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 Macboy
Remember don't interrupt the updates no matter what you think is happening. It might even take like half an hour sometimes or maybe more, but stick with it.

I think skitch is coming to Windows though.
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 Macboy
Mine too. But sometimes they can take pretty long (95 minutes in one guys case) but it works in the end. Interrupt it and you might face a grey screen.


Another Brick in the Wall
My Mac desktop:



Spore 2 Released Date Announced

One of the coolest games that is going to be released this year has just announced its retail date. This game is Spore and its available for Mac, which makes the game extra cool. The release date is September 7th. So it is quite a while away but it is nearly in reach.


From the mind of Will Wright, the guy who brought you The Sims, Spore is all about giving you control of a multi-cell species which you can evolve and control. There are various stages such as Tidal Pool phase where you can control right down to the single cell. Survival of the fittest at microscopic level. You then move on the the Creature Phase, here you can control the animal, move onto land. Slowly but surely you move onto Tribal, Civilization and Space Phase were you control move and more creatures and battle them out. The game is single player but uses the internet to communicate with the central database for objects and other creatures and species.

The game sounds great fun, its open ended and unlimited in what you can do. September 8th will also be known as the day I lost communication with real people.



Mine OS X 10.5.2 update took just 12-15 minutes. Going to restart my Mac after the Gfx update, let's see how long it takes...

The update took just 2 minutes. Yet to notice some cool GFx improvements. :D
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left this forum longback
any mac "genius" here without googling can tell what is "launchd" ? :lol:
if u know the thing,u r a real mac user.else, :rolleyes:


 Macboy
The update took just 2 minutes. Yet to notice some cool GFx improvements.
Ah well, if you had looked at your FPS in some game, before and now, there would have been an improvement. Xbench is a really good benchmarking tool.

if u know the thing,u r a real mac user.else,
Wrong! If you know the thing, then you are a linux geek who has bought a mac just to look cool. If you don't, then you are a true mac user who uses the mac for what it's worth.
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left this forum longback
^HAAHAHAA! :)) jus tested any knowledgeable mac users here :lol: its OK if u dont know anything about ur OS ;) It is definitely not a flamebaite :D

@goobi:dona geta angryo ;)

BTW, launchd is the system script management utility for OS X similar to Linux or BSD having sysVinit or bsd scripts or Ubuntu and new gen distros using upstart or initng etc ;)
^read boys!if u have some patience ;)


 Macboy
Why oh why would I care about all that whatnot? That's not how mac users roll dude! We don't care for what goes on inside the system, at least not me. All that I care about is using it, and it works fine I might add. Like I said, that is exactly the thing that a Linboy would like to know about, cause that how you guys roll ("Know Everything"). Anyway, this thread is about Apple and all it's goodness. So I will refrain from saying anything further on this matter.

Praka. You rock. Your knowledge of stuff amazes me. But it's not the way I see things. I'm cool. You're cool. We all cool? Cool! :)


left this forum longback
^OK>wrong message.what I tried and what I got! :( anyways I dont wanna show my "knowledge" here(I dont have much :D ) :-| .Just want to let OS X users that every OS users should know atleast some basics how your OS works :-| thats it.

Definitely not a show off.if you feel that way,still I can delete all My "launchd" posts :-|


 Macboy
@Dr: Just noticed your menubar is empty!

Aperture: The post-15 minutes of using it review.

At first glance Lightroom seems to be a much better application. It's dark interface literally pops out those images. Compared to that Aperture's pale grey looks a little, old. It's also very empty. Coming from using Lightroom all these months, I thought Aperture was nowhere next to Lightroom.

But after poking around a little here and there, it seems like there's a lot under the hood. I like the Light Table feature. Also the Loupe which is a much better implementation than in Adobe Bridge.

There's also less number of image adjustments, which I would say is a good thing. Many of Lightroom's controls seem repetitive. Aperture has some really powerful ones like Black Point and Definition which really bring out that oomph in the images. It's like you don't have to do anything. Magic sliders I'd say.

Still, it's too early to say anything conclusive about either. I've far too comfortable with Lightroom's interface, while Aperture seems to be quite powerful to say the least.

^OK>wrong message.what I tried and what I got! :( anyways I dont wanna show my "knowledge" here(I dont have much :D ) :-| .Just want to let OS X users that every OS users should know atleast some basics how your OS works :-| thats it.

Definitely not a show off.if you feel that way,still I can delete all My "launchd" posts :-|
I guess you took it the wrong way as well. I was in no way implying that you are showing off. Kyaa yaar. Itne salo baad bhi? I am seriously amazed by your knowledge. There's a lot of stuff in there that I can't figure out head nor tail about.

As for you thinking that every OS user should know about how the system operates, can I ask 'why'? What is so important about me knowing what launchd is? Is it going to change the way I work? I'm not one for programming, nor hacking, nor tinkering. All I do is do my work, and surf the web, watch movies and try out new apps. LaunchD doesn't come in the picture at all.
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