The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Inc.

The new MacBook!

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there also its competitor:rolleyes:
right now the number of posts are equal(excluding mine):)

Total posts #2825


Aspiring Novelist
1. We are ahead by two posts;

2. This thread grows at a faster rate than that one; and

3. Let us not discuss this topic anymore. :p


 MacManiac
I would, however, advise you not to have pictures of scantily clad women in your iPhoto Library - or anywhere else, for that matter. *

Thankfully they are still clad right !!!

BTW arya you tut on organizing movies by means creating reference movies was very impressive!!

goobimama said:
Don't get your terms mixed up. DivX is a codec. mov is a container. What exactly do you want to do?
By DivX I meant a DivX/XviD movie which has .avi extension. However you suggestion helped as I got QuickTime Pro. Thanks mate.

BTW does Leopard have iLife 08 bundled with it ?? Or one has to get is it separately ??


Aspiring Novelist
Leopard does not have iLife bundled. New Macs do. :)

jamesbond007 said:
BTW arya you tut on organizing movies by means creating reference movies was very impressive!!
LOL! I'm glad you liked it and it was helpful. I've already been thanked to oblivion for this one. I had no clue it would be this popular. :D

I'll post this on MacUser tomorrow. :)


 MacManiac
I'll post this on MacUser tomorrow. :)

Oh great I'll wait for that, I know you said that you are not into organizing but it would be great if you could add a thing or two about organizing in iTunes and iPhotos!!

@goobi and gx

Merging .mov clips in to single .mov file tip worked like a charm. I didn't see any loss of quality and it took less than 2 mins for the job!! Great tip boys


 Macboy
Wait a minute. That guide has been written by me. Give me the praises! Give me the cheers! Give me teh...give me.... (credits for this monologue goes to the all knowing duck)

As for Photos, like I said, all you need is iLife 08 (works in Tiger, better with Leopard).

iTunes, I'm not really sure what you want to do. By itself it does an amazing job at organising your media. Just make sure your album/artist tags are set right, add in all the album artwork and it's all good to go.

As for converting movies to AVI, I'd suggest you try FFMpegX: *

I for one have no knowledge of video converting and such. I just use VisualHub for converting movies, which I think also does MOV to AVI convertions. *
Last edited:


 MacManiac
Wait a minute. That guide has been written by me. Give me the praises! Give me the cheers! Give me teh...give me.... (credits for this monologue goes to the all knowing duck)

I was actually referring to this tut : *

In in that tut you have given the credit to aryayust, but you know what, you rightly deserve credits for that simply because you put up a short tut for all of us!!!


 Macboy
Well anyway...

You know Alex right? And you know iCal right? Why don't those two mix around sometimes? If there is any way, by means of some applescript or something, whereby Alex reads out the iCal alerts, it would be awesome. Anyone come across such a script?

ex3n1us m4x1mus
Yea, @goobi. I'd really like that to happen. Lately, I've found myself using the iCal a lot.

However, my query about the overdue events in iCal still remains :(


Aspiring Novelist
Well anyway...

You know Alex right? And you know iCal right? Why don't those two mix around sometimes? If there is any way, by means of some applescript or something, whereby Alex reads out the iCal alerts, it would be awesome. Anyone come across such a script?
System Preferences >> Speech >> Text to Speech >> "Announce when alerts are displayed"

Enjoy! :)


 MacManiac
Oh wow the new look of this forum looks neat and doesn't it look like its inspired by Mac's look and feel especially those curvy borders!!


Aspiring Novelist
@drgrudge or anyone who is listening...
Can you please remove that stupid poll that is attached to this topic? Please?


Aspiring Novelist
Have you guys seen the video for the leaked 1.1.3 firmware of the iPhone?


Web 2.0 Applications Are Invading the Desktop

The first Mac application to bring a Web 2.0 application to the desktop was iTunes. The iTunes Music Store can be accessed from within the program’s interface and is deeply integrated with the program itself. Based on this idea, along came another application called Mailplane. It is essentially a web browser, but one that is dedicated solely to running Gmail. It is a unique application that integrates the web interface of Gmail with the various features of desktop email clients and with other programs on the Mac, like iPhoto. The lengthy feature list includes just about every feature imaginable, from drag and drop attachments and Google Talk to iPhoto and Growl integration. Take a look at the screenshot below. If you like what you’re reading (and this blogger highly recommends it), head over to the beta request page to request a fully functional beta of the application.

[Mailplane gives you a bucketload of features to interact with Gmail.]

After Mailplane and iTunes successfully demonstrated how useful desktop applications dedicated to specific Web 2.0 services can be, along came Mozilla (the makers of the wildly popular Firefox and Camino web browsers) with the idea that anyone should be able to make a dedicated application for any Web 2.0 service they frequently visit. The basic idea is that you enter the URL of the website into a dialog box and the application creates a small application for you that resides on your Mac and can only be used to visit that specific website. It’s like stripping a web browser to the barest minimum requirements, setting a homepage, and eliminating the address bar. Read more...

[Via Apple Matters]

ex3n1us m4x1mus
I don't think a poll can be removed. Doctor already cleared that out.

But here's what I think can be done.
1. Let Aayush create a new thread
2. Doctor splits this topic from the 2nd post onwards.
3. Doctor merges the part with the thread created by Aayush.
4. We all sing La la la la la....

Now, ofcourse, before you do anything, a backup is always good. But then again, the mods cannot backup. Oh well. The poll is fine.
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