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 Macboy

Didn't know about this link here... :)

Why oh why didn't anyone tell me about Mail Stationery? I mean, I knew about it as a feature of Leopard, but didn't really go through it thinking it as the same old stationery rubbish. Anyway, today I was sending a bunch of pictures to someone, and I thought why not try the stationery way. I just clicked one of the templates and kazoom! All the pictures which I had dumped in there were all placed. I thought i would have to re-drop them into the compose window. Nicely played. Nicely played.

Also, is there any chance of more templates anywhere?
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Another Brick in the Wall
I've 2.2 gig stuff leeched which has some 47 rar files to be unrared. StuffIt is not able to extract it. Tried another software: SimpleRar and even that failed to unrar it.

Or Maybe I'm not doing the right way of extracting files. Any suggestions as how to go about?


 Macboy
Sure you are selecting the .rar file and not the .r00, .r01? Many a times that creates a problem. Also, try opening the rar file with Stuffit Archive manager. It will show you the compressed file in a window. Drag it out to the desktop or wherever.


Another Brick in the Wall
Hmm... I gave the files to be extracted in Windows and my brother said till 80% it goes fine and then there's a problem. I added the torrent to the client again and yeah .r39 didn't download! Leeching it now.

My bad. Sorry for the confusion.


 MacManiac
Guys I am sure some of you might also read Linux For You mag, this time around in the December issue there was this article titled ' Design Web pages quickly and freely with killer combo of Nuv and the Gimp' I remember see Nuv in Mac and I knew of Gimp in Mac too so I went on to create a decent looking Web Page. I thought it was a pretty interesting read!!!
I thought it was a bit painful as compared to other ways of creating web pages but this one was really interesting and above all it was my first web page on Mac

Thanks dr for your mail, I ll post if it worked for me
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 MacManiac
I said creating web page with Nuv and Gimp was l'il painful compared to some other ways of creating but on the other side it was interesting!!
That was my experience after trying out what I read in that article in Linux For You Mag!!


Think Zen.
jamesbond007 said:
I said creating web page with Nuv and Gimp was l'il painful compared to some other ways of creating but on the other side it was interesting!!
That was my experience after trying out what I read in that article in Linux For You Mag!!

Its Nvu btw, not Nuv.
AFAICR it's dicontinued,Its now developed as Kompozer i think.



 MacManiac
rayraven said:
Its Nvu btw, not Nuv.

Oh man thanks for that , it is Nvu got it!! I have no idea about it being discontinued!!


There is no spoon is from The Matrix!! Its my fav line. Now that I am not supposed to ask for Anna Kournikova on Cover Page ( which was my previous sign) I happen to change my sign to my fav line


Another Brick in the Wall
Stumbled across this man Jairo Boudewyn at devianART. He makes amazing icons.

Check his gallery:


 Macboy
^^ Seems to have a lot of old icons... Macromedia Studio 8, the ipod shuffle first generation.

Anyway, what's the popular vote on the Adobe CS3 replacement icons?
Personally, I find the first place pretty horrible.

I'm using the adam betts icons:


Another Brick in the Wall
Old but it's Ok. Yahoo Messenger, Photoshop, Gmail, Firefox, Quicktime, VLC are all there.

I also use Adam Betts PS Icons. But a different one:



 Macboy
Btw, here's another tip. I'm not sure if everyone knows this already, but I'll state it anyway.

Say you are in a Finder window and want to launch an app or document. If you Option-double click on any item in finder, the finder window closes, and the item opens. Neat trick if you opened a finder window only to launch something.

Here's a nice piece I found. Pretty funny (still going through it so I can't say for sure)

7 Easy Steps to Becoming a Mac Fanboy

Microsoft’s recent release of windows, titled Vista, has left many computer users, the loyal serfs of Bill Gates if you will, feeling slighted. As a result, many Microsoft lifers have been guided into the cult of Apple. Many of these users are very lost as to how to proceed. They are confused by the idea that someone other than Bill Gates can orchestrate their computing experience. They were blissfully unaware that anyone other than Microsoft made software, and that anyone other than dell made hardware. Furthermore, they don’t understand that now they don’t merely use their computers, but subscribe to the religion of Jobsism. In order to help these wayward computer users, I will enumerate the simple steps needed to become a full fledged Apple fanboy.
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ex3n1us m4x1mus
goobimama said:
Btw, here's another tip. I'm not sure if everyone knows this already, but I'll state it anyway.

Say you are in a Finder window and want to launch an app or document. If you Option-double click on any item in finder, the finder window closes, and the item opens. Neat trick if you opened a finder window only to launch something.

Thanks. I'll buy you a coffee the next time I'm in Goa :)

Just wondering,
Do any of ya'll have the extra folders other than the default Docs and Downloads in the Dock ?
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I draw every day
wow! the option double clicking also works for folders. This will come in handy at the college where all the macs are set to open folder in new window. i end up with 5 windows before I get to the right folder!
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