post was mine I'd have been banned by now!!!

BTW dr how is Sarah Conner Chronicles ?? I plan to follow it and also does any one follow Bionic Woman ???
Who said I'm a pirate? The image came with a disclaimer that "it's for educational purpose". I just want to show how the stack thing is helpful. I could've used any image editing software to cook up the screenshot. Never question what/how I got them. :twisted:

Reg. Terminator Sarah Conner thing, I just saw one epic. It's good but nowhere near PB/Lost. 5 epics are out; I'll check out atleast 3-4 epics b4 I decide whether to go ahead or not.


Alright even aperture 2 is out now. Again Steve is getting petty things out of the way. If an even event occurs on 26 Feb, it might have something 'big' now.

As for Sarah Conner thing, well it is decent, I mean not in the league of Heroes but still good enough to watch.


 Macboy
I love the stacks feature. I never used the list feature back in the days of Tiger. Stacks is a different trip.
I have three stacks.
Projects: Where I save all my projects in with the newest one at the bottom. Works really well cause I only have like 5-6 projects active at a time.
Desktop: Where I dump all other files I get before I allocate them to their proper place
Downloads: Well, downloads.
All stacks open up in Fan view cause that's the fastest.


Another Brick in the Wall
I love the stacks feature. I never used the list feature back in the days of Tiger. Stacks is a different trip.
I have three stacks.
Projects: Where I save all my projects in with the newest one at the bottom. Works really well cause I only have like 5-6 projects active at a time.
Desktop: Where I dump all other files I get before I allocate them to their proper place
Downloads: Well, downloads.
All stacks open up in Fan view cause that's the fastest.
I prefer Fan but list is also good. In list you can directly go to the file but right click is not possible. Fan view for what it is and that killer looks. :cool:

I forget Tiger. :| I was using Windows 98 for 3-4 years but when XP came along, I totally forgot in no time. This time around, I hardly used Tiger for 6 weeks.


Sorry!! Sorry!! my bad...
I thought showing such screenshots might be against forum rules!!
Hey don't be. Don't question me, just understand. ;)
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