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The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
full screen it sux something i get on my vcds .... and not anywehre close to any of the dvds i have ;) and if thats the quality of itune rental movies ... hell it sux

This is a file about a video file I purchased a while back

check this screenshot when its in Full screen

I havent yet downloaded a movie via rental .. ill let you guys know when I download one.


 Macboy
Well if you have a US credit card that has made the account, you can pretty much use that anywhere in the world. It's just the credit card that decides where your account resides. A reason why we can't make iTunes accounts...


 Macboy
@Charan: Dude. Hows is going. Good? Good. So could you give a little more info on how exactly you are doing this? Is there a credit card involved somewhere?


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
@goobi: I asked a friend of mine from US to buy a iTunes card and send the codes to me. I created a iTunes account via the instruction give in on how to use iTunes card. there is a option which lets you create a account without the need of giving credit card details, dont ask me where you can find that option cause I dont remember it.

Once the account was created , I had a credit of say $25 .. the card value.
so when ever I buy a song,video or a game from the store.. the respective amount is deducted from my credit .. and the bill is sent to my friends address in the US :p..

when ever the money is over .. I just ask my friend to buy another card for me :D .. obviously which I pay it later when he comes back to india :p

is that clear goobi?


 Macboy
So you don't need a credit card to redeem a Gift card. That settles it then! I'm going right this instant and sending emails to all my contacts out there. Or maybe I'll just drop in a casual email saying Hi or something. You know, to cement that relationship. :D


 Macboy
Quoting someone:

Apple explicitly says that the 8800GT will only work in the new systems.
After waiting for a replacement/upgrade path for most of a year, Apple has basically stabbed us in the back. The X1900XT works fine - until you push it. Then it goes all wonky due to its' crummy heat sink. I want the 8800GT sooo badly, but now I find that my umpty thousand dollar system is a dead end. That is really annoying, since it's less than a year old.


Aspiring Novelist
You still need a credit card (or cash in the States) to be able to buy the gift card, so it is basically the same thing anyway.

If anything, having an account is better because you don't have to spend in $25 increments and there are ways in which you can fund a bank account in the States directly from India if some relative/friend in the States is willing to represent that account. :)


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
You still need a credit card (or cash in the States) to be able to buy the gift card, so it is basically the same thing anyway.

If anything, having an account is better because you don't have to spend in $25 increments and there are ways in which you can fund a bank account in the States directly from India if some relative/friend in the States is willing to represent that account. :)

Dude I have a single iTunes account from the last 1 year and im buying music from the same account without using credit card. you are not restricted to just $25 or $50 , you can keep adding credit to your account, $500 or more can easily be added.. just one problem, you have to redeem multiple cards.

But as you said you need someone is the US to buy the card and give you the redemption codes. :))


 Macboy
Just got the new version of Awaken 4.0.4, upgrading from 3.1. I must say, apps are finally showing a lot of core animation. While it is not loaded with animations, the effects are surely pleasing. The preferences fade into each other, stuff like that. Good things are ahead I guess. Can't wait for Delicious Library2 :)


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Guys I had a hickup when I tried to rent a movie :shock: it said the address is invalid :mad:.. I also tried to buy another song but again gave me the same error. just added a space to the address in my Account info and everything went on smootly :p ,

Just rented The Italian Job. the size is 1.24 GB downloading @ 233KBps it says 2 hrs remaining :mad:..

its getting downloaded to itunes\downloads folder, subfolder includes The Italian Job (2003).tmp directory with which has 2 files. download.m4v and info.plst

time to sleep :p , will check the file later :p..

EDIT: Looks like the timebomb which manan had mentioned doesnot work anymore.. neway .. let me try it tmro :p
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 MacManiac
drgrudge said:
Guys meet Elise Frappier, Mac Chick of the Month.


On a personal level Movie rental is something that I feel is of no use for me. There are many others who may find this helpful but for me who prefers to own the media, its of little use.


 Macboy
You seriously prefer DVDs (physical media) to a digital copy? Also, the rental is priced at $3, which is like 120 bucks. Much better than buying the DVD for Rs. 600 if you ask me....


Another Brick in the Wall
I was reading this amazing article: How to Afford Anything. Halfway down there, found something interesting...
I only bought my first computer when I needed a Mac to develop this website back in 2000 when the sorry windows computers my employer provided wouldn't cut it. (If all you do are email and web surfing, all I ever used were my employer's computers. I wouldn't buy my own computer for anything that I could do at work for free.)

So true! The guy lives frugally and yet buy a Mac. :D


Commander in Chief
You seriously prefer DVDs (physical media) to a digital copy? Also, the rental is priced at $3, which is like 120 bucks. Much better than buying the DVD for Rs. 600 if you ask me....
I agree on the cheaper part, but is there any offer like thing such that one has to pay lesser if he/she reorders the movie for a second time? Like say, half the rate?
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