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The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Inc.q

itunes->right click on a song-> get info->options:

see screenshot:

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 Macboy
@imav: I don't think that's what he wants. He wants the shuffle to start from the first track in the playlist which I don't think is possible (not unless there's a shuffle reset button somewhere..)


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
@imav: nope .. its not the one which I wanted .. as milind said I want to know if there is any way to start playing from the first track.


The Devil's Advocate
i dont think that is there ... u will have to restart ur ipod using the combo of center and play press+hold to restart ur ipod then it should; other than that u will have to navigate to the track and select it


The Devil's Advocate
what i meant was using whatever combo is for ur ipod; and the simplest way to reset ur ipod is connecting it to itunes and then dis-connecting it :)


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
i dont think that is there ... u will have to restart ur ipod using the combo of center and play press+hold to restart ur ipod then it should; other than that u will have to navigate to the track and select it

There is no problem with my iPod 5G :)) im talking about the shuffle which I got a few days back :p


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
got it got it :D.. pressing play button 3 times in quick succession will take you to the first track :D

iMav said:
ur 5g starts from the first track everytime
It resumes from where I paused/stoped the song.. but it doesnot matter cause it has a display and I can always navigate to whichever playlist I want.

@OS X users , I need help, we have released gigasmilies for linux and osx , its working fine in linux but we dont know if it works fine in OS X , I request uses to Install mono framwork which is available here (for Tiger and Leopard,size:90MB :( ) and run gigasmilies which is available here.
You can find more information in this thread
Please help us regarding this project :)
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 Macboy
Finished reading iCon Steve Jobs: The Greatest Second Act in the History of Business (picked up a copy in Pune from one of those 'discounted' book stalls). Must say, it was a really nice read. There were some parts that got a little boring and the book had some poor editing, but otherwise it really gave a nice outlook on the history of Apple and the computer industry as a whole. Recommended read for all techies.

Suddenly, that crappy bee animation in "Pixar short movie collection Bluray" makes a lot of sense!


Another Brick in the Wall
Came across these today:

Mac and Windows - Similarities
Windows Vista Beta: A lot like Mac OS X

Not only Vista copied OS X (Tiger! :lol:) but even *nix guys are doing. See the latest KDE 4 thing, if you see the 'new' features, you'll think "Wow, I've been doing that on my Mac for quite some time now".

I want Apple to copy some stuffs from Windows too. :D We should have a neat polished OS in the end.


left this forum longback
^kde in my personal opin is for those windows(vista) to Linux movers.
kde makes it easy for n00b linux users who migrated from window$.

while Gnome FTW 8) for its simplicity and usability.


 Macboy
@Dr: You should check out the WWDC 2006 keynote where there was a full blown section dedicated to this. Was pretty funny.


 Macboy
Some nice apps:

PandoCalendar is a 7.0.6 free application that places a transparent and fully functional calendar on your desktop. It is very customizable, you can change the calendar font, size, and background color and even display the calendar in European style weeks.

You can assign notes to any day of the year, as well as set alarms to remind you of time sensitive events. You can also have it automatically show the days you work, (great for people who do not have a Monday-Friday work schedule) and much more!


Time Out 1.52 is a free application for OS X that gently reminds you to “take a break” from your Mac on a regular basis. It is very easy to fall into bad habits when using your Mac for hours on end. The human body isn’t built to sit in one position for endless hours, gripping a mouse or typing on the keyboard.

Time Out Has Two Kinds Of Breaks

Normal Break - Break For 5 Minutes After 60 Minutes Of Work
Micro Break - Pause Of 60 Seconds Every 20 Minutes

You can disable either kind of break if desired, and the breaks are automatically paused when you go away from your computer, and can be reset when you come back. You can configure how long each kind of break lasts, and how long between each break. Each Time Out is announced via the screen slowly dimming, with related graphics materializing, and when the break is complete, it fades out again. You can change the time these transitions take, and you can even change the color and the level of transparency during the break.


Amnesty 1.2 is a free screen saver for OS X that animates your Dashboard widgets around your screen. Depending on the widget, it will continue to operate and remain functional while the screen saver is active and running.


Caffeine is a tiny program that puts an icon in the right side of your menu bar. Click it to prevent your Mac from automatically going to sleep, dimming the screen or starting screen savers. Click it again to go back. Hold down the Command key while clicking to show the menu.


Paintbrush 1.1 is a free Cocoa based paint application for OS X, similar to MacPaint. Paintbrush can open and save to most major image formats, including BMP, PNG, JPEG, and GIF. This version includes support for Leopard and many new features.


--------------------------- is a free dashboard widget, that searches for torrents on 27 different BitTorrent search engines. This version includes support for Leopard.


More iChat Effects adds 48 free effects to Leopard iChat and Photobooth
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 Macboy
Safari is about to get crazy fast

I quote something from the article:
There is no other way to say it. Holy cow is this thing fast! I am currently testing Webkit build r30090 (DMG download link) against standard Leopard Safari 3.04. This unoptimized WebKit build version is running circles around the standard Safari browser. It isn't even close.


I am on a Rev 2, 2Ghz MacBook Pro with 2 gigs of RAM on 100mb fiber. I am running the two browsers next to each other on a 30 inch display. Webkit feels like I am on a maxed out Mac Pro tower - it really does. Try it if you don't believe me.

Also some feature updates including:

Inline CSS Editing!
This is the biggest new feature of the Inspector. You can now edit CSS styles simply by double-clicking them in the Inspector’s Styles sidebar. This is really handy for tweaking the look of your site live in the browser.

Now I'm not sure how much of this gets into the actual Safari browser as we know it, but I hope it's all of it!
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