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The new MacBook!

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Aspiring Novelist
Both of you read the whole thing?! :eek:

Hey, I've crossed four thousand posts. I never noticed. :p
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 Macboy
Yep. Read the whole thing.

As for you crossing the magic 4k barrier:


Another Brick in the Wall
I read it fully. But I don't agree on certain things like not having kids, etc.. but motivated to me to act on certain things I've been guilty...

goobi and myself joined the forums more or less at the same time and we have more or less the same amount of posts. How will reach 3k first? :D


 Macboy
Sometimes I ask my folks why on earth did they have us. In my experience as being a kid, I've only found myself to be a drain on the resources, without which they would have lived a much more comfortable life.

"You won't understand why until you have kids" came the answer. Well, I'm assuming they are quite a joy to have, little 'you' running around the place.

*-*-*- But let's not deviate from the main topic at hand shall we? -*-*-*


Another Brick in the Wall
Sometimes I ask my folks why on earth did they have us. In my experience as being a kid, I've only found myself to be a drain on the resources, without which they would have lived a much more comfortable life.

"You won't understand why until you have kids" came the answer. Well, I'm assuming they are quite a joy to have, little 'you' running around the place.
That's touching!


 Macboy
WTF was that all about! :lol:
Heheh! Well now I read it and realise what a girly thing it was for me to do. Wish I could take it back (by Dr has already quoted it...).

Found this on mac OS X hints.
If you activate Spaces (by pressing F8, by default), then use the "C" key to gather all open windows into the first space. (windows of hidden applications won't be affected. Neither will minimized windows.)

I thought I'd post this for those who aren't active in the Quick look world...
Examine Installer Packages Using Quick Look

Suspicious Package is a plugin for the Quick Look feature of Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard). It allows you to preview the contents of a standard Apple installer package without launching the Installer. Just select the icon in the Finder and select Quick Look:


You can click individual folder names to see their contents, or click the Show Contents button to see all content at once.
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Another Brick in the Wall
I'm totally in dark regarding this quick look and the plugins thing. What is this do anyway? Why the plugins. I can understand what goobi posted, but what's quick look by the way?


 Macboy
Quick Look is a new technology in Leopard by which you can preview files without opening any application. Simple select and Word/PDF/Music/Movie/whatever file in Finder, and hit the spacebar. Now since quick look has a plugin model, people have been writing for quick looking other file types like EPS, Indesign, FLV, the one i mentioned above.

Highly recommended are Betterzip's quicklook plugin and the Folderlook plugin.
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Another Brick in the Wall
Thanks a lot goobi! That's cool and looks even cooler. :D

I got Folder View, BetterZip plugins. :D

Newbies Check : (I'm a pro now :twsited:)


 MacManiac

Price is not the factor at all, I buy hindi movie dvds and I get English movies via FedEx thing. I have a massive collection of movies, Hindi around 50 DVD (all purchased), English 183 ( very very few purchased ;-) ). The greatest advantage of owning media is you get to watch movies at your liesure!! and nothing means more important to me

By this time you have known what Quick Look is but just in case I request you to download Leopard Tour HD video from You get to look quicklook in action in HD! In fact I guess every Mac fan worth his salt must download all those guided tour videos provided by
I've downloaded Leopard, iLife08, iPhone, iPod Touch, Get a Mac ads HD videos!!
BTW dr those links that you gave are great !! Keep them coming


I draw every day
I am trying to run an windows app that requires quicktime, in crossover. But it gives me a prompt saying that I should click yes to do to quicktime website and download it now or click no to exit. any workaround?


 Macboy
Dr was a little underwhelmed by Leopard. Now I realise the main reason for this. He don't know half that stuff that's in there! Even the guided tour is sort of limited in the showing the improvements across Leopard (but of course, I got all of them).

@Jamesbond: The thing is with rentals (in the US, which is what apple caters to nowadays), the internet connections are fast enough that you can watch the movie 30 seconds after clicking the rent button. Even in India if we had an unlimited 2mbps broadband connection, we could do the 'free rental' thing for movies, watch a 700MB within the hour. It's just that our internet sucks out here which makes us burn those DVDs.


 Macboy
Guys. You must check out this video. Scott McNutty of TUAW puts his Macbook pro next to the Macbook Air. I didn't realise how slim it was until I saw that! I don't think Apple can afford to put the macbook Air next to it's other notebooks cause it might make people think that the MB and the MBP are fat bricks.


Another Brick in the Wall
Leopard continues to surprise me. Goobi/other people had to tell me 80% of the things. But it's cool to discover things after some time even if you're using it for a long time now.

Is there any other thing in Leopard that I might be aware of?
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