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The new MacBook!

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The Devil's Advocate
hey if any of u uses an iPod 5 G or knows some who does ... have a look here:



Aspiring Novelist
yash said:
tried a couple threads on the apple discussion forums. Waiting for a response. Now, i can access those files on the hard drive. But i have a doubt. should I go on restoring files from the oldest backup to the newest or newest to oldest?
What the heck are you doing! You just need to restore the files from the newest folder. Only the newest folder. Screw all the other folders.

apacheman said:
iphone vs ipod touch?

yash said:
anyone here uses candybar? any idea where the icon database file is saved?
Yes, it stores them in ~/Library/Application Support/CandyBar. You'll also need to restore 'com.panic.CandyBar3.plist' from ~/Library/Preferences. Enjoy! :)

iMav said:
hey if any of u uses an iPod 5 G or knows some who does ... have a look here:

Abso-bloody-lutely friggin' awesome! Amazing work, dude. Simply amazing!

Till today, I respected Milind's Photoshop skills. Not any more... :p


Another Brick in the Wall
Can you guys share the Dashboard Widgets that you use? I've just have the Clock, Calender and a Calculator Widget.


I draw every day
no, aayush. its not that simple. The downloads folder from the 'latest' backup doesn't have any files at all! *
This has even happened while I tried restoring from time machine... i bring back a folder, but only to find that one or more subfolder(s) is/are completely empty!

Can you guys share the Dashboard Widgets that you use? I've just have the Clock, Calender and a Calculator Widget.

I use the imageshack image upload widget, istat pro and the converter widget (Hate the metric and standard unit confusion here!).
Last edited:


Aspiring Novelist
Then something was screwed up with your Time Machine backups.

Or, and I'm just spitballing here, maybe your last Time Machine backup was interrupted in some manner and that broke the restore process and resulted in all those empty folders. It probably won't hurt to delete the latest backup folder and then try to restore again...

As for that Dashboard thingy, I cannot comment on it because it is screwed up on my system. :mad:

A word of advice to the wise: Don't turn on parental controls if you like them widget thingamajigs. :)


Aspiring Novelist
I don't know why but this one image has got me so pumped up about the Macworld Expo that I cannot describe it in words. Till now, I was feeling the regular sort of excitement, but now I just cannot wait. And that's so bad, because we still have one whole week to go. Dang! Can't it just be Tuesday already!

Here's the image (click on it to read the accompanying story on Gizmodo):


I know I sound like a total fanboy with no life or whatever, but I just cannot help it. Macworld, Macworld, Macworld! Steve, Steve, Steve! Apple, Apple, Apple!

Ah, glad to get that out of the system. :p


 Macboy
I just woke up grumpy and pissed off until I saw that image. Woohoo! Macworld!!!!! I've been telling everyone that my christmas is yet to come! And I hope Santa 'introduces' some awesome gifts! :)


Another Brick in the Wall
You're planning to buy MacBook or MacBook Pro right?

Recently only Apple updated it's MacBooks lineup, I don't think there should be any updates as such. Regarding MBP, it might bring Core2Quand chips in lieu of Core2Duo. But that also might take time as C2Q is expensive at the moment.


 Macboy
You're planning to buy MacBook or MacBook Pro right?

Recently only Apple updated it's MacBooks lineup, I don't think there should be any updates as such. Regarding MBP, it might bring Core2Quand chips in lieu of Core2Duo. But that also might take time as C2Q is expensive at the moment.
Where did you get that from! I'm planning to buy a macbook pro, but way into the future. For now it's only iphone, iphone, iphone (or HDTV but that's a different story).

Also, I don't think they'll put in Quad core chips in a MBP cause they are not yet ready for notebook PCs.


Another Brick in the Wall
You mentioned in some thread (maybe this one?) that you're thinking to buy a portable Mac.

C2Q not yet for porables? Ohh.. I thought otherwise. Then no updates for MacBooks or MBP.

What you mean by HDTV? HD LCD TV?


 Macboy
Yeah. The decision right now is between iPhone or LCDTV + my current crappy phone. But then again, I won't trouble you guys with this problem of mine.

As for Widgets, I use the Photodrop widget, iStat Pro (amazingly important), Address Book, A few dashclips from here and there, and some default ones.


was here
hi guys!

can someone help me out on how to get a broadband connection up n running on a mac( i got d new imac)...

thing is this connection requires a dialup before it logs me onto the net. how do i got abt it???

pl help me out.

thanks in advnce



Aspiring Novelist
Welcome to the thread and to the larger Mac family. :)

Which broadband connection are we talking about here? BSNL DataOne Broadband?

drgrudge said:
Recently only Apple updated it's MacBooks lineup, I don't think there should be any updates as such.
MacBooks are being completely refreshed on 15 January 2008. Absolutely hundred percent guarantee. Mark my words. :)


 Macboy
Yeah. I think the plastic is going to go bye-bye kansas.

Though what I pray for is a behind the scenes airport express update. The current one doesn't have good wireless connectivity for streaming audio.


I draw every day
yeah, i had figured a while ago that the whole reason this was happening was corrupt time machine backup. i want to ask you guys, has time machine backup deleted the old backups for you? like when it runs out of space? does that affect my ability to recover the system?


Aspiring Novelist
It does delete the older backups when it runs out of space but that shouldn't affect the restore capabilities.


I draw every day
can I sell my laptop back to apple? they do sell refurbs on their website... I'm contemplating if they come out with a slimmer more portable macbook pro, i would sell this laptop and get that.


 Macboy
No you can't. The refurb is merely a laptop which was returned by a customer and got a replacement. So Apple repairs that laptop and sells it back. You can ebay it however!
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