My disk crashed today. 500GB MyBook Premium. Had Time Machine backups in there, Movies, TV shows, Softwares, and other stuff (where stuff is not = pron). Gx will be happy cause that proves a point, but no, I'm happy. A free bird now. Free to look at the world around me. There was no movie I hadn't watched, no TV show that wasn't finished. And nothing I can't download again.
The amazing part was, OS X actually gave me a warning. As soon as I installed 10.5.2, I plugged in my external, and it said "Disk repair failed: You better recover all your data. Until then there's going to be limited functionality". I thought it was 10.5.2 bug. I opened my hard drive in Finder to find it Read-only. I could have recovered stuff there. But I unplugged it thinking it was 10.5.2, and plugged it in the lappy. After that the funny noises started, and yep, I came to a painful-at-first realization that it crashed.
Btw, my Xbench results:
Before 10.5.2: 115 points
After: 128 points
I'm feeling a little stupid right now, but did you guys know that you can connect two macs together using the firewire cable? And I'm not talking about Target disk mode, I'm talking about normal networking.
Since my hard drive died, I wanted to transfer some big files over to the iMac, so I thought what the hell, let me try it. Lo and behold, the iBook popped up on the Finder sidebar, and I was browsing it full speed. All along I used to disconnect the External from the iMac, plug it into the iBook, and then do the transfers and stuff.